
Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

author:Xiucai Cultural Pavilion

It's really important for actors to find their own tracks.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Zhang Ruoyun did not go to ancient puppets and immortals, competing for roles that are very different from his own style, but specialized in male frequency. Therefore, a "Celebrating More Than Years" has the legend of "Heaven does not give birth to me Zhang Ruoyun, and the male frequency is like a long night".

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Chen Turin was criticized for her acting skills before, so later she frequently played supporting roles and white moonlight in some big productions, from "Lotus Building" Qiao Wanmian to "Fox Demon Little Red Lady" Moon Cry, which is eye-catching and unforgettable.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

It's just that there are positive teaching materials, and there are also negative cases.

Luo Yunxi, who has been specializing in Xianxia for many years, I have no doubts about the role of "Runyu", but last year's "Long Moon Embers" and this year's "Yan Xinji", standing with Bailu and Song Yi have become delicate and lovely, and it is not an exaggeration to say "praying mantis essence".

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Everyone else has sexual tension, but in Luo Yunxi, it has become a "sexual contraction", and Luo Yunxi is not the only one who can lower the sense of CP.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Playing older roles is old, and playing younger roles is small, why is Zhao Jinmai always out of time in "Spending the Year of China"?

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Later, I flipped through the comment area, and finally found a comment that made me awkward and could be expressed in words: "It's like a child stealing adult clothes and playing at home".

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Yes, "Du Hua Nian" has no sense of substitution.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

The plot of "Spending the Year of China" is very good:

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

In the previous life, the eldest princess and Shousuke became husband and wife, but because of the power struggle for 20 years, they were also involved with the son of the destroyed family in the middle. After restarting their lives with one click, the three of them acted in the life of an 18-year-old with the psychology of being in their 40s.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Zhang Linghe does not have the strategy of a powerful minister, even if he puts on a beard to distinguish between 20 and 40 years old, it cannot fill the vicissitudes of middle-aged people;

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

The so-called second male of the first son is purely a passerby's face, even if he can't identify it clearly, his acting skills are not interesting.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

But what really played cards in "Du Hua Nian" was Zhao Jinmai, who stole adult clothes.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

17-year-old Zhao Jinmai starred in "Linglong", and was praised by netizens as an actor with aura in the ancient puppets of domestic entertainment.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

21-year-old Zhao Jinmai starred as the "eldest princess" and became an "old and young" actor.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

plays the 38-year-old eldest princess, her skin is smooth and full, even if she is seriously ill, she can't feel like a gossamer;

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Playing the 18-year-old eldest princess, the aura and innocence are gone, but there is more fatigue;

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

The core of "Du Hua Nian" is more inclined to scheming, and the calculation of people's hearts is fundamental, and Zhao Jinmai does not have a deep grasp of this point. At the same time, the complicated and heavy clothes aggravated the sense of separation between Zhao Jinmai and the character, and if it was changed to the costume of Zhao Lusi's "Song of Long Hatred", it might be better.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

The shots of "Du Hua Nian" are also not good, compared with ancient costumes, Zhao Jinmai is more suitable for modern makeup. So when the camera is shot up, I can only see a big face plate full of modernity, as for describing the heroine as "glamorous in the world and famous in the capital", I can't see it.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

Middle-aged resentment, love and hate after rebirth, such an ambiguous picture and sense of fate, there is no spark at all in the director's lens and poster, and the "sexual contraction" is reflected again in Zhao Jinmai.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

It is said that actors should find a suitable track, but on the contrary, Zhao Jinmai fired a shot for us on a track that does not belong to us. Although "Du Hua Nian" is not brilliant, it also allows the team to realize what kind of track Zhao Jinmai, who is old and young, should belong to.

Congratulations to Zhao Jinmai, I found a track that does not belong to me, and netizens know how to comment

It is not appropriate for children to play adults, cumbersome clothes should be matched with a more mature face, maybe they are still too young, Zhao Jinmai should act in some light comedies, maybe it is far better than the heavy conspiracy drama.

#《Spend the Year of China》 #

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