
Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

author:The South Wind Girl

Look at the picture to guess the idiom: whether the language skills are good or not, you will know by testing!

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (346) answer announced:

Borrowing wine to drown sorrows, fighting and turning stars, are walking thousands of miles

The power penetrates the back of the paper, and the back is the shore, and the fascination is like thunder

Use your brain more, it's not easy to get old! In this issue, we will continue to share 8 questions to guess the idiom by looking at the picture, and it is said that all those who guess correctly are all scholars! What is your language level? How many questions can you guess correctly? Let's start today's journey of guessing idioms by looking at pictures!

Topic 1:

It's a huge black character for "De", and there's a small character for "Ren" at the bottom left of it.

Explanation: Exercise good virtue to the people and obey the ruler.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure 1

Topic 2:

This is a cute little tiger with a black "full" on the top of its head. What's it for? He sat on the ground and wept with his mouth flat.

Explanation: Reluctantly accommodating in order to preserve. It also refers to making concessions in order to take into account the overall situation.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure II

Topic 3:

On the left is a "white" character and on the right is a "month" character, and they are so close that they look like there is only one word.

Explanation: Refers to speech that is slurred and unclear. It also describes ambiguous behavior.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure III

Topic 4:

The five "fish" characters are arranged in a crooked vertical line, and a long vertical line connects them into a string.

Explanation: Dried fish on a rope. The days of describing the existence of things are numbered.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure IV

Topic 5:

The surface of the sea rippled in layers, and a black "blade" floated obliquely on the water. There was also a golden fish jumping out of the water.

Explanation: The metaphor is experienced, skilled, and effortless to solve problems.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure V

Topic 6:

This turned out to be a big black word for "see", but now the "see" on the right has gradually disappeared, leaving only a faint shadow.

Explanation: Seen, unnoticed or acted as if not seen. Refers to inattention or inattention.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure VI

Topic 7:

On the left is a black character for "each", and on the right is a black character for "stone", but the strokes of this character "stone" are tattered everywhere.

Explanation: The sea is dry, the stones are rotting. Describe the history is long, and everything has changed. Used for oaths, against the strong will, never the same.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure VII

Topic 8:

The bottom layer is a mixture of several colors, and there is a white word "dust" on the surface. Which idiom does this express?

Explanation: Originally, it refers to the practice of Buddhists, eliminating material desires and keeping their hearts pure. Now it generally refers to not being affected by bad habits and bad habits in the slightest. Also used to describe very clean.

Look at the picture to guess the idiom (347): It is said that all the right ones are scholars, come and test who is a scholar!

Figure 8

That's all for this issue, how is your language level? How many of the 8 questions can you guess? It is said that all those who guess correctly are top students! If you can guess all of them correctly, then you are the top student in everyone's mouth.

What's your answer? Feel free to share it in the comment section!

If you can't guess it, it doesn't matter, the answer will be announced in the next issue~