
A man went to the salt lake to swim without authorization, and the staff was helpless: he had to peel off his skin when he came out! Netizens are hotly discussed

author:Contrary to the current stream

Recently, a news once again sparked widespread discussion, a man swimming alone in the famous emerald lake in Qinghai, shirtless to play in the lake, and finally was complained by the staff that "came out of the skin". This incident is both eye-catching and thought-provoking.


Emerald Lake is an important part of Qinghai Lake and is famous for its green color. But few people know that Emerald Lake is actually a salt lake with a high sodium content, and the concentration of water in the lake is 5-10 times higher than that of seawater, and direct contact with the lake water can easily cause skin burns and dehydration. Despite its name, the lake is far from just plain fresh water.

The man, however, did not understand the situation and entered the salt lake for a moment of entertainment, swimming and playing in the muddy waters. Even in the shallow waters of the lake at that time, it was difficult to wash off the dense salt that adhered to the body. Later, the staff learned of the man's negligence and worriedly reminded him that he might "peel off his skin" after he came out.

A man went to the salt lake to swim without authorization, and the staff was helpless: he had to peel off his skin when he came out! Netizens are hotly discussed

A play behavior that seems fine at first glance is actually a great safety hazard behind it. The concentration of salt water in salt lakes is far more harmful to humans than imagined. Prolonged immersion in it can lead to serious consequences such as dehydration and loss of electrolyte balance. Ignorant men, on the other hand, may only be interested in the momentary interests and do not consider the risk consequences of their actions. His move not only brings potential danger to himself, but also may bring some damage to the surrounding facilities and environment.

This incident once again provokes us to think about the importance of safety awareness and environmental education. On the one hand, the relevant departments should strengthen the publicity of the potential safety hazards of lake water to the public, so that more people can understand the composition characteristics of different water bodies and their effects on the human body. On the other hand, every citizen should also master the basic ability to protect himself from risking harmful acts out of curiosity. Each of us should be responsible for the environment around us, and work together to maintain the ecological environment and public safety.

A man went to the salt lake to swim without authorization, and the staff was helpless: he had to peel off his skin when he came out! Netizens are hotly discussed

Afterwards, netizens left messages discussing the man's risky behavior. Some people laughed at him for "peeling off his skin after coming out", and some people joked that they wanted to watch the live broadcast to watch the process of his "skin opening his eyes". However, more netizens expressed surprise and concern about his ignorant behavior, hoping that the public can enhance their awareness of environmental protection and personal safety.

A man went to the salt lake to swim without authorization, and the staff was helpless: he had to peel off his skin when he came out! Netizens are hotly discussed
A man went to the salt lake to swim without authorization, and the staff was helpless: he had to peel off his skin when he came out! Netizens are hotly discussed

Over the years, with the development of tourism, the interaction between humans and the natural environment has also become increasingly tense. We need to protect the environment while also paying attention to the safety education of the public and individuals. Only by fully understanding and respecting nature can we coexist and prosper with it.

It is also hoped that through this case, more people will pay attention to ecological and environmental issues and the importance of self-protection awareness. Each of us should be a communicator of environmental awareness and work together to create a more harmonious and sustainable society.

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