
Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

author:Qingqing chats about the world
Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life
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Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

In a brightly lit live broadcast room, a young man is enthusiastically introducing products to the audience. His tone is gentle, his eyes are sincere, and his gestures reveal a special affinity.

In the past, he and Shi Xiaolong starred in the "New Oolong Courtyard" series of movies that were popular all over the country. Now, he has reappeared in the public eye as an anchor.

From a "top child star" to an ordinary worker, and then to live broadcasting, what ups and downs has Hao Shaowen's life experienced? In the face of such a huge identity change, how does he maintain a positive and optimistic attitude? Let's walk into the story of Hao Shaowen and explore his philosophy of life.

In 1993, for 3-year-old Hao Shaowen, it was a turning point in fate. An ordinary juice advertisement made this round-faced cute little boy accidentally enter the sight of director Zhu Yanping.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Zhu Yanping was looking for a suitable child actor for "New Oolong Courtyard", and Hao Shaowen's innocent smile immediately moved him. In this way, Hao Shaowen embarked on the road of acting and opened his bright era as a child star.

In the "New Oolong Courtyard" series of movies, Hao Shaowen and Shi Xiaolong formed an unforgettable "one article and one martial arts" partner. Hao Shaowen played the role of a little fat man, wearing sunglasses, always following behind Shi Xiaolong, who was both naughty and cute, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

His acting talent that does not match his age is amazing.

On the set, the young Hao Shaowen showed amazing adaptability and acting talent. Under the guidance of the director, he can quickly enter the role, whether it is laughing or crying, he can switch freely.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

His mother, as an agent and guide, carefully guided him in every scene and helped him improve his performance.

Director Zhu Yanping once shared an interesting little story. In order to make Hao Shaowen cry in front of the camera, he would joke: "I'm going to take your mother away and put her in a cockroach house."

This trick really worked, and Hao Shaowen was able to shed sincere tears immediately. However, once the director shouted "card", he was able to immediately control his emotions and return to his innocent state.

This ability to control the performance amazed the adults in the crew.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

With the success of the "New Oolong Courtyard" series, Hao Shaowen and Shi Xiaolong became the hottest child star group at that time. They have collaborated on many popular movies such as "Whirlwind Kid" and "Dragon in Shaolin", which have set off waves of craze across the Taiwan Strait.

Hao Shaowen's salary has also risen, and he can reach an astonishing income of 50,000 yuan per scene.

However, under this glamorous appearance, Hao Shaowen's life is not only sweet. Under the strict teaching of his mother, he learned early how to deal with people and how to face the enthusiasm of fans.

These experiences made him realize the responsibilities and pressures of fame in advance. Despite this, Hao Shaowen still maintains an innocent smile and conquers the hearts of countless audiences with his unique charm.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

This glorious period of child star not only accumulated rich wealth for Hao Shaowen, but also accumulated valuable experience for his future life. However, no one expected that the wheel of fate was about to take him in an unexpected direction.

When Hao Shaowen stepped into the threshold of 13 years old, his life ushered in a major turning point. The family made a seemingly surprising, but reasonable decision: to leave the entertainment industry for the time being and concentrate on their studies.

This decision removed Hao Shaowen from his much-anticipated status as a child star and allowed him to return to the life of an ordinary middle school student.

In the face of this sudden change of identity, Hao Shaowen showed extraordinary adaptability. Instead of showing discomfort or dissatisfaction, he quickly integrated into campus life.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

With his humorous and easy-going personality cultivated in the entertainment industry, he quickly became a popular figure among his classmates. This calm attitude may be the result of his years of training in front of the camera.

However, fate did not seem to intend to give the young man much respite. Just when Hao Shaowen was about to usher in the important moment of the college entrance examination, his family encountered an unprecedented economic crisis.

It turned out that Hao Shaowen's hard-earned millions of salaries in his childhood were used by his parents for investment, but they were wiped out because of a wrong decision. Not only that, but the family was also burdened with heavy debts.

This sudden change caused a huge blow to Hao Shaowen's family. As a result, my mother, who had always been strong, suffered from depression, was listless all day, and lost her former vitality.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Unfortunately, my father was in a serious car accident soon after, requiring a large amount of medical bills. Faced with such a predicament, the young Hao Shaowen had to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family.

In order to make ends meet, Hao Shaowen started various part-time jobs. He worked as a waiter at an ice and Japanese restaurant, drove a scooter through the streets of the city to deliver food, and even worked at the ticket gates of movie theaters.

These strenuous physical labor made his hands rough, and even cracked fingers. However, he is not discouraged or ashamed by this, and he faces these challenges with a positive and optimistic attitude.

During this difficult period, Hao Shaowen's studies were inevitably affected. In order to be able to earn more income to support his family, he had to temporarily suspend his studies and devote more time and energy to his part-time job.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Still, he didn't give up the opportunity to learn altogether. In addition to his busy schedule, he still studies hard and hopes to complete his studies.

However, the reality is always cruel. Due to his long-term inability to focus on his studies, Hao Shaowen finally received only one certificate of completion. This is undoubtedly a huge blow for him, who was once in the limelight.

However, Hao Shaowen was not crushed by this result. He chose to face it calmly, seeing the experience as a life lesson.

During this period, some media took photos of Hao Shaowen working part-time on various occasions. In the face of the sudden appearance, he did not hide or cover up, but accepted it calmly.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

When asked about the loss of family property, he also explained with great patience while begging the media to stop discussing the topic because it would make his mother feel sad.

This experience, although difficult, also made Hao Shaowen more mature. He has learned to face reality, to take responsibility, and to be optimistic in the face of adversity.

These valuable life experiences laid an important foundation for his future development.

After experiencing the trough of his life, Hao Shaowen did not give up his dream of acting. In 2011, the opportunity quietly came, and he participated in the youth-themed movie "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years".

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Although he was only an inconspicuous supporting role, this experience rekindled Hao Shaowen's passion for acting. Although his performance is no longer dazzling under the halo of the protagonist, it still won the recognition of the audience.

In the days that followed, Hao Shaowen continued to work hard in the film and television industry. He has made a name for himself in works such as "Super Writer" and "Shining Days". However, as he grew older, Hao Shaowen's image also changed.

He's no longer that cute little fat man, but a slightly rounded adult. Such an image makes him often arranged to play some cute fat roles.

In the face of such a role positioning, Hao Shaowen was not reconciled. He aspires to be able to break through and try out more diverse roles. He once expressed his hope to challenge the villain role and break the audience's stereotype of him.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

This spirit of not being willing to accept the status quo and having the courage to challenge is exactly what Hao Shaowen has always had.

2018 is a special year for Hao Shaowen. He once again co-starred with his old partner Wu Mengda in the movie "New Oolong Courtyard: Laughter in the Rivers and Lakes".

The film is of great significance to Hao, not only as a tribute to his childhood days, but also as an important step in his return to the big screen. Although he was unable to be in the same frame as his former partner Shi Xiaolong due to schedule conflicts, Hao Shaowen still devoted himself to this role.

However, the reality is often less than it could be. The response to the film was not as good as expected, and it did not make much of a splash. For many child stars who have experienced similar experiences, such a result may be devastating and even resigned.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

But Hao Shaowen showed extraordinary calmness and calmness.

When interviewed by the media, Hao Shaowen always had a bright smile on his face. From time to time, he also amused reporters with humorous remarks, showing a positive and optimistic side.

When asked if he felt lost, Hao Shaowen responded frankly: "Actually, it's okay, fame can't accompany you for a lifetime after all, and being an ordinary person is also worth cherishing."

These words not only show his sober understanding of reality, but also reflect his positive and optimistic attitude towards life. Hao Shaowen knows that the ups and downs of acting careers are the norm, and the important thing is to maintain a love for acting and a passion for life.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Although the road back to the entertainment industry was not smooth, Hao Shaowen did not give up. He continues to work hard, looking for new opportunities, and looks forward to making a bigger breakthrough in his acting career.

This indomitable spirit is the driving force for Hao Shaowen to always keep moving forward in a changeable life.

After encountering a bottleneck in his film and television career, Hao Shaowen did not stop there. He keenly captured the pulse of the times and chose a new development path - live streaming.

In this emerging field, Hao Shaowen has shown a distinctive style and charm.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Walking into Hao Shaowen's live broadcast room, you will find that the layout here is simple and warm. There are no flashy lighting effects, no fancy backgrounds, just a few notes posted on the wall, neatly written with the words "Hao Shaowen" and "Commissary".

This unpretentious arrangement makes people feel as if they have walked into a neighborhood shop, full of intimacy.

Hao Shaowen's live broadcast style is also very different from the current popular "shouting hard". He doesn't shout loudly and doesn't use exaggerated body language. Instead, he spoke in a gentle tone and patiently introduced the audience to the features and uses of each item.

He doesn't exaggerate the discount of goods, nor does he use marketing rhetoric like "miss this opportunity and don't have it anymore" to stimulate consumption. He prefers to encourage the audience to consume rationally according to their actual needs and economic conditions.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

In Hao Shaowen's live broadcast room, you rarely see high-priced goods. The price of the goods he recommends generally does not exceed 100 yuan, which reflects his thoughtfulness and consideration for ordinary consumers.

He seems to know that being able to stay with the audience for a long time is more valuable than a high profit for a while.

In addition to promoting goods, Hao Shaowen will also share interesting stories in life and his own life experience with the audience in the live broadcast. He will tell about his experience from a child star to a migrant worker and then to an anchor, and share his feelings and thoughts frankly.

This sincere way of communication has won him the love and support of many audiences.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

In the face of some people ridiculing him, a former child star, who has now become an anchor with goods, Hao Shaowen's response is both calm and firm: "I neither steal nor rob, I make money with my own hands, which is not ashamed."

These words not only reflect his respect for labor, but also show his mature mentality in the face of life changes.

In the process of live broadcasting, Hao Shaowen showed a completely different side from the child star period. He is no longer the cute "little fat man" in people's eyes, but a mature and steady adult.

He proved with his actions that no matter what situation he is in, as long as he maintains a positive and optimistic attitude and works hard, he will definitely find his own world.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Through live streaming, Hao Shaowen not only found a new career direction, but also re-established a connection with the public. This new chapter of life allows us to see a more real and three-dimensional Hao Shaowen.

Hao Shaowen's life trajectory is like a roller coaster. From a high-profile child star, to an unknown worker, to an anchor in the live broadcast room, he has experienced too many unimaginable changes in the world.

However, no matter what situation he finds himself in, Hao Shaowen has always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude.

He calmly accepts the reality and does not complain; He cherishes the life in front of him and strives to open up new possibilities. This transparent attitude towards life is admirable. Hao Shaowen's story tells us that the value of life lies not in the external aura, but in the inner abundance.

Hao Shaowen: From a "popular child star" to a worker, he accepted the reality and lived a sober life

Whether in good times or bad, staying humble, working hard, and cherishing the present moment is the true wisdom of life. Hao Shaowen used his own experience to explain what it means to truly "live transparently".

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