
Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

author:Qingqing chats about the world
Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and walk, get rich forever, pay attention to it, and like it, it's hard to get rich if you don't want to
Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

In the Chinese economic circles, the name Xu Siyuan has been heard like thunder. As a well-known professor at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, his academic achievements have been enviable. However, the twist of fate came so suddenly.

Today, Xu Siyuan is running around on the streets of the United States to make a living, barely surviving by delivering food and opening a taxi.

Even more shocking, the former Chinese elite now asserts: "I will never let my child learn Chinese, I want him to be 100 percent American, and it is better never to set foot on Chinese soil."

The remarks caused an uproar.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

In China's days, Xu Siyuan can be described as a spring breeze. As a distinguished professor at Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, his academic career has been smooth sailing. Xu Siyuan's office is filled with various honorary certificates, and photos with well-known scholars hang on the wall, all of which highlight his academic status.

Every time he walked into the classroom, Xu Siyuan could feel the admiring gaze of the students. His classes were always packed, and students rushed to hear what he had to teach. Xu Siyuan can always explain obscure economic theories in simple terms, and from time to time intersperse international hot topics, causing students to nod their heads again and again.

After class, there is always a group of students around him asking questions, and he is happy to answer them.

The school highly affirmed Xu Siyuan's contribution, not only providing a generous salary, but also giving all-round support in all aspects. Many of his theories and papers on China's economic development have attracted wide attention in the academic community and won praise from his peers.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

However, as time went by, Xu Siyuan's inner restlessness became more and more intense. He began to feel that the Chinese environment constrained his talents, and he was eager to show his talents on a bigger stage.

The United States, the mecca of economics in his mind, has become the goal of his thoughts day and night.

In the dead of night, Xu Siyuan would sit alone in his study, flipping through the economics journals from the United States. His eyes were intense, imagining himself in a lecture hall at Harvard or Princeton.

In his mind, he was chatting and laughing with a Nobel laureate in economics, enjoying an elite life in an upscale private club.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

"I must go to America," he often decides in his mind, "that's where my talents will be used." With such a belief, Xu Siyuan began to prepare for his "American dream", but he did not know that what awaited him would be a completely different life script.

In 2008, the global financial crisis swept like a storm. However, Xu Siyuan saw an opportunity in this turmoil. He firmly believes that this is the perfect time to set foot on American soil.

However, it is not easy to convince a pregnant wife.

One night, Xu Siyuan held his wife's hand, and his eyes flashed with excitement: "Honey, let's go to the United States." When a child is born there, he or she can directly obtain U.S. citizenship.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

The wife's eyes showed worry and uneasiness. "But... We live well here, family and friends are here, go to the United States, where do we start? She asked softly.

Despite the wife's misgivings, she finally reluctantly agreed to the plan at her husband's insistence and repeated persuasion. Xu Siyuan was ecstatic about his wife's decision and immediately began intensive preparations.

However, Xu Siyuan didn't know at this time that what was waiting for him would be a completely different life script. He embarked on this road of no return with great hope, not realizing that this decision would completely change the fate of him and his family.

When the plane slowly landed on American soil, Xu Siyuan's "American dream" had just begun, and the test of reality also came.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

The moment Xu Siyuan stepped on American soil, his heart was full of longing and confidence. However, reality soon hit him in the face. His vaunted academic qualifications and experience seem to have become a dead letter here, with cover letters and interviews repeatedly hitting the wall.

"I'm sorry, we need experts who are familiar with the U.S. market," one HR manager declined with a polite and detached smile on his face. Such scenes are repeated in Xu Siyuan's job search process.

Xu Siyuan, who was unwilling to accept the reality, began to lower his requirements and submit his resume to some ordinary colleges. However, he was still met with silence or polite refusal. The "top economics expert" who was once highly sought after in China seems to have become a little person that no one knows here.

As the days passed, the savings were gradually depleted. An anxious look began to appear on Xu Siyuan's face, and his eyes were no longer so confident. In order to make ends meet, he had to take jobs as food delivery and rentals.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

As he shuttled through the streets of New York, delivering takeaways, the sense of disparity in his heart almost collapsed. The Ivy League lecture hall and golf course he once imagined were right in front of him, but they were out of reach.

Every time he passed by those famous universities and looked at the scholars and students shuttling through them, Xu Siyuan would feel a sense of sadness.

The burden of life weighed Xu Siyuan breathlessly. His delivery motorcycle was stolen, and after it was finally recovered, he was defrauded by the owner of the car dealership during the repair process.

These successive setbacks made Xu Siyuan feel a deep sense of frustration.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

"This is not the life I want," Xu Siyuan often muttered to himself alone in the middle of the night, his eyes full of confusion and unwillingness. However, in order to survive, he had to continue this life.

The American dream, under the blow of reality, is slowly turning into a nightmare that is difficult to wake up from. Xu Siyuan began to doubt his decision, but it was already a million miles back.

His wife and children are also adjusting to this unfamiliar environment, and he can't give up easily.

Every night, when Xu Siyuan lies in bed tiredly, recalling the glorious years in China, his heart is full of contradictions and pain. He begins to question his choice, but is unwilling to admit defeat.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

This inner struggle gradually changed his mentality, laying the groundwork for his subsequent extreme words and deeds.

Xu Siyuan, who has just arrived in the United States, has tried to remain optimistic despite the difficult situation. He once posted on social media: "I don't regret it, this is the spirit of contract I pursue."

Behind this sentence is his insistence on the American dream and his expectations for the future. He firmly believes that as long as you work hard, you will eventually get ahead.

However, the blows of reality followed, and Xu Siyuan's mentality began to change subtly. An ordinary food delivery experience became the last straw that crushed him.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

When he delivered the meal to a Chinese customer, he recognized him and said contemptuously: "Look, isn't this the 'patriotic resentful woman'?" This sentence was like a sharp sword, which deeply pierced Xu Siyuan's self-esteem.

From that moment on, Xu Siyuan developed a strong sense of disgust for his Chinese identity. He began to make some extreme statements on Twitter and other social platforms, attacking China's system and touting the "freedom" of the United States.

His rhetoric became more and more extreme, and even publicly declared that he would not let his son learn Chinese, nor would he let him eat Chinese food, and wanted to train him to be "101% American".

Xu Siyuan's remarks caused an uproar on the Internet. Chinese netizens have accused him of being a "white-eyed wolf" and a "hater of the Kuomintang". However, instead of waking Xu Siyuan up, these criticisms made him even more paranoid.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

He began to blame all his failures on the Chinese background, believing that it was because he was Chinese that he could not find a good job in the United States.

However, even so, Xu Siyuan's situation has not improved in any way. He is still struggling for a living, the US green card is far away, and the "American dream" has long been shattered.

In the dead of night, looking out the window at the bustling night view of New York, Xu Siyuan's eyes are full of complex emotions: regret, anger, helplessness, and deep confusion.

Xu Siyuan's psychological changes reflect the common predicament of some overseas travelers. In a foreign country, faced with cultural differences and life pressures, some people choose to deny their roots, fantasizing about gaining recognition through outright "Americanization."

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

However, instead of solving the real problem, this approach can lead to a deeper identity crisis.

Xu Siyuan's story is moving towards an embarrassing ending. The once academic elite is now isolated in a foreign land, full of resentment.

Xu Siyuan's story undoubtedly sounded the alarm for us. It reveals the dangers of blind worship and the serious consequences that can result from ignoring one's own cultural roots.

Xu Siyuan's transformation also reminds us that no matter where we are, only by maintaining our love for our motherland and identification with our own culture can we gain true respect and recognition.

Chinese professors sell their property and go to the United States, not allowing their children to learn Chinese, and they are bound to become 101% Americans!

Denying our roots will only make us more isolated in a foreign land.

In the end, this story tells us that happiness is not in the distance, but in the here and now. Cherishing the present, loving the motherland, and contributing to its development is the real "Chinese dream" that each of us should pursue.

Xu Siyuan's lesson hopes that more people can understand the importance of family and country feelings, and the importance of not forgetting the original intention when pursuing personal ideals.

This article aims to advocate positive social energy, no vulgarity and other bad guidance, if it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time

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