
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child


English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and use it

English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child

Early in the morning, when the first rays of sunlight shine into the room, a new day begins. From the moment we open our eyes, we can use some practical English phrases to make English into every moment of our lives.

English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child

When you're sleepy-eyed and still in bed, you can whisper to yourself, "It's a new day. Let's make it great! This sentence can bring positive psychological cues to yourself and welcome the new day with vitality

English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child

Then you stretch out, sit up, and say, "Good morning!" (Good morning!) I woke up. Then, go to the window, open the curtains, and exclaim: "What a beautiful day!" (What a day!) )”

洗漱的时候,看着镜子中的自己,可以说:“I need to brush my teeth and wash my face. (我需要刷牙洗脸。 )” 洗完脸,拍拍脸颊,告诉自己:“I feel refreshed. (我感觉神清气爽。 )”

穿上衣服时,自言自语道:“I'm going to wear this shirt today. (我今天要穿这件衬衫。 )” 选好鞋子,说:“These shoes match my outfit perfectly. (这双鞋和我的衣服很搭。 )”

来到厨房准备早餐,你可能会说:“I'm going to make some toast and coffee. (我要做一些吐司和咖啡。 )” 享用早餐时,夸赞一下:“This breakfast is delicious. (这份早餐很美味。 )”

准备出门前,检查一下物品,“Have I got everything? Keys, wallet, phone... (我东西都带齐了吗?钥匙、钱包、手机...... )” 然后,跟家人道别:“Bye, see you later! (再见,晚点见!)”

走在路上,看到美丽的风景,你可以说:“The scenery is so charming. (风景太迷人了。 )” 遇到熟人,微笑着打招呼:“Hello! How are you doing? (你好!最近怎么样?)”

到了工作或学习的地方,跟同事或同学说:“Good to see you all again. (很高兴再次见到你们大家。 )” 开始工作或学习时,给自己加油鼓劲:“Let's get started and do a great job! (让我们开始并出色地完成任务!)”

中午吃饭时,和朋友交流:“What do you want for lunch? (你午餐想吃什么?)” 吃完饭,休息片刻,说:“I need a short break to recharge. (我需要短暂休息一下来充电。 )”

下午继续忙碌,提醒自己:“Stay focused and keep going. (保持专注,继续前进。 )” 结束一天的工作或学习,松一口气:“Finally, it's over for today. (终于,今天结束了。 )”

晚上回到家,瘫坐在沙发上,说:“I'm so tired. (我好累。 )” 然后,开始准备晚餐:“I'll cook dinner tonight. (今晚我来做晚餐。 )”

吃完晚餐,放松一下,看看电视或者读读书,“It's time to relax and enjoy myself. (是时候放松一下,享受自己的时间了。 )” 准备睡觉时,对自己说:“Good night. Have a sweet dream. (晚安。 做个好梦。 )”

In this way, from waking up to falling asleep, we can continue to use these English phrases in our daily life, making English a natural tool for us to express. Through constant practice and use, our English level will improve unconsciously. And, when we are able to express our daily thoughts and feelings fluently in English, it adds a sense of confidence and accomplishment.

So, don't be afraid to speak English, and from the moment you wake up, be bold with these short phrases and let English really fit into our lives and become a part of our lives. I believe that as long as we persevere, we will be able to make greater progress on the road of English learning and open the door to a wider world for ourselves.

English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child
English phrases that you start using from the moment you wake up! Read it, memorize it, and interact with your child

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