
The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy



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The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

Text: Cowbowton

Edited by Cowbowton

Can pregnant women still wear bikinis? It's a fantasy! However, Hong Kong's popular actress Lian Shiya broke this stereotype with practical actions. Nine months pregnant, she not only has a hot body, but also boldly posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, which caused heated discussions on the whole network.

How did this mother-to-be, who is about to give birth, maintain such an amazing figure during pregnancy? What kind of story is behind her beautiful pregnancy photos? Let's uncover this amazing beauty secret of pregnancy!

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

A seaside getaway: the last world for a sweet couple

Lian Shiya and Chen Jiale, a sweet couple, have been in a lot of trouble recently. Not for anything else, just because of a set of seaside vacation photos they posted on social media. You know, Lian Shiya is an expectant mother who is nine months pregnant! It is really bold to dare to go to the beach for a vacation under such circumstances.

But it has to be said that the relationship between this couple is really enviable. In the photo, the two are having fun at the beach, and they can't tell that Lian Shiya is already a pot-bellied woman. Chen Jiale is even more incarnate as a caring husband, not only accompanying the whole process, but also acting as a photographer himself to capture beautiful moments for his wife.

"This may be our last two-person world," Ms. Lian wrote on social media, "and when the baby is born, we will start a new life of three." "

Although this sentence is simple, it expresses the thoughts of many expectant parents. Indeed, the arrival of a child means a radical change in lifestyle. Therefore, while the baby is not yet born, enjoying the world of two people is also the choice of many prospective parents.

However, some attentive netizens found that Lian Shiya's upper circumference seems to be much plumper than before. This has also sparked some discussion about body changes during pregnancy. Some netizens expressed envy, while others expressed concern. But in any case, it is normal to change your body shape during pregnancy, and the key is to stay healthy.

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

Pregnant belly swimsuit photo: stunning four-seater good figure during pregnancy

Speaking of the focus of Lian Shiya's seaside vacation, it is definitely the pregnant belly swimsuit photo she posted. The nine-month-old mother-to-be, wearing a red three-point swimsuit, shows off her pregnant belly, this picture is amazing enough just to imagine, not to mention the lethality of real photos.

In the photo, Lian Shiya is wearing delicate makeup and a red three-point swimsuit. Although her pregnant belly is obvious, her limbs are still slender, and her overall figure looks very slim. Such a pregnant figure can be called a textbook level!

"I've never seen such a beautiful pregnant woman!" A netizen exclaimed, "Lian Shiya is simply subverting all my perceptions of pregnant women. "

Indeed, in the traditional concept, pregnant women should be round, where can they still wear three-point swimsuits? But Lian Shiya told us with practical actions that pregnant women can also be very sexy and beautiful.

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

However, there are also some voices that are concerned about this. Some netizens think that it is appropriate to wear such a revealing swimsuit in the third trimester? Will it have any effect on the fetus? In this regard, some doctors said that as long as they pay attention to warmth and safety, it is okay for pregnant women to wear swimsuits. The key is to decide based on your own situation and feelings.

In any case, Lian Shiya's set of pregnant belly swimsuit photos undoubtedly set an inspirational example for many expectant mothers. It tells us that pregnancy does not mean the loss of beauty, on the contrary, pregnancy can also be sexy and confident.

C-section program: July 18 to welcome the little princess

When it comes to Lian Shiya's production plan, it is interesting. According to Chen Jiale, they have agreed to have a caesarean section on July 18 to welcome the arrival of their daughter. This day was obviously carefully chosen, so it must be a good day, right?

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

However, from the beginning of July to the middle of July, Chen Jiale had to go on a business trip. This made him beat a drum in his heart, for fear that his daughter would not be able to wait for the early birth. After all, every father doesn't want to miss the first moment of their child's arrival in the world!

"I'm really worried that the baby will be born early," Chan said in an interview, "and I hope to be by my wife's side and give her the greatest support and encouragement." "

I believe that every father-to-be can empathize with this nervousness and expectation. Giving birth to a child is such a big thing as a couple that really needs to be faced by the husband and wife together. However, looking at Lian Shiya's current state, there should be no accidents.

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

Interestingly, the couple also gave their unborn daughter a foreign name - Camila. The name sounds exotic, I wonder if it was inspired by something? I look forward to this little princess coming to this world soon, let us see her true face!

Work and life during pregnancy: Work hard to earn milk powder money and enjoy your last birthday

Speaking of Lian Shiya's pregnancy life, it is really colorful. After announcing her pregnancy at the beginning of this year, she did not immediately stop working. On the contrary, this expectant mother still wore high heels to run around in March and April, trying to earn milk powder money!

"I think as long as my body allows, I can continue to work," Lian Shiya once said in an interview, "After all, the cost of the child will be greater after birth, and it is always right to earn more now." "
The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

This kind of fighting spirit is really admirable. However, in May, Lian Shiya really stopped working and began to concentrate on raising a baby at home. This work-life balance may be a portrayal of modern working women.

Interestingly, not long before giving birth, Lian Shiya also ushered in her birthday. This is probably her last birthday as a single woman. Good sisters Huang Cuiru and Chen Ziyao also prepared flowers and cakes for her to celebrate this special day.

"Thank you sisters for your blessings," Lian Shiya wrote on social media, "This may be my most special birthday, because the next birthday, I will be my mother!" "

These words are full of emotion. Indeed, becoming a mother is an important turning point in a woman's life. From now on, birthdays may no longer belong only to you, but to be shared with your children.

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

Netizens are hotly discussed: praise and doubts coexist

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that Lian Shiya's pregnancy status is simply textbook-level, and they sincerely admire her body management.

"Even Shiya's pregnancy figure is too good! I was a ball when I was pregnant. "It seems that celebrities are different from ordinary people, and they can be so beautiful when they are pregnant." "Lian Shiya really sets a good example for expectant mothers, and pregnancy can also be beautiful."

Some netizens thought that Lian Shiya's behavior was a bit high-profile and expressed their confusion.

"Nine months pregnant, you still go to the beach to play, aren't you afraid of any accidents?" "Isn't it a bit too ostentatious to show off your pregnant belly in a bikini?" "It feels like she's more concerned about her appearance than the safety of her baby."
The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

Some netizens expressed envy for Lian Shiya's lifestyle.

"Celebrities are good, they can still play everywhere when they are pregnant." "I envy Lian Shiya for having such a caring husband and thinking about her everywhere." "Hopefully I'll be in such good shape when I'm pregnant in the future."

These comments reflect different perspectives on life during pregnancy. Some people think you should be cautious, while others feel that you should live your own life. In any case, everyone's choice should be respected.

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

Write at the end

Lian Shiya's pregnancy life undoubtedly shows us a different kind of beauty. She tells us with practical actions that pregnancy does not mean losing oneself, on the contrary, it can be one of the most beautiful moments in life.

Of course, we also need to recognize that everyone's situation is different. As a public figure, Lian Shiya has the conditions to maintain a good figure and living conditions. However, for ordinary pregnant women, the most important thing is to spend pregnancy safely and healthily according to their own conditions and under the guidance of a doctor.

The upper circumference changes to plump! Hong Kong's popular actress posted a photo of a pregnant belly swimsuit, and she is about to give birth after many months of pregnancy

The beauty of pregnancy is not only reflected in the appearance, but also in the happiness and satisfaction of the heart. Whether it is a star like Lian Shiya or an ordinary expectant mother, as long as she can enjoy every moment of pregnancy and cherish the miracle of life and pregnancy, she is the most beautiful pregnant woman.

Finally, I don't know what you think of Lian Shiya's pregnancy life? How do you think pregnant women should balance self-expression and fetal safety? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!

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