
Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

author:Tiggers love to eat jumping candy

In this era of the Internet, countless Internet celebrities have chosen to attract people's attention without a bottom line or a lower limit for the sake of traffic, and have made all kinds of incomprehensible challenges, many of which have embarked on anti-feudal superstitions, but in the end, these Internet celebrities either converted to Buddhism or disappeared inexplicably......

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Yin Jiuhua

This is one of the earliest batch of "anti-feudal superstition" Internet celebrities, when "feudal superstition" was very popular at that time, Yin Jiuhua did not believe in "ghosts and gods" like many people, but did the opposite and started anti-feudal superstition.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

In his video, operations such as angrily smashing the statue of Guanyin and beating Hu Santai's grandmother quickly became popular on the Internet, attracting a group of netizens who wanted to do it but didn't dare to do it, and watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and the number of fans quickly came to more than 20,000.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

The videos he shot threatened to crack down on feudal superstition, and they were also mixed with videos of playing "supernatural" games, such as the most basic "pen fairy", asking who you are in the mirror, and lighting incense to eat at the empty intersection in the middle of the night.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

At the beginning, these hunting videos were indeed popular for a while, and slowly as Yin Jiuhua shot more similar videos, netizens who followed him on social platforms slowly began to feel bored, looking at the gradually declining popularity day by day, Yin Jiuhua couldn't think of a way to break the game for a while.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Influenced by the movie "Gsta Crash Experiment", Yin Jiuhua then began to challenge Japanese horror games, asking who you are in the mirror for more than ten consecutive days, but it was only a few days after it became popular, and the traffic began to decline again.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Until by chance, when Yin Jiuhua looked through the comments of netizens to find inspiration under the released video, he suddenly saw a comment with a very high number of likes, which roughly means that he felt that all the challenges of Yin Jiuhua were very common, and there was nothing new, and there was also a lack of a lot of terrifying atmosphere.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Then the netizen continued, you say this, I say that as long as you can complete a challenge, I will follow you, this comment is like letting Yin Jiuhua find the traffic password, although his ideas may be limited sometimes, but the thoughts of netizens are sometimes what they want to see the most.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

In order to maintain a small amount of traffic, Yin Jiuhua began to go to the funeral supplies store to purchase a lot again, and went to the intersection to knock on the bowl to "eat incense and end rice", and the "taboo" circulating on the market was basically played by him, even if the following netizens were trying to dissuade him, but the message sent out was like "sinking into the sea", and he didn't get any reply.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Until Yin Jiuhua released the video again, people in the "life" circle couldn't stand it anymore, so they left a message below, wanting to get Yin Jiuhua's hair or nails to "send him a little", but in the face of such comments, Yin Jiuhua was also disdainful when shooting the video, and was even more arrogant to report his "birthday eight characters" to the other party, and at the same time left a message "ask for arrangement".

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Because of these small fights in ordinary life, there has never been any mistakes, and then Yin Jiuhua began to shift his gaze from "Ah Piao" to the "god statue" more boldly.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

When the "psychic game" and "folk taboo" have failed to attract the attention of netizens, Yin Jiuhua began to choose a more extreme way for the sake of traffic, and the faith of countless people was shattered with a stick.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Even before smashing the idol, he uttered wild words:

"If you see me in a public place in the future, you have to call Brother Hua, or I will see you once and smash you once."
Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

After the video was issued, Yin Jiuhua immediately aroused the condemnation of countless netizens, and for these comments, Yin Jiuhua did not take it to heart at all, but released a response video with pride, this move is constantly teasing the angry nerves of countless netizens, but there are also many people who watch the excitement and let Yin Jiuhua seize the time to start another challenge.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

When these two voices ended leaving a message in the comment area below Yin Jiuhua's video, Yin Jiuhua suddenly started to stop changing, and soon after, he canceled his accounts on major social media, and disappeared from the field of vision of countless netizens. Will it be back?

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

It wasn't until three years later that Yin Jiuhua made a low-key comeback again, from an Internet celebrity blogger who fought fake feudal superstitions at the beginning, to a "lay disciple" who accumulated merit by releasing his life, and when countless netizens found him and asked him what he had experienced in the past three years, Yin Jiuhua kept silent.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Judging from the video, Yin Jiuhua has not only undergone great changes in appearance, but even his voice has become very soft, and then said that he and others have established the "Jiuhua Charity Alliance" together, and he is inspired to complete the release of 10,000 days.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

This behavior also made countless netizens curious, what happened to Yin Jiuhua during this period, was it Internet hype, or did he really encounter something inexplicable? Some people also raised objections, if it was really hype, why did Yin Jiuhua choose to quit the Internet when he was the most popular, but only came back after three years.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Zhang Shulin

Like Yin Jiuhua, he is also a blogger who fights against feudal superstition, but Zhang Shulin's courage is a little bigger than Yin Jiuhua, first of all, in order to prove that he is not afraid of ghosts and gods, he decided to lead by example himself, and first shot a lot of bizarre videos.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Later, during the Qingming Festival, he took a video to prove that he slept for a whole night, and then at midnight, he ran alone under the old locust tree to play with the red handkerchief, and even when he threw it, he was still constantly provoking, saying in his mouth: "You come over ~ You come over ~", and then he also pierced his fingers and used blood to point the eyes of the paper man.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

It can be said that in order to combat feudal superstition and at the same time break the theory of ghosts and gods, Zhang Shulin completely ignored what would happen to him, and at the same time began to imitate Yin Jiuhua for a "psychic game", he didn't see any fear at all in the video, and after the challenge ended, he also told many netizens, "There is nothing, there are no ghosts in the world, and there are no gods."

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

even listened to the advice of netizens and set up a "living grave" for himself, but looking at his actions, netizens in the comment area couldn't sit still, saying that Zhang Shulin's every challenge was not standardized, and in the previous challenges, people were all giving the paper man the finishing touch, but he ordered a plastic man.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

There are also many netizens who said that the track he chose is very special, so any wind and grass will be caught by netizens and made a big fuss.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

There are also many netizens who have put forward different opinions, Zhang Shulin's physiognomy has begun to change, from being young and beautiful at the beginning, to being full of pimples now, and his aura has also begun to change significantly, which is in stark contrast to the beginning.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Some netizens have different opinions, saying that he just didn't have a beautiful face, and some medical students also stood up, saying that the reason why Zhang Shulin has acne on his face is also very related to his long-term stay up late, detoxification and metabolism have been harmed, and there is no "sudden death" because Zhang Shulin's physical fitness is not bad.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

After Zhang Shulin became more and more popular, many people in the "circle" jumped out and were willing to pay 600,000 yuan to target Zhang Shulin, but after Zhang Shulin knew about it, he was still not afraid, and said that he still insisted on cracking down on feudal superstition.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Until June this year, Zhang Shulin suddenly deleted all his videos, except for a few commercial cooperation, all the rest were deleted, and at the same time released an apology video, apologizing for what he had done before, and when he released the video again, he had already begun to have a little "Taoist" Taoist appearance......

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

IX. Anti-feudal superstition

This is an "anti-feudal superstition" blogger who appeared on June 23, 2023, and when he first appeared, he told many netizens that "any ghosts and gods are imagined by everyone, so from now on there is no need to be afraid".

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

At the same time, he emphasized that the reason why he became an "anti-feudal superstition" blogger was because there were always a lot of strange things around him, and he didn't go to the hospital when he saw his friends sick.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Instead, he began to "erect what chopsticks", "what eggs to roll", "what god please", he thinks that these are nonsense, purely feudal superstition, so he will appear here, choose to break these, and at the same time ask netizens to supervise.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Later, he also said to his predecessors, saying that all netizens can leave a message below if they want to see anything, and they will choose one of them to challenge, in order to let netizens leave a message and improve their popularity and popularity.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Until May 17 this year, Jiu Ming released a graphic video, saying that he was banned for another seven days because of the challenge, and then on May 19, the last video was released, and no news was released.

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

Many netizens left messages under the video, whether the challenge failed, or for what reason, it is unknown......

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

No matter what the reason, but here I still have to advise everyone, we can not believe in some folk customs, but we still have to respect him.

Article sources:

Douyin Vlog blogger --- Jiuhua Charity Alliance

Douyin Vlog blogger --- Shulin (anti-feudal superstition)

Douyin Vlog blogger --- Jiu Ming "Anti-feudal Superstition"

Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism
Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism
Internet celebrities said that they didn't believe in ghosts and gods, wore shrouds, smashed statues, and slept in cemeteries, but three years later they converted to Buddhism

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