
I heard that the owners of the "7-seater car" regretted it? After knowing the inside story, I finally understood

author:Junjun is growing

"Do you want to buy a 7-seater?" This question has been getting hotter and hotter at my dinner table lately. Uncle Zhang, who is a newcomer in the community, also picked up one two days ago, and as soon as the door stopped, the neighbors watched. In fact, who doesn't want a car that can fit the whole family plus huskies? But the reality is always mixed.

There are many 7-seater cars on the market: SUV and MPV. The SUV looks windy and comfortable to sit in, but you have to consider whether the back seat can really fit three adults? The MPV has a lot of space, and it seems to be a mobile reception room when you drive out, but there are many problems, such as a lot of fuel in the car, and it is a real headache when the parking space is tight.

Don't look at the advertising on the sky, to tell the truth, the 7-seater car is much more troublesome than the 5-seater car in terms of annual inspection and insurance. Think about it, is it more important to weigh such a toss every year?

I heard that the owners of the "7-seater car" regretted it? After knowing the inside story, I finally understood

And, you know what? In some places, 7-seater cars have to spray a "big guy" on the body, and this thing feels like a live billboard on the road, and it is difficult to keep a low profile.

So, do you want to buy this car or not? It also depends on your own real needs and daily driving environment. Don't just listen to sales, run a few more car dealers, really sit and watch, compare more, and then you can afford to put it down.

Before deciding whether to buy a 7-seater car, let's talk about the two courses of 7-seater SUV and MPV. Of these two models, one is more stylish, and the other is very practical. But each car has its pros and cons, depending on your own needs.

I heard that the owners of the "7-seater car" regretted it? After knowing the inside story, I finally understood

When it comes to 7-seater SUVs, it usually has a tough appearance and full off-road style, and the first impression is that it can be installed. If you have children at home and go camping or hiking on the weekend, this kind of car is really convenient. But you have to take into account that the third row of seats is not very spacious most of the time, and adults may feel cramped when they sit in. And, once the third row of seats is raised, the storage space in the trunk is greatly reduced. At this point, you may have to add a trunk to the roof of your car, which in turn may affect the vehicle's fuel consumption and driving stability.

I heard that the owners of the "7-seater car" regretted it? After knowing the inside story, I finally understood

Let's talk about MPVs, which are designed for home and multi-person travel. Large space and comfortable ride, especially suitable for families with elderly people and small children. The third row of seats is usually wider than that of an SUV, and the trunk usually has enough room for everyday needs, even when it is full. But the shape of the MPV may not be as attractive as that of an SUV, and when driven on the road, it is more like a "pick-up machine" than a display of personal style.

In terms of fuel consumption, because the volume and weight of 7-seater cars are usually relatively large, fuel consumption is naturally higher than that of ordinary cars. This is a factor that has to be taken into account when choosing a car model. Especially when oil prices are rising, the cost of maintaining a car is a big burden.

Safety is also a key consideration when buying a car. Although today's cars are equipped with various safety features, the larger the body, the more potential safety problems may occur in the event of an accident. In particular, the safety of rear passengers, which is directly related to the safety of their families, must not be overlooked.

Of course, when buying a car, you also have to consider the future value preservation. Generally speaking, SUVs have a higher value retention rate than MPVs. That said, if you want to change cars in a few years, the second-hand market for SUVs may be a little better.

In addition to this, daily maintenance and upkeep cannot be neglected. Because of the complex structure, a 7-seater car may cost more to maintain than a 5-seater car. For example, replacing tires with a larger area, more brake pads, etc., these are all places that cost money.

Having said all this, you may still feel a headache, which car is better to buy? Actually, it all depends on your family's needs, lifestyle, and budget. If you often need to travel with the elderly and children, or if you have a large family, then a 7-seater car is definitely a good choice. If you don't usually use a lot of cars and need more seats once or twice a while, you may want to consider renting a car, which is both economical and flexible.

Finally, don't just listen to the salesman when it comes to buying a car. Go to a few more dealerships, test drive a few more times, and get a feel for what it's like to actually drive. Also, you can also go to those owner forums and evaluation videos on the Internet, after all, these are first-hand user experiences.

Okay, with all that said, do you have a clearer idea? Or you already have a 7-seater car, share your experience of using it! What do you think are the biggest advantages and pain points of a 7-seater car? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, maybe your experience will help friends who are struggling!