
Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

author:Soar long phoenix

It is said that the patriotic education of children is doing very well now! I really felt it this time!

When I saw the two little boys kneeling down to worship the martyrs one by one, although they spoke a dialect that they didn't understand, they were still deeply moved by the momentum and sincerity they had!

Because in them there is hope...

Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

Things reviewed

Recently, in the Malipo Martyrs Cemetery in Wenshan, Yunnan, two little boys knelt down to worship the martyrs one by one, which made people cry!

According to the staff, the martyrs' cemetery has recently held a memorial ceremony, and many teams and schools will organize activities to hold activities here, the purpose is to remember the martyrs, remember history, and establish patriotism.

On the same day, a parent brought two little boys to the martyrs' cemetery, and at first the staff thought they were just coming to visit.

Unexpectedly, I saw the two children under the surveillance but made an amazing move, only to see the two boys kneeling down in front of the martyr's tombstone, clasping their hands together in prayer, and then chanting words in their mouths.

Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

The staff listened carefully, and then the tears couldn't be stopped instantly!

The two boys spoke not in the local dialect but in Zhuang, which translates as: "Thank you for your heroic sacrifice to protect us, and when we grow up, we will also defend our families and the country like you and win glory for the motherland!" ”

After saying these words, the boy knelt on the ground and kowtowed earnestly for 3 times before standing up and saying, "Bye-bye!" ”。

In this way, the two boys bowed down to several martyrs' monuments!

Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

I believe that their simple and immature children's voices have been heard by the martyrs of the entire cemetery!

After seeing the little boy's actions, the staff posted the surveillance video on the Internet.

The staff said, "The two little boys came from out of town with their parents, and they were very touched to see their devout worship!" ”

Netizen: This prosperous world is as you wish

The video quickly went viral, and many people expressed their great emotion after seeing it!

Some netizens said that the people have faith and the country has strength, although they can't understand what the boys are saying, but when they see the actions of the two boys, they still have a sour nose, and sure enough, patriotic education should start from the children.

Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

Some netizens also said that they felt very relieved to see children daring to enter and leave the martyr's cemetery at will, this prosperous world is as the ancestors wished, and there is also a discovery, that is, entering the martyr's cemetery feels very warm, and there is no feeling of fear!

There are also many netizens who say that this is the hope of our nation, this is the inheritance of faith, such a family education is admirable and worthy of learning from everyone!

Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope
Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope
Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

Personal opinion

When I saw these two children kneeling down to worship the martyrs, I couldn't help but burst into tears.

Especially when I heard the familiar words, the tears couldn't stop flowing down, although I wasn't sure where the boy was from, but I saw hope in them!

"When I grow up, I want to defend my family and country like you!" , how moved the martyrs must have been when they heard this!

As they say, "Our generation has finished the war, and our children and grandchildren will not have to fight!" ”

Teary-eyed! Two boys warm the whole network: the martyrs' cemetery kneels and tells the prosperous world! Netizen: I see hope

Future generations have not forgotten them, are proud of them, regard them as idols, kowtow to the martyrs, and thank them for their efforts.

That's better than a lot of adults do! Our lives are not easy to come by, and we must not be traitors.

I hope that more parents and children will learn like boys, and patriotism will be grasped from an early age and passed on from generation to generation!