
In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

author:Brother Jie's Quest for Knowledge
In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy
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In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

In 2015, a news in Liaoning Province that shocked the whole country shattered people's beautiful illusions about love. After a young woman named Lin Yingying wakes up from a vegetative state, she unexpectedly calls the police and arrests her boyfriend, Liu Fenghe, who has been taking care of her for a whole year.

The story of the lovers has been widely reported by the media, praised as "a model of touching love". Liu Fenghe has won public praise and sympathy for his meticulous care.

However, when Lin Yingying unveiled the truth, people were shocked to realize that there was a chilling secret hidden behind this relationship. What exactly caused the lovers to change dramatically from sweetness to hatred? What kind of profound warning does this story give us? Let's walk into this heart-wrenching love journey and uncover the truth behind it.

On the Qixi Festival in 2013, the god of fate seemed to favor Lin Yingying and Liu Fenghe. Through the "shake" function of the mobile phone software, two young people who have never known each other are wonderfully connected.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

When they started talking, surprises ensued - not only were they in Zhaotun Township, Wafangdian, Liaoning Province, but more coincidentally, they were born on the same day, the same month, and the same year.

This rare tacit understanding quickly warmed up each other's goodwill.

The scene of the first date is like a romantic scene in a movie. Lin Yingying dressed up carefully and went to the appointment with great expectations. The moment she saw Liu Fenghe, her heart beat faster and her cheeks flushed slightly.

The two walked the streets arm in arm, chatting about life and laughing constantly. Lin Yingying felt as if she had found her destined other half, and her happiness was beyond words.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

With the deepening of the relationship, Liu Fenghe showed a side that made Lin Yingying fall in love. He is considerate and always able to detect the needs of the forest warbler and meet them in a timely manner. No matter what Lin Yingying wants, Liu Fenghe will not hesitate to buy it for her.

Such pampering immersed Lin Yingying in a sea of happiness, and even if her mother had concerns about this relationship, she insisted on spending the rest of her life with Liu Fenghe.

However, Lin Yingying does not understand the deep meaning of the word "Love". When Liu Fenghe explained, "'Love' represents us", her heart was full of happiness and longing.

Together, the two see this small cake shop as a testimony of love and hope for the future.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

The occurrence of the first violent incident was like a hammer, completely shattering Lin Yingying's beautiful fantasy of love. It was an ordinary night, Liu Fenghe dragged his tired body home and saw Lin Yingying playing a mobile game.

The originally insignificant scene caused Liu Fenghe's anger. He snatched the phone and slammed it to the ground. Immediately afterwards, he added his fists and kicks to Lin Yingying.

Lin Yingying curled up in the corner, unable to believe that the violent man in front of her was the person she loved deeply.

Afterwards, Liu Fenghe apologized in tears and promised that something like this would never happen again. His tears and remorse seemed sincere, which made Lin Yingying's heart soften again.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

She naively thought that it was just an accident and believed that her boyfriend would definitely correct it. However, this is only the beginning of the nightmare.

Violence is starting to become more frequent. Sometimes it's because the housework isn't done well, and sometimes it's just because Liu Fenghe is in a bad mood. After every violence, Liu Fenghe would apologize, and Lin Yingying always had luck and hoped that this would be the last time.

She began to become cautious, fearing that her words and actions would anger her boyfriend and lead to a new round of violence.

Lin Yingying's heart is full of contradictions and pain. She proposed to break up many times, but was stopped by Liu Fenghe with violence each time. Fear and helplessness wrapped around her like vines, leaving her in a deep sense of despair, but powerless to get out of the relationship.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

She didn't dare to tell her family and friends, for fear of retaliation from Liu Fenghe, and she was also ashamed to talk about her situation.

In the "Love Cake" cake shop, Lin Yingying accepts customers with a smile on her face, but her heart is full of pain and struggle. What was once a symbol of love is now a source of her nightmares.

Every corner seems to hide Liu Fenghe's anger, which may erupt at any time. She began to wonder if the love she had longed for was a mistake from the beginning.

Even in public, Liu Fenghe's violent tendencies could not be suppressed. He would yell at Lin Yingying's friends in front of her, making her feel ashamed. This public humiliation deepened Lin Yingying's inferiority complex and helplessness.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

Whenever Lin Yingying plucked up the courage to end the relationship, Liu Fenghe would beat her even harder. The shadow of violence is like a big net, firmly binding the forest warbler.

She was caught in a terrible cycle: violence, apologies, forgiveness, and violence. Each forgiveness plunged her deeper into this quagmire.

During these difficult days, Lin Yingying gradually lost herself. She is no longer the young girl full of hopes and dreams, but has become a shadow living in fear.

She began to doubt her own worth, and even felt that she deserved such treatment.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

However, a turning point in fate is coming. An even more serious violent incident will completely change the trajectory of Lin Yingying's life.

One day in 2014, a tragic incident occurred in the "Love Cake" cake shop that completely changed the fate of Lin Yingying. That day, Lin Yingying accidentally burned a batch of bread at work.

This seemingly insignificant mistake triggered Liu Fenghe's unprecedented outburst.

Liu Fenghe's eyes flashed with terrible anger, he looked around, and his gaze fell on the rolling pin on the side. Under Lin Yingying's frightened gaze, he grabbed the rolling pin, which was thicker than his arm, and smashed it down on her head.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

Lin Yingying only felt a sharp pain hit her, and then lost consciousness. Blood gushed from her head, staining the white floor of the cake shop. The pungent smell of blood permeated the air, which mixed with the burnt smell of toasted bread to create a disgusting aura.

Liu Fenghe looked at Lin Yingying, who was lying in a pool of blood, and then realized that he had made a heinous mistake. In a panic, he called the emergency number and took Lin Yingying to the hospital.

In the hospital, Lin Yingying's injuries were diagnosed as serious. Her left eye was swollen, her ear was covered with blood, and the wound on her head was shocking. When doctors saw the situation, they immediately suspected that it was a case of domestic violence.

However, when they inquired about the situation, Lin Yingying remained silent in fear, while Liu Fenghe made up a lie, claiming that it was caused by an accidental fall.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

Although the doctor strongly recommended hospitalization for observation, Liu Fenghe insisted on taking Lin Yingying home. He was afraid that things would be exposed, and he was even more afraid of losing control of Lin Yingying. When he got home, he kept apologizing, tearfully promising a change.

Lin Yingying lay weakly on the bed, her heart full of contradictions and pain. She wanted to believe Liu Fenghe's promise, but she couldn't forget the blood-stained rolling pin.

However, this serious injury did not make Liu Fenghe relent. Just a month later, he again violently assaulted Lin Yingying. This time, Lin Yingying could no longer withstand such a heavy blow, fell into a deep coma, and became a vegetative person.

In this way, the once sweet myth of love completely collapses and is replaced by a heartbreaking tragedy. Lin Yingying was lying on the hospital bed, dying, while Liu Fenghe began his hypocritical "affectionate waiting", laying the groundwork for the next development.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

In 2015, after nearly a year in a coma, Lin Yingying miraculously woke up. However, when she woke up, she did not remain silent about the atrocities of the past as Liu Fenghe expected.

Instead, she summoned great courage and decided to reveal the truth that had been hidden for a long time.

The moment Lin Yingying opened her eyes, all kinds of abuse she had suffered in the past poured into her mind like a tide. She trembled and held her grandmother's hand, tears welling up in her eyes, and she intermittently recounted the nightmares she had experienced.

Her every word shocked the family members present and their hearts ached.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

Lin Yingying's parents were shocked and immediately called the police. The police quickly intervened in the investigation and conducted a professional appraisal of Lin Yingying's injuries. The results showed that Lin Yingying's injuries were classified as serious injuries of the second degree, and this identification result provided key evidence for the characterization of the case.

In the face of police questioning, Lin Yingying shed tears and described the violence she suffered word by word. She recalled how Liu Fenghe hit her on the head with a rolling pin and how she threatened and abused her while she was unconscious.

Every detail shocked and outraged the police officers present, and also strengthened their determination to bring the killer to justice.

However, when the police arrived at Liu Fenghe's home, they found that he had fled. Liu Fenghe's mother claimed that her son had gone out to work. Realizing the gravity of the situation, the police immediately launched a nationwide manhunt.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

In this way, a love story that was once hailed as touching turned into a heinous violent crime case in the blink of an eye. Lin Yingying's courageous accusation not only uncovered the truth of her own experience, but also brought hope and courage to other victims of domestic violence.

After a year-long nationwide pursuit, the police finally apprehended Liu Fenghe in a remote province. When questioned by the police, Liu Fenghe initially denied all the accusations, insisting that he had gone to work in another country out of deep love to raise medical expenses.

He even claimed to have taken on a huge debt for Lin Yingying's treatment, trying to gain sympathy.

However, in the face of conclusive evidence and Lin Yingying's testimony, Liu Fenghe's lies were quickly exposed. In court, his arguments pale in comparison. In the end, the court made a judgment: Liu Fenghe was sentenced to 3 years in prison, suspended for 5 years, and demanded compensation of 250,000 yuan for Lin Yingying.

In 2014, the guy went bankrupt to save his vegetative girlfriend, and his girlfriend woke up and called the police directly to arrest the guy

Although this verdict gave Lin Yingying some comfort, it could not erase the wounds in her heart. "I will never condone such atrocities again," she said firmly. This case not only gave Lin Yingying justice, but also sounded the alarm for the society to fight against domestic violence.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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