
12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

author:Mei Mei Wen Agency
12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up
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12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Rifts in marriage: The shocking truth revealed by the show "Mother-in-law and Mommy".

In the dazzling entertainment industry, the sister-brother relationship between Chen Songling and Zhang Duo has always been regarded as a good story. Far from being an obstacle, the age gap between them adds a bit of legend to the relationship.

However, with the broadcast of the variety show "Mother-in-law and Mother", the truth about the life of the couple, known as the "fairy couple", gradually surfaced, making countless viewers feel incredible.

The scenes in the show, like a sharp scalpel, cut through the glamour of the surface of this marriage, revealing the hidden cracks in it. When the camera focused on Chen Songling and Zhang Duo's family life, the audience was surprised to find that the biggest challenge faced by the couple came from Zhang Duo's mother.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

In a suffocating telephone conversation, the mother-in-law's indifferent attitude towards Chen Songling was exposed. She completely ignored Chen Songling's existence, as if this daughter-in-law was air.

As the show progresses, more heart-wrenching details are revealed. Zhang Duo's dilemma in it, and Chen Songling's smiling expression, all tell the hardships behind this marriage.

It turned out that in the past 12 years of marriage, Chen Songling has been engaged in a silent competition with her strong mother-in-law.

This unexpected truth made the audience begin to re-examine this marriage that was hailed as a model.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Chen Songling's bumpy life: from the ups and downs of the star journey to the emotional twists and turns

Chen Songling's life is like a legendary drama with ups and downs, full of embarrassing twists. When she was younger, a seemingly simple decision changed the course of her life forever.

When she expressed to her mother that she wanted to quit the entertainment industry and focus on her studies, she was greeted by her mother's ruthless expulsion. Chen Songling, who was kicked out of the house, had to live in her godmother's house and started her wandering career.

However, fate always seems to play tricks on her. The godmother's family seems to provide shelter, but in fact it is secretly turbulent. The godmother's two daughters coveted Chen Songling's fame and took the opportunity to become her agent and control her finances.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

In this case, Chen Songling had to juggle her studies and career at the same time, and she was under tremendous pressure.

Still, Chen Songling's talent and hard work make her stand out. She was successfully admitted to the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and at the same time became famous with "The Singer of the World".

However, fame brings not only aura, but also the betrayal that comes with it. Her most trusted godsister, that is, her agent, unilaterally terminated the contract and even swept away her savings for many years.

This blow caused Chen Songling to fall into a low point in her life.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Just when Chen Songling was struggling to regain her strength, fate played a cruel joke on her again. The death of her father due to illness hit her hard. Immediately after, an even bigger blow ensued – she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and doctors told her that the chances of having a child were slim.

This series of blows almost completely crushed her.

During these difficult years, Chen Songling experienced unimaginable pain. She had cried alone in the middle of the night, questioning why fate had been so unfair. However, it was these ups and downs that sharpened her tenacious heart.

Despite all the setbacks, there was still an unyielding sparkle in her eyes, showing her strong vitality.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Chen Songling's experience is like a realistic version of an inspirational story. Her strength and courage have been tempered by countless blows. These experiences not only shaped her character, but also laid the groundwork for her later married life.

Her story teaches us that even in the darkest of moments, life will always give us new opportunities as long as we don't give up hope.

A twist of fate: an encounter and love with Zhang Duo

In the darkest period of Chen Songling's life, fate seemed to finally smile at her. At the filming site of the movie "Blood is Not Cold", she met Zhang Duo, who was twelve years younger than herself.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

This encounter was like a dawn that shone into Chen Songling's hazy world.

However, when they first met, Chen Songling was mired in depression. She no longer has expectations for love, and her heart is full of contradictions and hesitations. Facing the young and handsome Zhang Duo, Chen Songling's eyes had both a desire for love and a deep uneasiness.

She fears that her age will be an obstacle, and even more afraid that the fact that she will not be able to have children will become a gulf that cannot be crossed between them.

But Zhang Duo's attitude was unexpected. He firmly held Chen Songling's hand, his eyes full of sincerity and determination. He said: "Age is just a number, and I love you as a person.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

As for children, we can choose not to. These words made Chen Songling's eyes red instantly, and she felt a sense of security that she had never felt in many years.

Zhang Duo's courage and responsibility far exceeded Chen Songling's expectations. He was not only considerate in private, but also publicly declared that he was a Dink, and took the initiative to bear the criticism of the outside world.

He never revealed the fact that Chen Songling was unable to have children to his parents, and did his best to protect her feelings.

Zhang Duo's appearance was like a good medicine, slowly healing Chen Songling's inner wounds. With his company, Chen Songling gradually walked out of the haze and regained confidence in life.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Her smile grew brighter and brighter, and a spark of hope reignited in her eyes.

This touching sister-brother relationship shows the power of love. Zhang Duo not only became Chen Songling's lover, but also the most solid support in her life. Their stories show us that true love can overcome the difficulties of life across the age gap.

In this relationship, Zhang Duo showed maturity and responsibility, far beyond his age. He not only gave Chen Songling unconditional acceptance and support, but also proved his love with practical actions.

This hard-won relationship became a turning point in Chen Songling's life, injecting new vitality and hope into her life thereafter.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

The test of marriage: the relationship between a strong mother-in-law and a mother-in-law

Whenever my mother-in-law called, the originally warm family atmosphere instantly became tense. Chen Songling tried to keep a smile and tried to fit in with the family, but her mother-in-law's attitude was cold, even completely ignoring her existence.

This kind of indifference is like an invisible sword, stabbing Chen Songling's heart again and again.

At a family gathering, the mother-in-law's behavior pushed this contradiction to a climax. She praised her son endlessly in front of the camera, but turned a blind eye to Chen Songling.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

This obvious partiality and rejection made everyone present feel uncomfortable, and even Zhang Duo's father couldn't help but shake his head and sigh.

Faced with this situation, Zhang Duo was caught between his mother and wife and faced a difficult choice. His brow was often furrowed, and his eyes were full of helplessness and pain. However, whenever he saw Chen Songling's forced smile, he made up his mind to protect her.

At a family gathering, Zhang Duo finally mustered up the courage to make it clear that in his and Chen Songling's home, their family rules must be followed.

Although the mother-in-law was dissatisfied, she also had to make compromises in the face of her son's insistence. However, this does not imply a complete resolution of the contradictions. At every family gathering, there is still a subtle tension in the air.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Chen Songling tried to be considerate and hoped to be recognized by her mother-in-law, but with little success.

This silent war has become the biggest haze in Chen Songling's married life. She often wept alone in the dead of night, but she pretended to be strong in front of Zhang Duo.

The 12-year marriage is not only a harbor of happiness for her, but also a long torment.

Faced with such a predicament, the love between Chen Songling and Zhang Duo has undergone a severe test. Their story tells us that marriage is not just a matter of two people, but also a fusion of two families.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

How to find a balance in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and how to protect love in family conflicts have become problems that they need to face together.

The Power of Love: Zhang Duo's Guardian of Chen Songling

In this challenging marriage, Zhang Duo showed extraordinary responsibility and love. He not only firmly supported Chen Songling in public, but also gave her meticulous care in private, and explained what true love is with practical actions.

Knowing his wife's worries, Zhang Duo carefully formulated a 40-year pension plan to give Chen Songling a stable future. When he told Chen Songling about the plan, she was moved to tears and hugged him tightly.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

At this moment, Chen Songling truly felt that no matter what the future holds, she has a solid support.

In the program "Mother-in-law and Mother", whenever her mother-in-law showed unkindness to Chen Songling, Zhang Duo always stood up for his wife as soon as possible. His eyes were firm, and his tone was gentle but unmistakable.

He said to his mother, "Mom, Songling is my wife and a member of this family. We should respect each other. Such a scene made the guests at the scene all moved.

Zhang Duo's love is reflected in the bits and pieces of life. He would silently prepare a cup of hot tea for Chen Songling when she was tired from work; will accompany her for a walk and chat when she is depressed because of the relationship between her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law; When she doubts her worth, he encourages her with gentle words.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

These subtle actions, like the warm sun in spring, warmed Chen Songling's heart.

What's even more commendable is that Zhang Duo never revealed the fact that Chen Songling was unable to have children to her parents, and did his best to protect her feelings. He publicly declared that he was a Dink, took the initiative to bear the criticism of the outside world, and built a protective wall for his wife in his own way.

In an interview, Chen Songling said emotionally: "Zhang Duo is not only my husband, but also my savior and my shelter. No matter where you are, as long as you are there, it is the warmth of home.

These words show her cherishing of this marriage, and also highlight Zhang Duo's important position in her heart.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Zhang Duo's protection of Chen Songling not only helped her get through the trough of her life, but also allowed her to regain her confidence and courage in life. Their stories show us that true love can not only overcome the gap of age, but also overcome the difficulties in life.

In this challenging world, having someone who is willing to support you and protect you unconditionally is perhaps the most precious happiness.

Reflections and Revelations: The Meaning Behind Real Marriage

The marriage story of Chen Songling and Zhang Duo has sparked extensive discussions and deep reflections on the Internet. Many netizens expressed their opinions, some praised Zhang Duo's responsibility, and some felt sorry for Chen Songling's experience.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

This marriage teaches us that love is not a fairy tale, but requires the courage to face reality together. It can be full of ups and downs, but as long as you support each other, you can get through it.

The story of Zhang Duo and Chen Songling shows the power of sincere feelings, and also reveals the importance of communication and understanding in marriage.

Although Chen Songling's married life is not perfect, her courage to face difficulties together with Zhang Duo, as well as the deep affection between each other, undoubtedly interpret a sincere and moving love for us.

This may be the true meaning of real marriage: not without wind and rain, but hand in hand.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

Their stories remind us that marriage is not just a matter of two people, but a union of two families. How to maintain love in complex family relationships and how to support each other in the face of external pressure are all topics that require the joint efforts of husband and wife.

The experience of Chen Songling and Zhang Duo allows us to see the other side of marriage: it may be full of challenges, but it is precisely these challenges that make the relationship between the two people deeper.

True love is not a romantic vow, but mutual support in the face of difficulties.

This story also makes us rethink the definition of "happiness". Happiness doesn't have to be a perfect life, it's about having someone who is willing to face life's difficulties with you.

12 years of suffocating marriage: Chen Songling and her mother-in-law still broke out into a big war, Zhang Duo had a headache, and he ended up

In this sense, the marriage between Chen Songling and Zhang Duo may be more real than many seemingly perfect marriages and more worthy of our learning.

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