
With these 8 characteristics, it shows that this man is really a little, human nature!

author:Single-minded kitten yl
With these 8 characteristics, it shows that this man is really a little, human nature!
With these 8 characteristics, it shows that this man is really a little, human nature!
With these 8 characteristics, it shows that this man is really a little, human nature!

In the bustling and hustle and bustle of the city streets, Hao Chuan, a seemingly ordinary man who can always capture unique scenery in the crowd, observes all kinds of emotional colors in this world from his unique perspective. Today, his story revolves around the subtle and complex human trait of "lust", but please note that "lust" here is not a pejorative meaning, but refers to an attitude full of love and appreciation for life, beautiful things, and of course, the natural admiration for the opposite sex.

A fascinating beginning: the street landscape

On a spring afternoon, the sun lazily sprinkled on every corner of the old street, Hao Chuan strolled through, holding an old book in his hand, occasionally looking up, his eyes met the surrounding scenery unexpectedly. His eyes are full of admiration and respect for the awe of ancient buildings, curiosity about people in a hurry, and casual glances at the occasional beautiful woman passing by.

Feature 1: Wandering of the eyes

Hao Chuan walked down the street, and his eyes always seemed to be unconsciously attracted by those of the opposite sex who were well-dressed and had outstanding temperament. But that doesn't mean he lacks politeness, and whenever they make eye contact, he always smiles back, as if to say silently, "You're so beautiful." This natural outpouring makes people feel a love of life, not frivolity.

Feature 2: A keen perception of beauty

"Look, that flower goes well with that lady's hair!" Hao Chuan suddenly stopped and said to his friend beside him. He can always find beauty in the subtleties, whether it is the color matching of nature or the fashion elements in the crowd, he can give high attention and praise. This keen perception of beauty fills his life with color and fun.

Characteristic 3: Willing to praise

Hao Chuan never skimps on his praise. When he sees a friend or stranger dressed appropriately and with elaborate makeup, he will sincerely say, "You look so good today!" Such praise is not only an affirmation of the other party, but also a transmission of the beauty of life.

Features 4-8: Dig deeper

As the story deepens, we gradually discover that Hao Chuan's "lust" does not stop at the surface. He loves art, especially painting and photography, and can always capture those fleeting moments with a lens or brush; He loves to travel, and whenever he goes to a new place, he tries to learn about the local culture and customs, and he is full of curiosity and respect for the people there. He pays attention to personal cultivation and likes to read all kinds of books, from literature to science, from philosophy to history, which makes him always quote scriptures and charm when talking to people; He also loves music, whether classical or pop, he can find resonance and weave his own emotional world with melody; The most important thing is that he knows how to be grateful and cherish, is full of gratitude for the people and things around him, and believes that every encounter is a gift of fate.

Dramatic conflict and inner monologue

However, Hao Chuan's "lust" sometimes leads to misunderstandings. Once, on the street, he was misunderstood as a frivolous person by the other party because his praise of a strange lady was too direct. At that moment, Hao Chuan's heart was full of helplessness and incomprehension. He realized that although his pursuit of beauty was sincere, he also needed to take into account the feelings of others and learn to express it in a more appropriate way.

Transition and growth

After this episode, Hao Chuan began to reflect on his behavior. He learned to observe more delicately and express more carefully. He understands that the real "lust" should be full of love for the world, full of reverence for beautiful things, and at the same time not forgetting to respect everyone.

Meaningful ending: the transmission of positive energy

Time passed, and Hao Chuan was still strolling on the streets, but there was a little more maturity and gentleness in his eyes. In his own way, he continues to convey his love for life and the pursuit of beauty. He believes that everyone has the right to appreciate and pursue beauty, and as long as there is kindness and respect for others, this "lust" can become a bridge between people's emotions.

"In this world, beauty is everywhere." Hao Chuan said silently in his heart, "Let us discover it, appreciate it, and cherish it with a grateful heart." ”

The story slowly ends in Hao Chuan's back, leaving readers with a new understanding of the word "lustful", as well as a vision and hope for the infinite possibilities of a better life.