
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!

author:Single-minded kitten yl
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!
If you're ready to buy a car in June, read this! The 4S store resignation sales champion tells you, don't be cheated by poor information again!

In the scorching summer of June, the streets of the city seem to be gently covered by a layer of golden sunlight, and everyone is looking for their own touch of coolness and convenience. Hao Chuan, who once dominated the sales of 4S stores, has now chosen a different path, but his enthusiasm and insight into the automotive industry are still hot and bright like the summer sunshine.

The story begins on a weekend afternoon, when Hao Chuan is dressed in casual clothes and stepping on a pair of clean canvas shoes, strolling down the bustling pedestrian street. The sunlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, shining on his slightly smiling face, which looks particularly kind. From time to time, passers-by cast curious glances, after all, the former sales champion is well-known in the industry.

"Hey, young man, I see that you have a lot of research on cars, can you recommend a car?" A middle-aged uncle suddenly blocked Hao Chuan's way, still holding a thick car purchase guide in his hand, looking a little confused.

Hao Chuan smiled slightly, thinking in his heart: "Isn't this just a good opportunity?" So, he readily agreed, and the two of them found a bench in the shade of a tree and sat down, and a "private custom" consultation about the purchase of a car began.

"Uncle, when buying a car, you must first clarify your needs. Is it a family commute, or an occasional long trip? What is the budget? Prefer a sedan or an SUV? Hao Chuan's series of questions made the uncle nod again and again, and the fog in his heart seemed to begin to dissipate.

"I mainly commute to and from work, and occasionally take my family out for a walk on weekends. The budget is less than 200,000 yuan. The uncle replied with a smile.

Hao Chuan nodded, and then said, "In that case, I'll give you a few suggestions." First of all, don't blindly pursue the latest models, many times the price of new cars is inflated, and the first batch of cars may have unknown minor problems. We can wait for half a year to a year, when the price is more stable and there are more discounts. According to my observation, many models can be reduced by 5% to 10% after one year of launch. ”

When the uncle heard this, his eyes lit up: "Yo, there is still this knowledge!" I didn't know that before. ”

Hao Chuan continued: "Also, don't just look at the appearance and configuration list when choosing a car, you have to test drive!" Different cars feel very different to drive. Some cars look tall but not necessarily comfortable to drive. Remember to pay attention to your vehicle's handling, comfort, and fuel consumption. By the way, now many people still care about intelligence, such as automatic driving assistance systems and vehicle interconnection, and they have to see if they meet their appetites. ”

The uncle listened with relish and nodded in agreement from time to time. Hao Chuan took the opportunity to mention some "pitfalls" in the process of buying a car: "Uncle, go to the 4S store to see the car, don't believe it all if you sell it." They may exaggerate for the sake of performance. For example, what is a 'limited-time offer', many times it is a gimmick. You'll have to compare them yourself, see reviews from real car owners on the Internet, and discuss them in the forums. Data doesn't lie, such as the complaint rate of a certain car in a certain period of time, satisfaction surveys, these are good helpers for reference. ”

Speaking of which, Hao Chuan seems to have returned to the days when he scolded Fang Xuan in the exhibition hall, but now he is a little more sincere and peaceful.

"Finally, when signing a contract, be sure to read the terms carefully, don't get caught up in those complicated words. What are the financial service fees, outbound fees, and licensing fees...... We must ask clearly whether we can avoid these and whether we can talk about them. Don't underestimate these expenses, they add up to a lot of expenses. ”

The uncle nodded again and again, and his gratitude was overflowing: "Young man, you have really helped a lot!" In the past, I always heard people say that buying a car is easy to be pitted, but today I heard you say this, and my heart is much more steady. ”

Hao Chuan smiled and waved his hand: "You're welcome, it's good if I can help you." Remember, buying a car is like finding a partner, you have to find one that suits you, don't be fooled by appearances and sweet words. ”

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the sunlight shone on them through the gaps in the leaves, as if even the air had become warm and beautiful. Hao Chuan looked at the back of his uncle in the distance, and a warm current surged in his heart. He knows that his experience sharing, although insignificant, may bring a glimmer of light and hope to those who are about to embark on the journey of buying a car.

"In this era of information explosion, it's easy to get carried away by all kinds of information. But as long as we keep a clear mind and learn to sift and judge, we can find our own piece of sky. Hao Chuan said silently in his heart, turned around and continued his street walk, ready to pass on this positive energy to more people in need.

The story slowly came to an end here, but Hao Chuan's story was like a clear spring, flowing in everyone's heart. It tells us that whether it is buying a car or other choices in life, as long as we have the courage to explore, dare to question, and be good at thinking, we can find the most suitable path for ourselves and live our truest self.