
It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

author:Brother Li self-media

Today's society is really confusing.

Don't mention it, we don't know yet.

It's scary to mention.

Chinese society has changed dramatically in the past few decades! The economy is developing rapidly, and science and technology are advancing rapidly! The standard of living has also been improving.

It looks like everything is going in a good direction. But there is something troubling behind this boom.

There is a saying that goes! "Water can carry a boat, and it can also capsize a boat."

Can we remain calm in the face of these social problems?

In particular, the following 7 chaotic phenomena are more heart-wrenching than one another.

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The first phenomenon: the bitterness of the peasants

First, let's take a look at the current situation of farmers. There are fewer and fewer people who farm the land, but the cost of planting is rising one by one. Which pesticides, fertilizers, and seeds don't cost money? When the harvest comes, the price of grain sold is not as good as a bottle of mineral water. What do you say you should do in this situation? Isn't this a great irony of the hard work of the peasants?

Really: the cost of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and labor is not rising every year? The life of the peasants is becoming more and more difficult. Hey, it's hard, it's too hard for farmers.

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The second phenomenon: the status of pets

Pets have changed a lot. Dogs used to be in charge of the house, but now they are part of the family. The food is better than that of people, and the nest where they live is more comfortable than their rooms. The cost of a pet hospital is surprisingly high, and the cost of a physical examination is worth a week's living expenses for an ordinary family! The status of pets is also rising, and some people even regard pets as relatives, which is not good for people, but they take care of pets in every way.

This phenomenon is really incomprehensible. Is this too emotionally rich in human emotions or is there something wrong with social values? It's worth pondering.

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The third phenomenon: the current state of marriage

The issue of marriage and family is really worrying! There are more and more families getting divorced, but the number of marriage registrations is decreasing! It looks like this is already a trend. There are various reasons for divorce, some couples are due to financial problems, some are emotionally discordant, and some are tempted by the outside world!

Family instability has a great impact on children's growth and education. A harmonious and stable family is the cornerstone of social stability. But now that cornerstone seems to be slowly crumbling.

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The fourth phenomenon: health problems

The sad truth is that more and more young people are dying of illness. Many of them were in their twenties and thirties because of the pressure of work and unhealthy lifestyles, resulting in untimely deaths. The loss of such a young life is indeed distressing. The health of young people is about the future and hope of the country. However, many young people nowadays do not pay enough attention to their health, staying up late, drinking alcohol, and smoking have become the norm, and such a lifestyle is really unhealthy.

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The fifth phenomenon: the rise of Internet celebrities

The term influencer economy has been quite controversial lately. More and more people want to be popular and join the army of Internet celebrities. They use a variety of methods to attract fans, and the goal is clear. Make hay! Live streaming platforms and short video applications have penetrated into every aspect of our lives! The actions of influencers have a huge impact on teenagers. So the question is, does this online virtual world make people better or make people lose themselves?

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The sixth phenomenon: the contrast of physique

The young man's physique seems to be getting worse and worse, and he will be out of breath when he goes upstairs. On the contrary, some elderly people walk fast and walk like a fly. It's a laughable phenomenon.

Young people are addicted to mobile phones and computers, lack of exercise, and their physique naturally does not improve. And the hard years that those elderly people have gone through have made their physical fitness better! Such a contrast can't help but make people think deeply. Is it true that our next generation is going further and further on the road of health?

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

The seventh phenomenon: the supremacy of money

Finally, let's talk about this money-first social climate. Now it seems that money has become the standard by which everything is measured! Interests affect all kinds of cooperation and affairs, and even interpersonal relationships have become utilitarian! Of course, money is not everything, but I have to admit that it is really inconvenient to have no money. Such a concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the whole society is filled with a smell of copper.

It's messed up, today's society is all messed up, don't say you don't know, it's shocking.

These social chaos are really worrying! We have to think deeply and get to the root cause of the problem. Then take practical steps to address them.

What do you think about these issues? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. Let's discuss and figure out how to solve it.