
The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

author:Madoka let's talk about it

There are always some good people who have done good deeds and selfless dedication all their lives, but they often spend their lives in suffering, or even leave this world early.

This confuses a lot of people and makes a lot of people question goodness and karma. The old monk once explained: "Karma is not a simple retribution of good and evil, but a more complex law of life. ”

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

He said that there are those who have done good deeds in their lives and have had a hard time because their accumulated sins have not yet dissipated, or because the suffering they endure in this life is to pay their debts. Karma is not achieved overnight, but is a long process.

A person's good and evil deeds are often manifested in a future life.

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

Life is like a play, with an opening and an end. Although some people's lives are short, they give full play to their value and contribute to society in a limited time.

Their lives are thus made meaningful, and their good deeds will be rewarded in future lives.

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

There is a word called "Fu Bo". A person's blessing is like a container with a limited capacity. If a person's container of blessings is small, then there is a limit to what he can enjoy in his lifetime.

Even if he continues to do good deeds and the container of blessings grows, it will take a process.

Some good people suffer because their vessel of blessing has not yet expanded, and the suffering they endure is the process of enlargement of the vessel of blessing.

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

This is not to say that good people should endure suffering, but it reminds us to learn to put suffering in life in perspective while doing good.

"Do good deeds and accumulate virtue, not for the sake of return, but for the kindness in the heart. Life is like a dream, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, but the time has not yet come. ”

Kindness is an attitude to life, not a bargaining chip in exchange for happiness. Do good deeds and accumulate virtue, not for the sake of return, but for the kindness in the heart. Life is like a dream, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, but the time has not yet come.

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

Human good and evil deeds are not immediately rewarded. Sometimes, acts of kindness may not bring immediate benefits, and may even be temporarily treated unfairly.

But this does not mean that kindness has no value, it is just that the cycle of cause and effect takes time, and kindness will eventually be rewarded as it deserves. Similarly, evil deeds, while may bring temporary benefits, are also ultimately punished because of the causal cycle.

Every action we do will have a corresponding result. There are good people who, although they have suffered a lot, have brought them endless blessings for their good deeds. This kind of good fortune may not be immediately apparent, but it will come eventually.

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

We also need to understand that the value of life does not lie in our lifespan, but in the quality of our life.

There are some good people, although they passed away early, but their lives are full of meaning. Their good deeds have become the greatest value of their lives.

In this world, nothing happens by chance. There are deep-seated reasons why some good people have suffered a lot and left early.

The hundred-year-old monk explained the secret: why some good people do good deeds and accumulate virtue all their lives, but they leave early after suffering all the hardships

Karma is not a simple retribution of good and evil, but a more complex law of life.

"Everything in the world is cause and effect. Good will be rewarded with good, evil will be rewarded with evil, it is not that it will not be reported, the time has not yet come. ”