
In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice
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In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

On an ordinary day in 2015, Uncle Liu from Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, stood in front of the bank counter like a knife. His wrinkled hands trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

In just one day, the 70,000 yuan he had worked hard to accumulate for most of his life disappeared out of thin air.

This old Chinese medicine doctor, who is over eighty years old, originally planned to rely on this money to spend his old age in peace, and did not want to cause trouble to his children. However, fate played a cruel joke on him. Uncle Liu's mind was full of questions: what kind of scam could make a cautious old man lose all his savings in an instant? What kind of criminal network is hidden behind this bizarre case? As the investigation deepens, a chilling fraud ring gradually emerges.

On that ill-fated afternoon, Uncle Liu strolled through the familiar streets as usual. Suddenly, a smiling middle-aged man walked up to him and greeted him warmly: "Uncle Liu, you are still so tough!" Uncle Liu was stunned, and carefully looked at the strange but familiar face in front of him.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

The man introduced himself: "I am Wang Xiaoping, your son's high school classmate. I used to go to your house to eat, don't you remember? Uncle Liu frowned, trying to search the corners of his memory, but the past was like a layer of mist.

Uncle Liu's guard gradually relaxed. Maybe he really remembered it wrong, he thought. So, he invited "Wang Xiaoping" to his clinic to see a doctor.

However, "Wang Xiaoping" cleverly turned the topic to his home, saying that he lived nearby, so it was better to go to his house to sit and see a doctor by the way.

Uncle Liu hesitated, but out of trust in his "son's classmate", he finally nodded and agreed. The two came to an unfamiliar neighborhood, and in the hallway, they suddenly found a paper bag on the ground, which was full of cash.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

"Wang Xiaoping" quickly picked it up, and Uncle Liu persuaded him to wait for the owner to come back. However, "Wang Xiaoping" appeared very impatient and said that he wanted to keep the money for himself.

Just when Uncle Liu was feeling uneasy, a young man rushed downstairs in a hurry, anxiously asking if he had seen his lost money. "Wang Xiaoping" decisively denied it, and Uncle Liu shook his head at a loss.

The young man insisted on a body search, but "Wang Xiaoping" was surprisingly calm and composed, and even took the initiative to cooperate.

In this elaborate scam, Uncle Liu's wallet and bank cards were quietly transferred. The scammers used a black plastic bag containing mineral water to skillfully transfer Uncle Liu's wallet and bank card.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

When Uncle Liu realized that he had been deceived, it was too late, and his savings of 70,000 yuan had already disappeared.

This seemingly accidental street encounter is actually an elaborate hoax. The scammers took advantage of the psychology of the elderly who are easy to trust acquaintances, and through clever dialogues and designed scenarios, they gradually dismantled Uncle Liu's defensive psychology.

They used the drama of "picking up money" and "searching the body" to divert their attention, and finally succeeded.

Uncle Liu stood in the unfamiliar corridor, holding the black plastic bag with only two bottles of mineral water left, full of remorse and despair. He couldn't help but think of the advice of his children, but now he couldn't regret it.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

This painful lesson not only made Uncle Liu lose his life savings, but also made him deeply realize the importance of staying vigilant in this complex society.

After receiving Uncle Liu's report, the Bazhong City Police immediately launched an investigation. As we dig deeper, a shocking fact emerges: there have been more than 20 similar cases in the past two years, and the victims are all elderly people like Uncle Liu without exception.

This discovery made the police realize that they were facing an organized, premeditated criminal gang.

In order to find a breakthrough, the police retrieved the bank surveillance video on the day of the crime. In a closer examination, they discovered a key detail: two suspicious men had been wandering around the neighborhood when Uncle Liu was withdrawing money, and their eyes were always locked on Uncle Liu, as if they were peeking at the password he entered.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

This discovery provided an important clue for the investigation of the case.

Next, the police conducted a detailed comparative analysis of the surveillance footage of these cases. Through repeated viewing and comparison, they were surprised to discover a mysterious "third person" who appeared repeatedly.

This person has been present in multiple cases, but has never been directly involved in the hoax, but has been secretly observing and coordinating.

Just as the investigation was at an impasse, an unexpected piece of good news came from Guangyuan City, Sichuan Province: the local police had successfully dismantled a fraud ring. During the interrogation, a suspect named Peng Dashun attracted the attention of the police officer handling the case.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

His physical features bear a striking resemblance to the mysterious "third party" in surveillance.

Peng's confession brought a breakthrough to the case. During the interrogation, he not only confessed his crimes, but also confessed to other members involved in the fraud, including Liu Shijiang, who called himself "Wang Xiaoping", and Duan Ling, a skinny man.

With this key information, the police quickly arrested Liu Shijiang in his hometown, and Duan Ling could not escape justice.

As the investigation deepened, the police gradually restored the entire criminal process. This scam ring specifically targets the elderly, taking advantage of their trusting psychology and slow response to carry out elaborate scams.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

They will first look for targets near banks, peep into the bank card passwords entered by the elderly, and then gain trust through various means, and finally steal the victim's wallet and bank card by "accident".

This seemingly simple street fraud case actually reveals a complex criminal network. It not only exposes the cunning tactics of criminals, but also reflects our shortcomings in protecting the elderly.

The successful cracking of the case not only brought justice to the victims, but also provided valuable experience for the prevention of similar cases.

As the investigation deepened, the police gradually restored the entire process of the fraud gang, revealing a chilling and well-designed scam.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

First, gang members will carefully observe the vicinity of the bank to look for suitable targets, especially those elderly people who come alone to withdraw money. They will quietly follow the elderly, using advanced equipment or naked eye observation to peep into the bank card password entered by the elderly.

In Uncle Liu's case, this is how the two men obtained his password information.

Next, a gang member will approach the target on his own initiative, pretending to be an acquaintance or friend of a relative. To add credibility, they gather some basic information about the target beforehand, such as name, occupation, etc.

In Uncle Liu's case, it was in this way that Liu Shijiang learned about Uncle Liu's occupation and some personal information. They skillfully use this information to quickly establish a "sense of familiarity" with the victim.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

Scammers will devise seemingly accidental scenarios, such as "picking up money" scenes, to divert the victim's attention. In the process, they will skillfully exchange the victim's wallet or bank card.

The black plastic bags they use not only hold mineral water, but also serve as a cover for them to mix the bags without noticing.

Eventually, gang members will quickly split up. Some are responsible for diverting the victim's attention, while others quickly go to different ATMs and use the stolen password to withdraw money from the victim's account.

The whole process is often completed in as little as half an hour, and by the time the victim reacts, the money has already been transferred.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

Although this modus operandi may seem simple, it is very effective, especially for older people who are less vigilant. Scammers take advantage of the gullible and slower response characteristics of older people, coupled with well-crafted scenarios that make it difficult for victims to detect that they are falling victim to a scam.

What is even more worrying is that the scope of the gang's crimes is not limited to one place. They have carried out similar scams in multiple cities in Sichuan Province, showing a certain level of organization and mobility.

This also explains why there have been more than 20 similar cases in a short period of time.

The revelation of this case not only exposes the cunning methods of criminals, but also reflects our shortcomings in protecting the elderly. It reminds us of the need for greater vigilance in an increasingly complex social environment, especially to strengthen safety education and protection for the elderly.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

At the same time, it also provides valuable experience for law enforcement to help prevent and combat similar crimes.

After the unremitting efforts and careful investigation of the police, this fraud gang specializing in the elderly has finally been caught. The main suspects Liu Shijiang, Duan Ling and Peng Dashun have all been successfully arrested and confessed their crimes in the face of strong evidence.

During the interrogation, Liu Shijiang explained in detail how he obtained Uncle Liu's personal information. It turned out that when he was observing Uncle Liu entering the bank card password near the bank, he took the opportunity to catch a glimpse of the name on the old man's ID card.

As for Uncle Liu's occupation, it was inadvertently revealed by the old man himself in the follow-up conversation. This seemingly insignificant information, with the careful use of scammers, has become the key to gaining trust.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

With the in-depth investigation of the case, the police found that the scope of the gang's crimes was far beyond Bazhong City, but also spread to many cities in Sichuan Province. Their criminal behavior has caused a large number of property losses for the elderly, and the social impact is bad.

The successful cracking of this case not only brought justice to Uncle Liu and other victims, but also provided valuable experience for the prevention of similar cases. It sheds light on how criminals exploit the characteristics of older people to commit fraud, while also exposing our shortcomings in protecting the elderly.

However, the end of the case does not mean that we can let our guard down. As society evolves, so do the methods of fraud. Although the cracking of this case has dealt a blow to the arrogance of criminals, it also reminds us that protecting the property safety of the elderly is a long-term task.

For Uncle Liu, although it may be difficult to recover all the lost money, he has some comfort in his heart when he sees the criminals being brought to justice. This case also made him deeply aware of the importance of heightened vigilance, and taught him and other elderly people a vivid anti-fraud lesson.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

In the end, good triumphed over evil, but this case is a wake-up call for us to pay more attention to safety education and protection of the rights and interests of the elderly.

This fraud case that shocked Sichuan not only revealed the cunning methods of criminals, but also exposed the many shortcomings of our society in protecting the elderly. To prevent similar tragedies from happening again, we need to act on multiple levels.

First of all, family members should care more about and accompany the elderly, especially when it comes to property issues. Children should patiently explain to their parents the various common scams and increase their vigilance.

Second, older people should be vigilant when going out and not easily trust strangers, even if they claim to be acquaintances. When dealing with financial matters, it is best to have a family member with you.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

Third, pay extra attention to the protection of personal information, especially bank card passwords. Be careful when entering your password in public and don't tell anyone about it.

Fourth, it is recommended that the elderly and their families download and use the "National Anti-Fraud Center" app, which can provide the latest information on fraud methods and prevention advice.

Finally, communities and relevant institutions should carry out more anti-fraud knowledge lectures to improve the security awareness of the elderly. Police or anti-fraud experts can be invited to explain real cases, so that the elderly can more intuitively understand the harm of fraud and how to prevent it.

Remember, prevention is better than cure. Only by working together can we create a safe and secure living environment for the elderly to enjoy their old age. The protection of older persons is not only the responsibility of the family, but also the obligation of society as a whole.

In 2015, the uncle met an "acquaintance" halfway, and his lifelong savings were defrauded, and the fugitive could not escape justice

Let us work together to build a harmonious society that respects, loves and cares for the elderly.

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