
Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

author:Southern cousin to be married
Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

A Chinese executive was killed in the Philippines

This is shocking news, and even more so infuriating news.

Two executives of Chinese companies were kidnapped in the Philippines to expand overseas markets, and their families were still killed by the kidnappers after paying a ransom of 3 million.

Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

According to the obituary released by Suzhou Runmed Medical Technology Co., Ltd., Comrade Xia Kefu is the international marketing director of Suzhou Runmed Medical Technology Co., Ltd. The sacrifice was only 39 years old.

Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

Insiders revealed the inside story of the murder

According to an insider, Xia Kefu, director of overseas marketing of Runmed, met a Philippine agent at the European annual meeting, and this time he went to the Philippines to talk about business, and was kidnapped as soon as he got off the plane.

Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

Netizens are hotly discussed

In this incident, netizens expressed their anger and gave money, but in the end, the kidnappers brutally killed two Chinese company executives.

Some netizens said that this is not an ordinary kidnapper, an ordinary kidnapper just wants money, and he gets the money and releases him.

Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

Some netizens also said that the bilateral relationship is not very stable now, and it is necessary to be thoughtful when going to the Philippines.

Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.


We must strongly condemn this act of violence against Chinese executives. At the same time, it is hoped that the Philippine side will arrest the murderer as soon as possible and give an explanation to the families of the victims. #爆料##2名中企高管在菲律宾遭绑架后撕票#

Insiders revealed the inside story that two Chinese company executives were kidnapped in the Philippines and paid a ransom of 3 million but were still torn up.

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