
He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

author:Watermelon talks about the world
He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality
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He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

One summer day in 2007, the entertainment industry suddenly set off a stormy wave. The news of the lightning marriage between the popular actress Liu Tao and the wealthy businessman Wang Ke is like a bombshell, spreading rapidly among major media.

From acquaintance to marriage, the couple only took 20 days, setting a new record for the speed of love in the entertainment industry.

However, in the jubilant atmosphere where everyone offered their blessings, a man named Lee Weimin looked out of place. He sat alone in the corner of the bar, glass after glass of liquor, his eyes full of indescribable sadness and pain.

Who is he? Why is this high-profile wedding so unusual? As time passes, a dusty love past gradually surfaces, revealing a huge gulf between reality and affection.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

Going back in time, we go back to the special moment when Liu Tao and Li Weimin first met. On the flight to the crew of "Dragon Babu", Liu Tao, who has the dream of being an actor, is nervously flipping through the script and making final preparations for the upcoming audition.

Just then, the actions of a handsome man sitting next to her caught her attention. The man who focused on reading the novel "Dragon Babu" was Li Weimin.

The two soon had a lively discussion because of their common interests. Liu Tao was attracted by Li Weimin's deep understanding of Jin Yong's martial arts world, while Li Weimin was moved by Liu Tao's intelligence and charm.

After the short voyage, although they had to separate, this chance encounter had planted the seeds of affection in the hearts of the two.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

Fate always seems to like to arrange coincidences. With Liu Tao's outstanding performance in "Dragon Babu", her acting career began to flourish. After a successful career, Liu Tao bought a new house in Shanghai.

Just when she is worried about the renovation, a familiar figure appears in her life again - Lee Weimin, this time as an interior designer to meet her again.

The two are in frequent contact because of the renovation of the house, and their common interests and hobbies bring them closer and closer. Li Weimin's gentle and considerate personality deeply attracted Liu Tao, and Liu Tao's talent and charm also made Li Weimin unable to extricate himself.

In getting along day and night, the spark of love quietly blooms.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

However, considering that Liu Tao is in the critical rising period of his career, the two chose to fall in love in a low-key manner. Li Weimin wholeheartedly supports Liu Tao's career and takes care of her in every detail in life.

He carefully took care of Liu Tao's housework, carefully cooked delicious meals, and spoiled her as a carefree little princess. Under the care of Li Weimin, Liu Tao felt an unprecedented sense of warmth and security.

Four years passed quietly like a white horse. During this sweet day, the relationship between the two deepened day by day. Li Weimin secretly looks forward to the future in her heart, looking forward to one day being able to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand with Liu Tao.

They look forward to waiting for Liu Tao's career to be more stable, and they will be able to announce their relationship to the world openly.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

In the spring of 2007, when Li Weimin was still immersed in the beautiful vision of building a future with Liu Tao, fate ruthlessly turned its gears. Wang Ke, a wealthy businessman, was like a sudden whirlwind that broke into Liu Tao's life.

His vigorous and resolute style of action and prominent social status soon attracted Liu Tao's attention.

From acquaintance to marriage proposal, Wang Ke only took 20 days. This time span is so short that no one expected. When the news spread, the entire entertainment industry was shaken.

And for Li Weimin, who has been silently waiting for an open relationship with Liu Tao, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

When Lee Weimin learned the news, his world seemed to collapse in an instant. The once sweet memories have become so bitter at this moment, and the feelings accumulated over the past four years seem so fragile in the face of reality.

He couldn't believe that the lover who had been with him every day would decide to marry another man within 20 days.

Pain flooded Lee like a tide. He began to use alcohol to kill his sorrows, trying to numb his nerves with alcohol and erase those unforgettable memories. However, each drunken sobriety made him more aware of the pain of loss.

The once familiar streets and the restaurants he once loved together have now become sharp knives that pierce his heart.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

At the same time, Liu Tao and Wang Ke's wedding preparations are in full swing. At the luxurious wedding scene, Wang Ke married his bride in high spirits. Liu Tao was dressed in a white wedding dress, with a happy smile on his face, as if he had forgotten everything in the past.

The pomp and circumstance of the wedding made headlines on the entertainment page, and everyone was wishing the couple well.

Faced with such a situation, Li Weimin chose to remain silent. He didn't hold back hysterically, didn't ask angrily, and didn't go out of his way to make a scandal. He knew that in the face of the bright stars and the temptation of money, his ordinariness seemed so insignificant.

He chose to bear this pain alone, silently wishing the woman he once loved to find his happiness.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

This sudden turn of events not only shattered Li Weimin's dream, but also made people wonder: Under the pressure of reality, can love really stand the test? Is there a hidden pursuit of fame and fortune behind Liu Tao's choice? Perhaps, the truth can only be known in the hearts of the parties.

As time went on, Lee worked hard to get himself back on his feet. He began to devote himself to his work, trying to fill the emptiness in his heart with busyness. However, in the dead of night, that unforgettable memory still comes back from time to time, reminding him of the beauty he once had.

This experience profoundly changed Lee Weimin. He has become more reticent and more cautious about love. As for Liu Tao, he chose to silently bless her, hoping that she could find true happiness in her new life.

Although he is still unwilling in his heart, he understands that some fates are destined to be short-lived, and some stories will eventually come to an end.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

After marriage, Liu Tao seems to have embarked on a new journey in life. Although Wang Ke's career once fell into a trough, Liu Tao showed admirable strength and responsibility. Not only did she go all out in her acting career, but she also stepped forward and supported the whole family with her own efforts.

In the face of the influx of doubts and ridicule on the Internet, Liu Tao has always defended her husband and family with a firm attitude. Her persistence and loyalty have won the respect and love of many audiences.

With the passage of time, Liu Tao's career has also ushered in a new peak. She has starred in many popular film and television dramas one after another, and her popularity has been rising, becoming one of the hottest actresses in the entertainment industry.

In public, Liu Tao and Wang Ke are always in love, and they have become a model couple in the entertainment industry. They attended various events together, and images of supporting each other frequently appeared in the media.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

Liu Tao's smile became brighter and brighter, and the happiness in his eyes was enviable.

However, under this happy appearance, the former lover Li Weimin lives a completely different life. After losing Liu Tao, he has not been able to completely get out of the haze of emotional injury.

All kinds of speculation and rumors about him are rampant on the Internet, casting a deeper shadow on his already bleak life.

Li Weimin, who is still unmarried, seems to have been forgotten by the whole world. His life became low-key and lonely, rarely seen in the public eye. His once brilliant talent seems to be covered by the dust of time, and he is like an invisible man, quietly living in his own little world.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

The two have completely different life trajectories, and people can't help but sigh at the impermanence of fate. Two people who once loved each other sweetly are now living in two completely different worlds.

Liu Tao shines in the spotlight, while Li Weimin is obscure behind the scenes.

The years have passed, and the flash marriage turmoil of the year has long subsided, but the dusty past has attracted attention again many years later. In a rare interview, when asked about his past with Mr. Lee, Mr. Liu unexpectedly responded.

Her words, though brief, sparked a wide public discussion.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

Liu Tao called Li Weimin a kind person and expressed deep guilt for him. This simple "good person" evaluation seems to have drawn an end to that unforgettable four-year relationship.

However, behind this seemingly bland response, there are complex emotions.

The resurfaced of this past makes people ponder: between love and reality, how should we choose? Can 20 days of acquaintance really replace four years of relationship? Perhaps, as someone said, Liu Tao never really loved Li Weimin, or maybe her choice was indeed out of a yearning for a better life.

Whatever the truth, this experience profoundly reveals a brutal reality: in the face of fame, fortune and the test of reality, so-called affection often seems so vulnerable.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

It makes us think about whether we can keep our original intentions when faced with the choice between love and reality, or will we be swayed by the pressures of reality.

This story, like a mirror, reflects the challenges and contradictions faced by love in contemporary society. It reminds us that in the pursuit of happiness, we need to carefully consider the possible consequences of each choice.

The story of Liu Tao and Li Weimin is like a mirror, reflecting the challenges faced by love in contemporary society. In this materialistic age, many people find it difficult to resist the temptation of money and fame, and it is difficult to keep their commitment to their partner.

At the same time, the pressure of reality and the expectations of the family often become stumbling blocks on the road to love.

He and Liu Tao lived together for 4 years and were tragically abandoned: no matter how much affection there is, they are "vulnerable" in the face of reality

However, we should not lose faith in love because of this. Sincere feelings should be able to withstand the test of reality and become more tenacious in the face of difficulties. Everyone should cherish the people in front of them and interpret the meaning of true love with actions.

In this world full of uncertainties, only by being honest with each other and supporting each other can the flame of love burn forever. We should learn to find the beauty of life in the blandness of firewood, rice, oil and salt; In the face of difficulties, work together to overcome difficulties.

I hope everyone can find the person who is willing to share the joys and sorrows and spend the ups and downs of life hand in hand. Let us still be able to look at each other and smile after the prosperity fades, and write our own love legend together.

Sincere feelings may not be as dazzling as fame and fortune, but they can shine in the long river of years and become the most precious wealth in life.

The purpose of this article is to advocate positive social energy, without vulgarity and other bad guidance. If you are involved in copyright or character infringement, please contact us in time

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