
A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

author:Xi Xi Gui Circle


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A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Text: Xixi Guiquan


There has always been no shortage of stories of "sister and brother love" in the entertainment industry, but have you ever heard of someone using "handsome donkey" to describe their husbands? That's right, these words came from the mouth of the well-known Korean actress Zhang Nara.

In a variety show, the actress, who is over forty years old, generously shared her love story with her six-year-old husband, which makes people sigh: It turns out that true love can be so frank and cute!

This relationship that crosses the boundaries of age not only breaks the traditional concept, but also allows us to see the purest appearance of love. Let's explore this sweet and unique sibling relationship and see how it subverts our preconceived notions of love.

A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Love at first sight: the romance of an encounter on set

At the filming site of the Korean drama "VIP", a heartwarming love quietly sprouted. Jang Nara, a Korean actress who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with her pure image, met her destined other half. And this lucky person is an unknown photographer in the crew.

"We met there, the drama went well, we fell in love, and we got married," Jang recalled. "

Behind this simple description, how many sweet thoughts are hidden! Imagine that on a busy set, Sister Nala secretly looked at the young photographer who was working hard, and her heart rippled. Maybe it's his focused eyes, maybe it's his skill, or maybe it's just his sunny smile, but in short, this man who is 6 years younger than her has managed to capture her heart.

Jang Nara is 41 years old, while her husband Jung Ha Chul is 35 years old. In the eyes of many people, such an age gap may cause some discussion. But does love really care about these numbers? Sister Nala tells us with her actions: When true love comes, age is just a number!

A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Take the initiative: Nala's sister's "reverse chase" cheats

When it comes to the process of pursuit, Sister Nala is not ambiguous at all. She generously admitted that she took the initiative first. This courage and courage have to be applauded!

"Somebody took pictures during the TV series, and I took pictures of my husband, and when I sent him the pictures, I said, 'Are you there?' Then I got a response to a similar question saying 'Are you well-rested?' '"

When you see this, don't you feel particularly kind? Sister Nala's "flirtatious" skills are simply textbook-level! Start by making an excuse to post a photo, and then start a conversation naturally. This trick is really tactful and clever, and it doesn't seem deliberate at all.

Next, Sister Nala showed the true meaning of "women chasing men, interlayer yarn". "From that point on, I tried to reach out to him, and he said, 'It's great to be filming with such great brothers and sisters,' and then, I quickly said, I like him," she said. "

This directness and honesty is simply amazing! In this "reserved" society, Sister Nala told us with actions: If you like it, you must be brave to say it, and don't miss fate. Isn't her courage and sincerity exactly what each of us should learn from?

A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Glamorous: Can a workaholic be the perfect husband?

When it comes to her husband's charm, Sister Nala is full of words. In her eyes, her husband is not only good-looking, but more importantly, his love and dedication to his work.

"His charm is that he is really good at his job, and even if something goes wrong outside of his own department, this person runs to work unconditionally."

Isn't it a little surprising to hear this? In the eyes of many people, it seems unlikely that a workaholic will be the ideal partner. But Nala's sister was fascinated by her husband's professionalism. This tells us that true charm comes not only from appearance, but also from a person's inner qualities and attitude towards their career.

However, when it comes to appearance, Nala's sister's description makes people laugh. She said her husband "looks a bit like a handsome and handsome donkey." This metaphor is so new and funny!

Donkeys usually give the impression of being hardworking and down-to-earth, but the adjective "handsome and handsome" is combined to give people a contrasting and cute feeling. It seems that in the eyes of Sister Nala, her husband has both the appearance of a male god and the quality of a doer, which is a perfect combination!

A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Sweet Daily: The secret of love preservation is revealed

After two years of marriage, Nala's sister and her husband's relationship is still as sweet as ever. For the first time in the show, she revealed the five levels of nicknames given to her by her husband, which made people feel the warmth and humor in their daily lives.

"When he's in a good mood, he says baby and princess, when he's joking, he says piggy and darling, and when he quarrels, he says damn (pigs)."

These nicknames not only reflect the intimacy between the couple, but also show the tacit understanding and sense of humor between them. From "Princess" to "Piggy" to "Damn (Pig)", the change of nicknames reflects various states in life. This way of getting along with each other with a sense of humor and fun in daily life may be the secret of their marriage.

It is worth noting that even in the face of age gaps, the couple was able to use humor to resolve possible barriers. "When I talked to my husband about him being younger than me, he said, 'You should be nice to me.'" This kind of ridicule not only shows the intimacy between them, but also reflects their calm acceptance of this "sister and brother love".

A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Netizens are hotly discussed: Love has nothing to do with age, sincerity is the key

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens think that the love story between Zhang Nara and her husband is simply a realistic version of an idol drama, so sweet!

"Seeing Sister Nala so happy, I also believe in love! Age is not an issue, what matters is whether the two people are in tune or not. "

Some netizens also said that Zhang Nara's active pursuit is worth learning:

"Sister Nala is too brave! If you like it, you have to fight for it, otherwise it's a pity to miss it. This kind of initiative is really amazing! "

Some netizens were very interesting about Zhang Nara's metaphor of describing her husband as "like a handsome donkey":

"Hahaha, the description of 'handsome donkey' is too cute! It seems that Sister Nala is not only beautiful, but also has a great sense of humor. "
A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Of course, some netizens expressed concern about "sister and brother love":

"It's sweet now, but will the age gap be a problem in the future? I hope they can continue to be so happy. "

However, more netizens still gave their blessings:

"The most important thing in love is that two people have the same heart, and age is really not a problem. Bless Sister Nala and hope she can always be happy! "

Written at the end: the true meaning of love

The love story of Zhang Nara and her husband has taught us a vivid love lesson. It tells us that true love knows no age, no formality, and most importantly, two hearts that are sincere to each other.

A well-known Korean actress revealed that she took the initiative to pursue her husband, who was 6 years younger, and he looked a little handsome

Whether it is Nala's sister's initiative or her appreciation of her husband's work attitude, it reflects a mature woman's understanding and pursuit of love. Their stories break the traditional pattern of love and show the independence and courage of modern women to pursue happiness.

At the same time, the sense of humor and interest that the couple maintains in their daily lives also provides us with a reference for maintaining long-term relationships. Love is not a momentary passion, but getting along and running in day after day. Being able to maintain sweetness in the ordinariness of firewood, rice, oil and salt is the true master of love.

Finally, I would like to ask you: in your opinion, what is the most important factor in a successful relationship? Is it age, appearance, or inner qualities? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section!

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