
Odds to win the European Championship: England first, Spain second, Germany and France third, Portugal fifth

author:Sakuragi chats about balls


Odds to win the European Championship: England first, Spain second, Germany and France third, Portugal fifth

On July 2, Beijing time, 6 seats have been determined in the top 8 of the European Cup, but the divisions that everyone is more concerned about have been played, and the death half of the upper half of the region has been completely formed, let's take a look at the odds of winning the championship given by relevant institutions:

1. England: 4.50

2. Spain: 5.00

3. France, Germany: 5.50

5. Portugal: 8.50

6. Netherlands: 13.00

7. Switzerland: 17.00

8. Austria: 19.00

9. Turkey: 81.00

10. Romania: 151.00

Odds to win the European Championship: England first, Spain second, Germany and France third, Portugal fifth

England is now generally favored, because there are no top teams in the half they are in, yes, Switzerland is very strong, the Netherlands, Turkey, and Austria are all good, but they are indeed not as difficult to play as Spain and Germany, England is in a half zone without any giants, and the only giants are themselves, and it is understandable to be favored!

Odds to win the European Championship: England first, Spain second, Germany and France third, Portugal fifth

France VS Portugal, Germany VS Spain, it can be seen from the odds that Spain in the death half is the most optimistic, because as of now, Spain is the best team, their offense is very three-dimensional, and the overall control is quite strong, and France, Germany, Portugal have their own problems, France and Portugal have some difficulties in scoring goals, Germany's defense is not stable, but everything is possible in the knockout round, for fans, West Germany, Portugal and France, are all peak matchups, not to be missed!

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