
The wild area is reshuffled, the old jungler is collectively in prison, and the two heroes are barely available

author:Talking about things

The changes in the new season are so big that it is difficult for junglers to accept. In the past, the jungler economy was the No. 1 or No. 2 position, and with the poor economy, there was the ability to be a second person. Today's jungler economy is often the No. 3 position, and if you don't pay attention to it, it is the No. 4 position, which can't move people at all. The jungler has become weaker, and the double C has become stronger, and now it is not the jungler who catches the double C, but the double C counter-killing jungler, which is the opposite of Tiangang.

The wild area is reshuffled, the old jungler is collectively in prison, and the two heroes are barely available

The veteran jungler heroes are basically in prison, and heroes such as Mirror, Lan, Luna, and Miyamoto have a very low win rate, especially Mirror, which has a win rate of less than 40% and is in a difficult situation. The above heroes are not easy to save, their weakening has something to do with the increase in the jungle, the map of the new season has been fixed, and it is impossible to readjust the map for a few of their heroes, so everyone should change the hero on the score.

The wild area is reshuffled, the old jungler is collectively in prison, and the two heroes are barely available

The current situation is that whoever runs fast in the jungle will have the best jungler ability. There are many heroes who run fast, Baili Xuance, Yun Zhongjun, etc., but their rhythm is still a bit slower than that of tigers. The tiger attacks from far and near, and can challenge two wild monsters at one time in the wild area, and the farming efficiency is very fast. Tigers are also quick to catch people, with high damage bursts, and a greater threat to double C.

The wild area is reshuffled, the old jungler is collectively in prison, and the two heroes are barely available

Compared with the tiger, Sima Yi is simpler, he is a mage jungler, and the mage jungler knife has not been weakened, and Sima Yi has not been weakened. Sima Yi's mobility is too high, often the dragon sees the head but not the tail, brushes the field quickly, catches people quickly, and its concealment is comparable to that of A Ke. Sima Yi is not a difficult hero to get started, so I recommend that you practice more.

The wild area is reshuffled, the old jungler is collectively in prison, and the two heroes are barely available

The status of the current jungler hero is not as good as that of the warrior, and if your natal hero happens to be a weak hero like Lan and Jing, you only have two options. Either learn Tiger and Sima Yi, or turn to other professions, I personally feel that shooters are the most suitable.