
Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

author:May heaven not have a big horizontal chord
Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

There is a music school with a high status in the music industry, and even in the hearts of most professionals, it is known as the world's number one music school. If Berklee College of Music becomes the first choice for Chinese music idol singers + mixed diploma diplomas, then this highest music school, in a word: there is no problem in beating Berklee College of Music. He is the Curtis Institute of Music.

The Curtis Institute of Music may be a little unfamiliar to us Chinese-speaking people, but we must know the graduates he has cultivated:

  • 1: Lang Lang. The most important part of Lang Lang's piano career is to study Curtis, become a close disciple of Curtis's golden left hand Gary Graveman, develop the top classical piano network in Europe and the United States, complete shocking performance achievements in Europe and the United States as an Asian and Chinese, and successfully expand the audience of world classical music.
  • 2: Yujia Wang. After Lang Lang, Wang Yujia is China's second world-class classical pianist. She also graduated from Curtis, but became famous late. The commercial influence is weaker than Lang Lang.
  • 3: Ouyang Nana. Isn't Ouyang Nana a singer? It's really not, the cello talent she showed when she was a teenager was at the same level as Lang Lang. But it's a pity that Dong Yong was injured, and he couldn't stand the boredom of a music artist and dropped out of Curtis.
Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

Why is the Curtis Institute of Music considered the world's number one conservatory? What kind of magic does he have, and what kind of teacher is it? What is the acceptance rate? How do I get in and graduate? Today, from a professional point of view, I will crush and say:

1: The Curtis Institute of Music is the only music school in the United States that is free of tuition (all students automatically enjoy a full scholarship), provides free commercial assistance, food and accommodation, one person per room, and an exclusive top instrument (piano). Yes, you heard it right, all students at the Curtis Institute of Music are free of tuition, not only are there no tuition, but the food and accommodation are all covered by the conservatory.

And the accommodation is extremely exaggerated: one villa per student is standard, and the top instruments are provided free of charge. For example, for piano students, each student must have an exclusive piano room and an exclusive Steinway piano worth about 1 million yuan. That's how arrogant it is.

2: The Curtis Institute of Music despises all direct music competitions, and they produce a new artistic style of human musical artist. The first prize in the Chopin Piano Competition and the first prize in Tchaikovsky Piano are just the threshold for joining the Curtis Institute of Music. The Curtis Institute of Music is positioned to cultivate only the genius of the genius, so that the genius of the genius becomes a full-fledged solo artist (more classical). An artist is a kind of newcomer who is not at all like attracting a competition to gain fame, they must have a distinct self-art style.

Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

You don't want to come to the school, because the ecology that Curtis provides to students is to complete it in the way of an artist. The Curtis Institute of Music is a conservatory for gifted educators. The purpose of all his teachings is to train a genius into a full-fledged solo artist, and to do so at all costs.

3: The Curtis Institute of Music has an acceptance rate of 2%-3%, and the total number of students is no more than 150. This means that only 2%-3% of the total number of applicants in the world who believe they have the ability to enter the Curtis Institute of Music (only a few dozen a year) are admitted. Compared with Berklee College of Music, which has no threshold and an acceptance rate of 30% or even 50%, it can only be said that it is like a heaven and a place. The Curtis Institute of Music's low acceptance rate is terrifying because Curtis is a replacement system, and one drummer graduated, and only one drummer will be hired this year. There is a classical guitarist who graduated, and this year only one classical guitarist is being recruited.

4: The ratio of teachers to students at the Curtis Institute of Music is 1:1, and any student has one-to-one, or even one-to-one (student) to two (teacher) education, most of which is a master-apprentice relationship. The key is the teachers of the Curtis Institute of Music, there are 90 resident teachers, all of whom are professional artists, and all the teachers of the Curtis Institute of Music, they are the main members of the American Federation of Music Schools.

Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

This means a very terrifying thing: the Curtis music teacher, who has only 100 people, is the central cultural circle in the field of European and American music artists, and the network resources are directly filled with students from the moment they enter the school. Whether students are studying for three or five years or after graduation, the people they come into contact with can be transformed and expanded through Curtiss as the center, and the whole career can be paved.

5: The Curtis Institute of Music will take the initiative to encourage and guide graduates to complete the direction of commercialization. There is a huge difficulty and torment between how a college student with the top talent of mankind can become a musician who can survive in the market. Commercialization is a difficult problem that every artist must face, how to develop and expand art. Generally speaking, a genius such as Wang Yujia did not break out of his own artistic path until he was 40 years old. And Lang Lang started the legend at the age of 20.

At this point: Lang Lang is a miracle Curtis graduate, not only a miracle of Chinese music, but also a miracle of classical piano and classical music. Lang Lang has greatly expanded the audience of classical music, not only in China, but also in the world. And Lang Lang's teacher, Gary Graveman, the director of Curtis, gave important guidance and business connections.

Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

To sum up, these five points mean that what the Curtis Institute of Music is doing can be summed up as: how to make a genius become a future music artist. First of all, the reason for the extremely high threshold is to screen out students who are not geniuses, or geniuses whose minds are not suitable for art. Based on the premise of student genius, the Curtis Institute of Music has done the following four aspects:

1: Let geniuses enjoy abundant material resources, and avoid the consumption of time and talent due to materials. So they provide the best free resources, full scholarships, independent accommodation, free food and lodging.

2: Let the genius get used to the loneliness of art, avoid vanity and impetuousness when constantly winning the first place in the competition, and devote all the genius's time to the exploration of music and the accumulation of future music styles. For this reason, basically all the teachers at the Curtis Institute of Music do not recommend that students compete within their studies, but to polish their art. In addition, the college spends a lot of money on students with no more than a dozen students, and offers a large number of top-level master classes. The strongest artists in the industry are required to come to Curtis to have direct contact with students, teach immersion in art, and avoid impetuousness.

Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

3: Let the genius have the most perfect teaching and network resources - one-to-one artist guidance. Every teacher that students come into contact with can become the most perfect guiding light on their life path in the future, because teachers are mature commercial music artists who have come from students. What does this amount to? It is equivalent to every student of the Curtis Institute of Music, there must be a big man to provide the most correct business path for it. Students only need to lower their mentality and accumulate a lot of money.

4: Let the genius complete the employment. In fact, the biggest difference between the Curtis Institute of Music and other conservatories is that it is elite employment. Every genius has a very high commercial value, which is not found in ordinary conservatories. Berklee College of Music, in particular, is unemployed upon graduation and does not even know how to work in the music industry. But Curtis is different, and every Curtis graduate is a limited business resource. In this case, having the Curtis Institute of Music take the initiative to create business matchmaking, which means that graduates can have a better platform and vision.

Professional popular science: Lang Lang Ouyang Nana studied Curtis, why is the world's No. 1 conservatory?

To sum it up, it is a sentence: if you are a genius, you can come here, you can study the artistic performance of music and art, and everything else will be solved by the big guys. This is the Curtis Institute of Music. This kind of local tyrant who greatly respects musical talent and consumes money without doing anything has successfully cultivated Lang Lang, a talent with a rising status at the Curtis Institute of Music. So to be sure: Curtis is the number one conservatory in the world, and there is no problem.

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