
Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

author:Buchanan Balls


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Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Text: Buchanan Balls

Edited by Buchanan Balls

Peking University bully, second-level swimming athlete, popular female star - Li Xueqin with these halos, do you think she will be a high-minded and big-name master? Wrong! Miss by a mile!

Today, let's reveal the secrets of this low-key "goddess of learning". Flying economy class, traveling alone, and affinity max - what kind of star is this, it's simply our big sister next door!

But, wait, isn't this contrast too deliberate? Is it a true temperament or a well-designed character? Let's take a look at Li Xueqin's operation and see what kind of master she is!

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Be a low-key person and do things in a high-profile manner: Li Xueqin's way of life

Oh mom, our Sister Xueqin is on the hot search again! This time it's not black material, but a new thing that fans encounter her on the plane. Speaking of which, Sister Xueqin has always been very low-key. Never play a big name in recording a show, and go out to take economy class, which is called a thrift.

He is worthy of being a top student of Peking University, with brains and patterns! You see, which star hasn't hugged each other and not sat in non-first class these days? It's good for our sister Xueqin, she quietly sits in economy class alone, without even an assistant, which is a clear stream in the entertainment industry!

No, a lucky fan met Sister Xueqin on the plane a few days ago. People wanted to take a group photo, but Sister Xueqin agreed without saying a word, and took pictures with her face, how close to the people! However, fans wanted to inquire about those hot topics, but Sister Xueqin just smiled and didn't say anything. High! It's really high!

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

This kind of low-key and high-profile way of doing things is simply a model for contemporary young people! Tell me, which of today's young people is not eager to post their breakfast on Moments? But our Sister Xueqin is good, she is obviously a popular star, but she lives more unpretentiously than ordinary people.

The aura of a scholar is added: the truth of the top students of Peking University is revealed

Some time ago, there was a fryer on the Internet, saying that Sister Xueqin's Peking University history had a problem. I was like, "Hey, what's going on with you guys?" My sister Xueqin is so good, do you still need to fake?

As a result, you see, Sister Xueqin didn't pay attention to these gossips at all. But her classmates from Peking University jumped out and directly posted Sister Xueqin's college entrance examination results, slapping her face! There's nothing to say now, is there?

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Sister Xueqin has proved with her strength what it means to be genuine! In recent years, there have been a lot of academic frauds, but who is our Sister Xueqin? That's a real top student of Peking University! People not only study well, but also have a sense of humor, no, now they have become popular female stars.

To be honest, who can be admitted to Peking University is not a top student? Sister Xueqin was able to cultivate such a good sense of humor and acting talent in addition to studying, doesn't this prove her intelligence even more?

The Swimming Level 2 Certificate Turmoil: Reflections After the Truth Was Revealed

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Speaking of Sister Xueqin's second-level swimming certificate, it really caused a lot of turmoil. Some people say that she can't swim but has a second-level certificate, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

But, guess what? The relevant departments have directly spoken out! People said that Sister Xueqin's second-level swimming certificate is completely compliant, which is really a slap in the face to those who spread rumors!

This is a lesson for us. That is to say, what news we see on the Internet, we can't just believe it. Especially those gossip about celebrities, you have to keep your eyes open.

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Sister Xueqin's studio also came out to clarify, saying that "can't swim" was taken out of context. People say they can't dive, but they don't know how to swim! Now, those who want to grab Sister Xueqin's pigtails really have nothing to say.

Silence is golden: Sister Xueqin's high emotional intelligence crisis PR

In the face of so many doubts and criticisms, how did Sister Xueqin respond? The answer is: silence. That's right, it's silence. This is no ordinary silence, but a sign of high emotional intelligence!

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Sister Xueqin's operation is simply a textbook-level crisis public relations! Silence when encountering doubts, let the facts speak; Warm and friendly to the fans, maintain affinity. What a star is this, he is simply a crisis public relations expert!

Do you think, if Sister Xueqin jumps out and scolds netizens, won't she fall into the inferior? She was so silent, but she seemed atmospheric and calm. Coupled with the clarification of relevant departments and classmates, this matter is self-defeating.

Silence is sometimes more powerful than a thousand words. Sister Xueqin told us with practical actions that in the face of rumors and doubts, the best way to deal with them is to remain silent and prove yourself with facts and time.

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Netizens are hotly discussed: The positive and negative are mixed

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believe that Li Xueqin's low-key and people-friendly performance is very rare, and it is not easy to maintain her true colors in the entertainment industry, Vanity Fair. They said: "Which of the current celebrities is not hugging and fanfare? Xueqin can be so low-key, it is really impressive! "

Some netizens also expressed doubts about Li Xueqin's behavior, thinking that this may be a well-designed character. They said: "Which of the current celebrities is not running a personality?"

Who knows if this is a scene orchestrated by her team? This is not unreasonable, after all, in this day and age when everyone is building a personal brand, it is not easy to stay authentic.

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Some netizens analyzed this matter from a deeper level. They believed: "Whether it is a character or not, Li Xueqin's behavior is worthy of recognition." She conveys positive energy with practical actions, which is a positive impact on fans and the public. This is also insightful, because positive behavior is always something to be encouraged, regardless of the original intention.

Interestingly, some netizens paid attention to Li Xueqin's identity as a scholar. They said: "The top student who graduated from Peking University is now a popular star, and he is so down-to-earth, he is simply a perfect character!" This kind of comment not only expresses appreciation for Li Xueqin's talent, but also reveals curiosity and envy for the special group of "Xueba stars".

I have to say that the comments of netizens can be described as varied, but they also reflect the high level of public attention to celebrity behavior. Whether it is praise or questioning, it shows that Li Xueqin's every move is in the public eye. This kind of attention is not only the aura of the star, but also an invisible pressure.

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Written at the end: Where is the boundary between reality and character?

Looking back on the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to find that Li Xueqin's low-key style, background as a scholar, and silent response in the face of doubts have created an intellectual, rational, and amiable image. This image has undoubtedly won the favor of most people.

However, in this era when everyone is running a persona, we can't help but ask: where is the boundary between reality and persona? Is it true that you deserve to be praised for doing something positive, without having to investigate the motives behind it?

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Perhaps, what we need is not a black-and-white judgment, but a more inclusive and rational attitude. Whether it is a celebrity or an ordinary person, they all have their own strengths and weaknesses. What matters is whether we can take some positive inspiration from their actions.

Li Xueqin's case provides us with a direction to think about: in this era of information explosion, how to maintain ourselves, how to deal with external doubts, and how to stay true to our original intention in Vanity Fair. These questions apply not only to celebrities, but also to every ordinary person.

Peking University bully Li Xueqin sat in economy class, refused to respond to hot topics, and took photos with netizens on her face!

Finally, I would like to throw out a question for you to ponder: In your opinion, how should a public figure balance his true self and the image that the public expects? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section!

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