
Glory of Kings: The ban rate soars to dominate the canyon, and the king of the jungle soldiers has nowhere to hide!

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. In "Honor of Kings", players can choose to ban some heroes in ranked matches above the diamond level. In general, the banned heroes are those who are extremely heroic and powerful. But surprisingly, there is a hero who has a ban rate of 74% recently, and this hero is not only the nemesis of the monkey, but also the nightmare of Dian Wei. With just one day of actual combat training, you can easily get 30 stars! Who is this hero?

Glory of Kings: The ban rate soars to dominate the canyon, and the king of the jungle soldiers has nowhere to hide!

The first hero, known to us, is Sun Xing's skin of Sun Wukong. This skin is a limited skin based on the theme of Journey to the West, and it can be described as a veritable powerful character. The effect of his hits is like a real golden hoop stick, and he is known as the best epic skin among players. Although it has great strength, this skin may never return in the future because of its special cooperation.

Glory of Kings: The ban rate soars to dominate the canyon, and the king of the jungle soldiers has nowhere to hide!

And the second hero, Pei Baohu's Messi skin, can be said to have a good reputation among players. This skin, according to official information, depends on whether the copyright owner is willing to authorize it. If it is not authorized, then Messi will never return.

Glory of Kings: The ban rate soars to dominate the canyon, and the king of the jungle soldiers has nowhere to hide!

The last hero is the hero with a 74% ban rate, Athena's Wonder Woman skin. The preciousness of this skin can be said to be incomparable to the first two. The skin's icon is only visible to the player who owns it, and to other players, the skin is like a legendary artifact to admire. This skin will never return, so those who own it will be able to smile from ear to ear.

Glory of Kings: The ban rate soars to dominate the canyon, and the king of the jungle soldiers has nowhere to hide!

These three skins that will never return can be described as unique in "Honor of Kings". Only those players who have a discerning eye and are in the pocket ahead of time will be able to show their full flair in the canyon. MEmu looks forward to writing new legends in the new season.