
Something dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many elderly people, you may have it at home?

author:Dr. Wang, a Chinese medicine practitioner

In traditional Chinese culture, thrift and recycling are considered virtues, and this philosophy is deeply rooted in the hearts of the older generation. They are accustomed to keeping old things, and even continuing to use some seemingly harmless items that have actually lost their use value in their daily lives. However, with the deepening of medical research and the improvement of hygiene standards, we have to revisit these traditional practices, because they can inadvertently become "invisible killers" that harm health.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many elderly people, you may have it at home?

Old kitchenware and cutlery: a breeding ground for bacteria

(1) Wooden chopsticks and cutting board

Wooden chopsticks and cutting boards are loved for being affordable and easy to process, but with long-term use and carelessness, they can become a "playground" for mold and bacteria. Especially in humid environments, the growth of harmful substances such as aflatoxin not only affects food hygiene, but also may cause serious diseases such as liver cancer.

Replace your wooden cutlery regularly and switch to materials such as stainless steel, bamboo, or food-grade plastics, which are easier to clean and less prone to bacterial growth. At the same time, be sure to wash thoroughly and dry properly before and after use to prevent potential damage and inconvenience caused by prolonged immersion in water.

(2) Broken ceramic dishes

Many households keep ceramic dishes with cracks or chips, believing that they do not affect their use and do not need to be replaced. However, these tiny cracks can easily trap dirt and dirt, which can be a breeding ground for bacteria, especially when serving soups or greasy foods.

Once the ceramic tableware is found to be damaged, it should be eliminated immediately and the tableware should be used in a complete and undamaged manner. At the same time, tableware should be disinfected regularly to ensure food safety.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many elderly people, you may have it at home?

3. Expired medicines and health products

(1) Expired medicines

Many older people have the habit of hoarding medicines, believing that they will not expire as long as they are stored properly. In fact, expired drugs are not only greatly reduced or even completely ineffective, but also more likely to decompose and produce harmful toxins, which will seriously threaten human health and cause adverse consequences once ingested.

Develop a good habit of regularly inspecting the family medicine cabinet, and clean up and dispose of expired drugs in a timely and proper manner to ensure the safety of medication. For medicines that are no longer needed, they should be recalled in accordance with local regulations, and should not be discarded or given to others.

(2) The potential risks and harms of blindly and unrestrained consumption of health supplements

Some elderly people are deeply immersed in the superstition of health care products, believing that they have the miraculous effect of preventing diseases and strengthening the body and prolonging life. However, the health care products market is full of flowers, but there are also hidden mysteries, the quality of which is mixed, and the blind pursuit not only costs a lot of money, but also may unknowingly erode the cornerstone of health and bury potential safety hazards due to complex and unknown ingredients or excessive intake.

Before taking health care products, you should consult a doctor or professional nutritionist, clarify your own needs, choose formal channels to buy, and strictly follow the instructions or doctor's instructions.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many elderly people, you may have it at home?

4. Wrong living habits: invisible "dirty"

(1) Share towels and washbasins

Although sharing towels and washbasins among family members is a daily habit, it invisibly lays a breeding ground for cross-infection of bacteria and viruses, which greatly increases the health risk. Especially when someone has a skin disease or infectious disease, sharing items can accelerate the spread of germs.

Actively encourage each family member to use personal toiletries such as towels and washbasins, and develop a good habit of regular cleaning and disinfection, so as to effectively block the route of cross-infection and protect the health of family members. At the same time, it is necessary to comprehensively enhance the awareness of personal hygiene protection, internalize good life hygiene habits in the heart and externalize them in action, and build a solid barrier for a healthy life.

(2) Unscientific ways of storing food

Many elderly people are accustomed to exposing food directly to the air or stacking it in the refrigerator, which can not only lead to food spoilage, but also cause food poisoning due to cross-contamination.

When storing food, it is important to use well-sealed containers to effectively isolate external contamination, ensure the freshness and hygiene of food, and escort a healthy diet. Inside the refrigerator, it is strongly recommended to store food scientifically and strictly distinguish between raw and cooked food to avoid mixing the two to prevent cross-contamination between food and ensure food safety and hygiene. At the same time, it is important to implement a regular inspection mechanism for the freshness of food in the refrigerator, and take immediate and appropriate measures for expired and spoiled food.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many elderly people, you may have it at home?

5. Actively build and continuously optimize a health-centered approach

(1) Advocate the popularization of intelligent health monitoring technology and equipment, and lead the new trend of health management

In the wave of scientific and technological progress, smart health monitoring devices such as smart bracelets and electronic blood pressure monitors are increasingly integrated into public life and widely popularized. These devices are able to monitor human health status in real time and provide timely and accurate health data support for the elderly. Families are encouraged to equip their elders with smart health monitoring equipment so that they can gain immediate insight into potential health hazards and take quick countermeasures.

(2) Carry out family health education

The government and organizations from all walks of life should further increase their support for family health education, and actively popularize health knowledge extensively and deeply through various channels such as holding special health lectures and distributing detailed health publicity materials. Especially for the elderly, we should focus on explaining the knowledge of food safety, rational drug use, personal hygiene, etc., to help them establish a correct concept of health.

(3) Build a comprehensive community health support system, and strengthen the mechanism of neighborhood mutual assistance and health resource sharing

As an indispensable and important environment for the daily life of the elderly, the community urgently needs to build a comprehensive and comprehensive health support system to ensure that their physical and mental health are properly cared for. Communities should build a comprehensive health support system, including setting up convenient health consultation stations, organizing comprehensive health check-up activities on a regular basis, and holding diversified health knowledge lectures, so as to promote residents' health in an all-round way. At the same time, neighbors are encouraged to help and supervise each other to form good healthy living habits.

(4) Promote a green lifestyle

Advocating a green lifestyle is not only a respect for the environment, but also a long-term investment in the health of individuals and family members. In our daily life, we should actively take a series of green actions and integrate the concept of environmental protection into every detail.

Something dirtier than "gutter oil", but it is regarded as a treasure by many elderly people, you may have it at home?

In traditional Chinese culture, the virtues of thrift and recycling are worth inheriting, but in the context of modern society, we need to examine these traditional practices more scientifically to ensure that they do not contradict modern health concepts. By regularly replacing old kitchen utensils and tableware, properly disposing of expired medicines and health supplements, changing wrong habits, and actively building a green lifestyle, we can protect the health and safety of our families while passing on our culture.

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