
The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

author:Han Ximu

Do you still remember the incident on the Beijing subway, where an old man pulled the girl's leg with a stick and forcibly asked her to give up her seat? Now, the old man came out, stayed in it for seven days, and after he came out, his attitude was still very arrogant, not only did he not admit his mistakes, but he also called himself a victim. His daughter also spoke up for her father, accusing netizens and saying that you are all satisfied now.

Let's take a look, what is the situation of this old man now after he comes out?

Event recap

Not long ago, there was a seat grabbing incident in the Beijing subway, and an old man stood in front of a girl, holding a cane.

I thought that the girl would give him a seat, but he was refused. After that, the old man began to curse, say all kinds of ugly things, and pointed at the girl's face.

Excessively, the old man then used his cane to pull back and forth between the girl's legs a few times.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

The old man's action made netizens very angry, everyone thought that this behavior had violated the girl, and the girl could sue him, which was already suspected of harassment.

The old man didn't give up and wanted to hit the girl, but was blocked. At that time, there were many people in the subway, and this old man may have been hurt in face, relying on his age, but he was refused to be slapped in the face on the spot.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

Later, as the incident became more and more troublesome, the old man was detained, and everyone thought that the matter was over. Unexpectedly, after the old man came out, he felt still unconvinced, and he and his daughter posted a video to publicly respond that he was also a victim.

The old man spoke out and caused controversy

On July 2, some netizens shared a video of the old man on the subway showing up. He and his daughter came out to speak out, what did the two mean?

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

This old man surnamed Ye was wearing a hat, and his appearance should be that of the old man on the subway. He stayed inside for seven days, and when he came out, he felt uncomfortable and posted a video on the Internet to justify his behavior on the subway.

Old man Ye said that he was just picked up a few times and received such a punishment, which was really incomprehensible to him.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

This old man Ye also complained that he is also an old man, his legs and waist also hurt, why don't he see others give him a seat, what respect for the old and love for the young is fake.

Facing the camera, Old Man Ye seemed to be very aggrieved in his heart, and when he came out, he wanted not to vomit and be unhappy, and he wanted to say what was in his heart, just to make him comfortable.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

Funnily enough, Old Man Ye said don't think about making him admit his mistake, because he was not wrong at all.

It can be seen that he is still obsessed with this matter, thinking that it is not a big deal for the girl to give him a seat and he pulls it with a cane.

Even if he was detained for a few days, after he came out, Old Man Ye still thought that his fate was wrong.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

The daughter's voice was questioned

Old man Ye's daughter also showed up to speak out, she said in the video that her father came out and was detained for seven days, and everyone still felt that the time was short.

Netizens also accused him of being a bit too much to say, and he didn't have a little love for an old man.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

Old man Ye's daughter looked like she was about to cry, and everyone could understand that as a daughter, seeing her father do this kind of thing, she would definitely not be able to hang her face. I was known by my colleagues and friends, and I was embarrassed to say hello.

There is also Old Man Ye's daughter who feels that her father has been wronged, which may be a trivial matter in her heart, and it is netizens who caused a storm of public opinion on the Internet, causing her father to be locked up for seven days.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

The reason why Old Man Ye's daughter spoke up for her father may be the reasons mentioned above.

In their eyes, this kind of trivial matter is that netizens made Old Man Ye look out of his foreign appearance. Maybe in life, this old man has this kind of temper, and he scolds people if he doesn't give up his seat, which shows his character.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

Netizen comments

Everyone saw Old Man Ye's reaction and felt that he had been in it for too short a time. He still hasn't realized his mistake yet, and he's still quibbling that he doesn't have a problem. At that time, everyone saw that video clearly, and netizens also knew what happened.

It's that Old Man Ye deliberately found fault, bullied a girl, and made inappropriate actions, and he didn't have any problems with him for a few days.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

Some netizens said that this father and daughter are really incomprehensible, they have already been ugly once, so they should be low-key and be good people. As a result, they also felt that they had been wronged, complained that netizens made a big deal about it, and refused to admit their mistakes, such an attitude will only make them more blamed.

Conclusion: It is understood that this old man Ye is a retired teacher, and he can say this kind of thing, it is indeed too small. And he refuses to admit his mistakes, and he refuses to admit his mistakes, I have to say that such a person is really unreasonable.

The old man who grabbed a seat in the subway spoke out, and it was a matter of seven days, saying that he was the victim, and his wife and daughter spoke out

The above content is from the video of the party, the content is objective and the facts are clear, what do you think of this old man Ye's response?

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