
After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

author:Han Ximu

He is a man who likes to dress up and often dances in the square with a leather bag and a suit. is also often broadcast live on the Internet, attracting a lot of dancing female fans, he is Jilin Songyuan Internet celebrity "Brother Jiabao", and the locals call him Ergao.

However, it is a pity that he was stabbed to death in the street, and the reason for the killing also caused netizens to speculate, what is the situation?

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

The event passed

On July 1, a netizen posted an article breaking the news that Songyuan Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother died, he was used to stab him, and he died before he could be rescued.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Some netizens exposed the live video, and that afternoon, the bag came to Songyuan Beduna Square to dance as usual.

He still held his leather bag and danced vigorously in front of everyone's onlookers.

At this time, a bald man came to him with a knife, and the people at the scene did not care.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

The bald man asked if it was Ergao, and Brother Jiabao thought it was watching the excitement, so he didn't think much about it, and was still twisting his body and dancing.

This made the bald man very angry, he approached Brother Jiabao, cursed something in his mouth, and prepared to stab someone with a knife. At this time, Brother Jia Bao didn't realize that the danger was coming.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Subsequently, Brother Jia Bao and the bald man pushed each other, and at that time he did not believe that this man would stab him.

The bald man didn't want to stab people, he probably just wanted to scare Brother Jiabao, seeing his attitude, he was angry all of a sudden, and he stabbed Brother Jiabao in the thigh.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

At this time, Brother Jiabao was scared, and he shouted while dodging, telling the bald man not to mess around.

But it was too late, the bald man stabbed him in the thigh, and after the bag brother fell to the ground, the man continued to stab him with the knife a few times.

The onlookers were also frightened by the scene in front of them, the incident happened suddenly, and everyone had no time to stop the bald man, so they could only watch.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Brother Jiabao was lying on the ground, the bald man still didn't stop, both of their shoes fell off, and no one went up to help.

This kind of thing, anyone who sees it is afraid, but the onlookers are somewhat indifferent, even if someone pulls away the bald man, or hurries to save Brother Jiabao, there may be hope to survive.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Insiders revealed the secrets

Some netizens at the scene broke the news that the bald man may have just scared Brother Bao at first, and came to question him with a knife why he was dancing with his wife.

Brother Jia Bao is also a person who has seen the world, and he thinks that this bald man dare not touch him, so he doesn't care. The angry bald man stabbed the aora of Brother Jiabao's thigh with a knife and stabbed it several times in a row.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

So, why did the bald man stab Brother Bao?

Some informed netizens commented that Brother Jiabao dancing with other people's wives may have made the bald man jealous, and the two had a conflict because of this, so they asked him to vent his anger.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Local netizens revealed that Brother Jiabao has retired, and he should be sixty years old. For him, now is the time to enjoy life, but because of dancing, he had conflicts with others and was killed in the end, which is really regrettable.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported
After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

The female partner responds to the question

After the incident, many netizens speculated that it should be related to a local female Internet celebrity. She is also a person who likes to dance, and netizens call her Yang Erlang. Maybe she and Jia Bao often danced in the past, and everyone thought that the bald man might be her husband.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Facing the doubts of netizens, Yang Erlang also replied in the comments that this matter had nothing to do with her, she didn't go dancing that day, and she didn't know what the situation was.

Moreover, Yang Erlang also revealed that the bald man had surrendered. She also expressed regret to Brother Jiabao, usually everyone just dances, and there are no emotional problems as rumored.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Local police report

On July 2, according to the local police report, the bald man named Zai Moumou, 53 years old this year, had a verbal altercation with Brother Jia Bao after drinking, and then stabbed him in the thigh with a knife, which resulted in a major artery, and Brother Jia Bao died after being rescued.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

As for whether Brother Jiabao and the bald man's wife have any relationship problems, the local government did not disclose it.

However, local people who know Brother Jia Bao said that he is handsome and dances well, and the aunts like to dance with him. Over time, some people may misunderstand that his relationship with his female dance partner is not simple. However, everyone doesn't know who Brother Jia Bao has relationship problems with.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Conclusion: Brother Jia Bao said in the live broadcast that he has lived a very hard life, and his family conditions are average, and he also likes to drink. Since he likes to dance, he often goes to the square to broadcast live and takes everyone to dance together.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

Brother Jia Bao is also to relieve loneliness, he also retired for a day and had nothing to do, found the life he liked, he thought he would live a very chic life, but unfortunately happened to him. It can only be said that if you don't get too close to other people's wives, it's too easy to have accidents.

After the Internet celebrity Jia Bao brother was killed, the scene was exposed, the woman spoke out to refute the rumors, and the local police reported

The above content comes from media reports and local police reports, the content is objective and the facts are clear, please look at this matter rationally.