
66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

author:I'm a little golden carp

"I eat and drink a lot of money and deduct money from the students' mouths"

"Heaven is intolerable! The flowers of the motherland were nourished by you early. ”

"66 counties give everyone a surprise, the weather is hot, and the heart is too bright"

I can't help but be a little surprised when I see these comments, what the hell is wrong? Why is the role of the closed-loop management mechanism not effective?

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

66 counties diverted 1.951 billion yuan to repay debts? On June 30, a report about the misappropriation of meal subsidies for rural students poured through the hearts of countless people like ice water.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

The Caixin news revealed that 66 counties across the country had diverted up to 1.951 billion yuan of subsidies for nutritious meals for rural students to repay government debts. This figure is not only a cold financial record, but also a serious infringement of the right to healthy growth of rural children, and a blatant provocation to the social consensus that "no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, and no matter how hard you can't be miserable for children".

How did this news come out?

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot
66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

People are doing the sky is watching, often standing by the river how can there be no wet shoes, since it has been done, one day it will be discovered, this news is found out by the relevant departments of the state, not reported, the state is very strong for this inspection, if there is something sorry for the people, it is the moth of the party, and sooner or later it will be found out.

How on earth do they divert these education funds?

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

66 counties, a large number, 1.951 billion yuan, this figure is shocking.

In the process of misappropriating student meal subsidies, local governments and relevant departments can be described as "eight immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers".

Some of them are directly embezzled, and the funds that should be used for students' nutritious meals are directly transferred to the government account, which is also very bold, and I feel that there is no department to check, and no one dares to check, but I don't know, there is still Shang Fang's sword hanging on it.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

Some of them are disguised as crowding, using funds for other non-education projects by lowering feeding standards and fictitious procurement operations;

There are also collusion to arbitrage, shoddy, and profit. The variety of these methods is staggering.

Direct appropriation is the most direct and brutal way. These people ignore the basic rights and interests of children, and the disguised crowding is even more subtle and cunning, quietly transferring funds to other areas through a series of sophisticated operational methods.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

As for collusion, greed and corruption are even more vividly displayed, such illegal acts are not unmanaged, sooner or later they will be punished by the law, it is not that they do not report that the time has not come, and those who eat it will have to spit out sooner or later, and the laws of the country cannot be trampled on arbitrarily.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

No matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education, and no matter how hard you are, you can't be miserable for children. Such behavior is infuriating, such a person, that is, a lowercase person, will be spurned sooner or later! It is not easy for children in rural areas, and the state gives them nutritious meals because of their care and care, but some people use their brains on this.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

Netizens left messages in the comment area to express their opinions, and some netizens said: I am in the countryside of the Central Plains, and children have never heard of such a thing as "meal supplement" when they go to school! Hey, I don't know if it's also ...... It is hoped that the state will severely punish and create a harmonious society.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

Some netizens said that I mean that the state has invested as much as 6 trillion in education, but the school can't see any changes, and the money has been misappropriated!! The state attaches so much importance to education, but there are some moths who are doing tricks in education, which is really sad and must be severely punished.

66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot
66 counties! embezzled nearly 2 billion meals for rural students, insiders exposed the inside story, and netizens fried the pot

Some netizens lamented that this is the poverty that limits the imagination of the people. There are only things that ordinary people dare not think: things that they dare not do without power and interests.

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