
Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

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Moon Jae-in has been able to successfully step down from the presidency of South Korea in one of the few cases.

Not only that, but now Moon Jae-in also enjoys the guarantee of the South Korean president's pension, not only has he not been liquidated, but he also has bodyguards to escort his life.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

But that seems to be about to change, as Mr. Moon's wife, Kim Jong-sook, is being charged by South Korean prosecutors.

The reason for the South Korean prosecutor's accusation against Kim Jong-sook turned out to be that she was traveling at public expense, and in order to confirm her accusation, the South Korean prosecutor also provided detailed evidence and Kim Jong-sook's travel expenses.

Yonhap News Agency on June 17, a sudden release of news showed that South Korean prosecutors had already attacked Kim Jong-sook.

In this news, South Korean media described in detail the breakthrough chosen by South Korean prosecutors, which was Kim Jong-sook's visit to India in 2018.

In the process of the investigation of South Korean prosecutors, a Seoul city councilor named Lee Zhong-bae played a key role.

Lee Chung-bae will serve as the accuser and come forward to confirm the actual circumstances of Kim Jong-sook's visit to India, and to put it bluntly, he is a witness, and he will file a complaint with the Seoul Central District Prosecutor's Office.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

In his testimony and accusations, he pointed out that when Kim Jong-sook visited India in 2018, it was ostensibly a state-level exchange, but in fact it was Kim Jong-sook's personal travel behavior.

This kind of tour not only did not cost Kim Jung-sook a penny personally, but South Korea paid for the related expenses.

Li Zhongpei also gave a specific amount, that is, 400 million won, which is about 2.1 million after being converted into RMB.

In the course of Lee Chung-bae's narration, it is not difficult to find that he is well aware of Kim Jong-sook's visit to India, which cannot but make people wonder what his real purpose is.

At the same time, in 2023, Lee Jung-bae has already launched a complaint against Kim Jong-sook, which was used to say that Kim Jong-sook abused his power and caused losses to the state treasury.

It can be seen from this that the South Korean side has been paying attention to Kim Jong-sook continuously, and the accusations against her have not stopped.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

After all, after the South Korean president left his post, there were many ways to be liquidated, one of which was to file a complaint against the people around the president.

The people around him, including both children and wives, are invincible and unsuccessful.

This time, Kim Jong-sook was indicted, and it seems that he is repeating the presidential tragedy of the year, but I don't know how it will end this time.

Moon Jae-in, for his part, was not passively beaten, but had already responded to the incident and had already responded positively to the matter.

In May 2024, Moon Jae-in's memoirs contained a detailed account of Kim Jong-sook's visit to India.

Kim Jong-sook made history on November 4, 2018, when she made a solo visit to India for 16 years.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

The motive for this visit to India was at the invitation of the Indian government, and it was not a personal tourist act as Li Zhongpei said, but a real national diplomatic activity.

The reason why Kim Jong-sook's visit has aroused the attention and suspicion of the outside world is inseparable from Moon Jae-in's visit to India in July of that year.

In July 2023, Moon Jae-in and his wife Kim Jong-sook had already made a visit to India, and only four months later, Kim Jong-sook visited India again, which had to be a surprise.

In addition to explaining Kim Jong-sook's motivation for visiting India, Moon Jae-in also detailed the trajectory of Kim Jong-sook's activities during his stay in India.

During the four-day trip, Kim Jong-sook's activities were very tightly scheduled, first interacting with Modi and then with the wife of the Indian president.

Lunch and dinner were all accompanied by Indian officials, and there were clear plans for the groundbreaking ceremony and Diwali.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

In four days, Kim Jong-sook met and interacted with Modi, the president's wife, the Indian foreign minister and other officials.

Modi even posted a post on Twitter to confirm it, welcoming Kim Jong-sook's arrival.

In order to show his close relationship with South Korea, Modi also deliberately used Korean when posting.

In addition to India's Jeongsil, in 2018, South Korean media also reported in detail on Kim Jong-sook's visit to India.

In general, Kim Jong-sook's trip to India is obvious to all, and all her activities are also under the surveillance of the camera, leaving little personal time for her.

Among Mr. Lee's accusations, he accused Kim Jong-sook of traveling at public expense, but also of extravagance.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

The cost of meals used by Air Force 2 is 62.92 million won, which is almost enough to catch up with the fuel cost of 65.3 million won.

In just a few meals, 330,000 yuan was consumed.

In addition to paying attention to Kim Jong-sook's behavior, South Korea also counted her clothes.

believes that her clothes and jewelry as high as hundreds of millions of won are unaffordable for Moon Jae-in, who earns 240 million won a year.

The accusations seem to be aimed at Kim Jong-sook, but in fact they are a hidden arrow sent at Moon Jae-in.

Moon Jae-in also seems to be in liquidation, and his wife Kim Jung-sook is being accused

It's just that I don't know if Moon Jae-in will be able to survive this crisis safely.