
The son-in-law took his mother-in-law to climb the mountain, and the next day the mother-in-law was full of red light, leading to a storm

author:Click, click, tick

Ladies and gentlemen, we have to talk about something new today, there is a rare thing in Gada in our northeast. Anyway, in a small mountain village to the south of us, there is a young man named Wang Dazhu who married a daughter-in-law named Xiuying. Xiuying's mother, Mrs. Liu, is an old lady with a good body and a cheerful personality. One day, Wang Dazhu said to Xiuying: "Mother, this weather is so good, let's go up the mountain for a walk, breathe some fresh air, and pick some mountain goods by the way." When Mrs. Liu heard this, she was as happy as if she was something, and shouted: "Okay, okay, my old bones should also move, go out and breathe." ”

Early the next morning, Wang Dazhu hugged Mrs. Liu, put a small basket on her back, and the two of them went to the mountain. Along the way, the two of them giggled and stopped, not to mention how comfortable they were. Halfway up the mountain, Wang Dazhu found a flat land for Mrs. Liu to rest, while he walked around and picked some wild fruits and flowers to quench Mrs. Liu's thirst and amusement. In the evening, the two returned with a full load, and Mrs. Liu also specially picked some herbs, saying that she wanted to treat the chickens and ducks at home.

When she got home, Xiuying saw that her mother was in such good spirits, and she was so happy in her heart. At dinner, Mrs. Liu also ate an extra bowl of rice, saying that the air in the mountains was good, and her appetite was opened. But the strange thing started the next day, Mrs. Liu not only became more and more ruddy, but even her movements became sharp, as if she was ten years younger. She no longer needs Wang Dazhu's support, she goes out for a walk by herself, and shows off the magical changes after climbing the mountain with her neighbors. This matter spread more and more widely, and the people in the village were quite puzzled.

The son-in-law took his mother-in-law to climb the mountain, and the next day the mother-in-law was full of red light, leading to a storm

Some people say that Wang Dazhu gave Mrs. Liu some elixir, and some people say that Mrs. Liu met the mountain god and blessed her. But Wang Dazhu and Xiuying both said that they had never given their mother anything to eat, but they just climbed the second mountain ordinarily. One night, Wang Dazhu couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, pondering this in his heart. He suddenly remembered that day in the mountains, he had accidentally entered a wood, and saw a strange grave, and the tombstone said "Tomb of the Wind and Moon Fairy". I didn't think much about it at the time, so I left quickly.

Wang Dazhu was shocked, could this matter have anything to do with the tomb? The more he thought about it, the more strange he felt, and decided to go up the mountain again. Early the next morning, Wang Dazhu quietly went out and went straight to the mountain. He found the forest according to his memory, and sure enough, he saw the "Tomb of the Wind and Moon Fairy". He walked around the grave a few times, and noticed a strange smell around him, as if something was nearby. At that moment, a gust of wind blew and the leaves rustled. Wang Dazhu felt a chill behind him, as if something was approaching. As soon as he turned around, he saw a woman dressed in white with long flowing hair standing not far away, staring straight at him. Wang Dazhu's boy, when he saw the woman, he was so frightened that his soul flew away, and he ran away. But the woman, like a shadow, silently followed behind his ass. Wang Dazhu ran out of breath, and finally stopped in an open area. As soon as he turned around, good fellow, the woman stood in front of him, still smiling, looking at him. "You... Who are you? Wang Dazhu stammered and asked. The woman smiled lightly, and her voice was like singing: "I am this Fengyue Fairy." Why are you so ignorant and disturbing my tranquility? When Wang Dazhu heard that it was a fairy, he immediately knelt down and knocked his head with a bang: "Lord Fairy, I really didn't mean it, I was just curious why that grave was so weird." The Wind Moon Fairy smiled slightly and said, "That grave is my old nest." When I was alive, I cultivated on this mountain, and when I died, I was buried here. Your mother-in-law's change is because she accidentally touched my aura. When Wang Dazhu heard this, he hurriedly asked: "What's the matter, can my mother-in-law's matter be solved?" The Wind Moon Fairy sighed and said, "You have to let your mother-in-law come by herself, admit her mistakes to me, and beg me for forgiveness." Go back and tell her that tomorrow at noon, let her go up the mountain alone to find me. After speaking, the Fengyue Fairy was like a puff of smoke, saying that there was no shadow, and there was no shadow. Wang Dazhu was stunned there for a long time before he came back to his senses and hurriedly went down the mountain.

When Xiuying heard this, she beat the drum in her heart, but she didn't think much about it, so she told Mrs. Liu according to what Wang Dazhu said. When Mrs. Liu heard that she wanted her to go up the mountain alone, she was a little reluctant at first, but thinking about her recent strange things, she felt that it might really be related to the gods on the mountain, so she agreed. At noon the next day, Mrs. Liu went out on time and went up the mountain. Wang Dazhu secretly followed behind and watched from afar. When Mrs. Liu arrived at the "Tomb of the Wind Moon Fairy", she knelt down, babbling in her mouth, as if she was admitting her mistake. It was a long time before she stood up, bowed deeply, and walked slowly. Wang Dazhu saw it in his eyes, breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and quietly went home. When she got home, Xiuying was in a hurry, so she told her that the old lady was back and told her not to worry. Xiuying saw that Wang Dazhu was back, and the big stone in her heart also fell to the ground, so she went to the kitchen to work for dinner. At dinner, Mrs. Liu changed her usual liveliness and became a little silent. Wang Dazhu and Xiuying saw it in their eyes, and they didn't dare to ask more, just when she was tired. But who would have thought that before the meal was finished, Mrs. Liu suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious. Wang Dazhu and Xiuying were so frightened that they hurriedly sent the old lady to the hospital in the town. After the doctor's examination, he told them that the old lady was not in any serious health, but she was a little weak and needed to rest. Only then did the two rest assured and took the old lady home. After returning home, Wang Dazhu told Xiuying about the encounter with the Fengyue Fairy on the mountain that day. When Xiuying heard this, she muttered in her heart, why is this so strange? She slapped her thigh and decided to go up the hill to see what was going on. As soon as it was dawn the next day, Xiuying set out on the mountain road alone. According to what Wang Dazhu said, she found the stone tablet of the "Tomb of the Wind Moon Fairy". There are a few big characters engraved on the stone tablet, and there are a few wild flowers dotted next to it, which looks quite quiet. Xiuying knelt in front of the tomb, kowtowed respectfully, and then said to herself: "Fairy, I am Wang Dazhu's daughter-in-law Xiuying." My mom hasn't been in good health lately, I wonder if it hit your old man's house? If there is anything offended, you have a lot of it, don't take it to heart. After saying that, Xiuying was ready to get up and leave. But at this moment, a gust of wind suddenly sounded in her ears, as if someone was whispering: "Your mother's illness is because she accidentally touched my aura." I've helped her heal, and I'll be fine with a few days of rest. You can rest assured. When Xiuying heard this, her heart blossomed, and she quickly kowtowed a few more times, and then went down the mountain in a hurry.

The son-in-law took his mother-in-law to climb the mountain, and the next day the mother-in-law was full of red light, leading to a storm

When she got home, Xiuying told Wang Dazhu about her experience on the mountain, and Wang Dazhu also felt that he was quite godly, and decided that he would often go to the mountain to worship the Fengyue Fairy in the future. After a few days, Mrs. Liu really felt a lot better, and her face was ruddy. She watched Wang Dazhu and Xiuying busy for her, and her heart was warm. So, she decided to go up the mountain in person to thank the Wind Moon Fairy. Accompanied by Wang Dazhu and Xiuying, Mrs. Liu came to the mountain again. She knelt in front of the tomb, kowtowed, and then said, "Fairy, I am Mrs. Liu, and I have come to thank you for saving my life today." If there is anything you need help with in the future, just say that I, Mrs. Liu, will do my best. After speaking, Mrs. Liu felt a warm current flowing from the top of her head all over her body, and the whole person was much more relaxed. She looked back, and the words on the tombstone seemed to glow, as if they were smiling at her. Mrs. Liu's heart was warm, knowing that it was the Fengyue Fairy greeting her. She kowtowed a few more times, and then took Wang Dazhu and Xiuying down the mountain.

Since then, Mrs. Liu's body has become stronger and stronger, and her spirit has become more and more sufficient. When she met people, she said: "In our mountain, there is a fairy of the wind and moon to bless us!" Wang Dazhu and Xiuying have also become celebrities in the village because of this. They often take Mrs. Liu up the mountain to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery. The "Tomb of the Wind Moon Fairy" has also become a popular attraction in the village, and many people come to visit and worship. Mrs. Liu's story spread in the village, and many people wanted to go up the mountain to see the Fengyue Fairy, but not everyone could get the favor of the Fengyue Fairy like Mrs. Liu. However, this does not prevent everyone's curiosity and awe of the Wind Moon Fairy. Oh, when autumn comes, the leaves on the mountain are like gold, yellow and clear, and all over the eyes. No, Wang Dazhu and Xiuying took Mrs. Liu up the mountain again, planning to pick up some mountain goods and go home. Along the way, the servants talked and laughed, and it was so lively, not to mention how energetic.

Halfway up the mountain, Mrs. Liu suddenly stopped, pointed to the valley in front of her, and said mysteriously: "Hey, take a look, is that the territory of the Fengyue Fairy?" Wang Dazhu and Xiuying looked in the direction she pointed, and ho, the valley was covered with clouds and mist, and an antique temple could be vaguely seen. The two of them sighed in their hearts, could this really be the home of the Fengyue Fairy?

The son-in-law took his mother-in-law to climb the mountain, and the next day the mother-in-law was full of red light, leading to a storm

Curious, the servant cautiously walked into the valley. Along the way, I met many villagers, all of whom came to worship, and greeted Mrs. Liu warmly, thanking her for bringing good luck to the village. Finally, they came to the temple, which was old but cleanly clean. The door of the temple is closed, and there is a plaque hanging on it, with three big characters of "Fengyue Temple" written on it. The servant stood in the doorway, nervous and curious.

At this moment, the temple door opened with a "squeak", and a Taoist priest walked out, dressed in a Taoist robe, holding a whisk in his hand, and smiled slightly when he saw them, and said, "Three donors, please come with me." The servants followed the Taoist priest into the temple, and there was a statue of a god enshrined in it, which was the Fengyue Fairy. The statue is full of offerings and incense, and it seems that many people have visited.

The Taoist priest led them to the statue and said, "This is the Fengyue Fairy, she has practiced here for many years and left many legends. Although she is no longer there, her gods still guard the forest. When Mrs. Liu heard this, she quickly knelt down and kowtowed, thanking the Fengyue Fairy for her gift. Wang Dazhu and Xiuying also knelt down and saluted the Fengyue Fairy.

The son-in-law took his mother-in-law to climb the mountain, and the next day the mother-in-law was full of red light, leading to a storm

After worshipping, the Taoist priest took them to the side hall again. There is a table in the side hall with a few books and some ritual utensils on it. The Taoist priest said that these were left by the Fengyue Fairy, which could bless the villagers with peace and auspiciousness. When Mrs. Liu heard this, she was very moved and asked the Taoist priest to let her take the book as a souvenir. The Taoist priest glanced at her and nodded with a smile. Mrs. Liu happily took the book and looked at it, it recorded the cultivation methods and the life of the Fengyue Fairy, which benefited her a lot. Wang Dazhu and Xiuying also picked some magic tools as commemorations.

After thanking the Taoist priest, the servants left the temple. On the way home, not to mention how good the mood was. Not only did I see the temple and relics of the Wind Moon Fairy, but I also got the guidance and blessings of the Taoist priest. Mrs. Liu was even more emotional, feeling that she was really blessed to meet the Fengyue Fairy and get her gifts. Since then, Mrs. Liu has been a little day of cherishing herself, and she has been more concerned about this matter. She loves to run to the mountains when she has nothing to do, worship the Fengyue Fairy, and love to chat with the old and young masters in the village and share her legendary experience. Wang Dazhu and Xiuying also followed Mrs. Liu up the mountain to see the scenery and relax and relax.

After a long time, the legend of the Wind Moon Fairy spread more and more widely in the village, and it became a hot topic. Many people in the village, as well as foreign tourists, all went to the mountains to worship and ask for the blessing of the Fengyue Fairy. Fengyue Temple also became popular and became a signboard in the village, attracting many tourists.

The son-in-law took his mother-in-law to climb the mountain, and the next day the mother-in-law was full of red light, leading to a storm

But no matter how time passes, Mrs. Liu's gratitude to the Fengyue Fairy has not changed at all. From time to time, she stood at the door of her house, looking at the mountains and forests in the distance, silently chanting the name of the Fengyue Fairy in her heart, grateful for everything she gave. Wang Dazhu and Xiuying have also been by her side, enjoying the gift of nature and the gods.

In this way, under the protection of the Fengyue Fairy, the life of the people in the village became more and more comfortable, happy and peaceful. They cherish this hard-won blessing, and they always remember the kindness of the Wind Moon Fairy. And the story of the Fengyue Fairy has spread in this land and has become an eternal legend.