
Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

author:Tidal Bean Tournament
Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47
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Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

In the Chinese film and television industry, Fang Chao's name was once like a bright star. In 1978, when he was only 2 years old, he won the movie "Ah! "Cradle" made a stunning appearance and instantly became a high-profile child star.

Fate made people, at the age of 18, Fang Chao was rejected by his favorite Beijing Film Academy and Shanghai Theater Academy one after another due to his height, and his dream of being an actor was shattered in an instant.

Today, 47-year-old Fang Chao has faded out of public view and lives in obscurity. The trajectory of his life is like a heart-wrenching movie: from a talented child star to a behind-the-scenes worker, from shining in the spotlight to disappearing into the crowd.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

What is the reason for the fall of this former star? Let's uncover Fang Chao's ups and downs of life together.

In 1976, in an ordinary family in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province, Fang Chao fell to the ground. His father was a geological prospector and his mother worked as a warehouse keeper.

Although the family is not wealthy, the care of his parents has created a warm environment for Fang Chao to grow up. Xiao Fangchao is naturally beautiful, with a round face and a pair of bright big eyes, and every time he shows a bright smile, it makes people feel warm.

The turning point of fate occurred in 1978, when the famous director Xie Jin was preparing to make the movie "Ah! Cradle. encountered actor problems on the set, and the two young actors who had been set were frequently frightened in front of the camera, which caused the filming progress to be seriously hindered.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Just when the crew was at a loss, Fang Chao's uncle, a creative assistant director, had an idea and suggested that he take his nephew, who was thousands of miles away, to try.

No one expected that the two-year-old Fang Chao, who stepped into the film and television industry for the first time, would perform so well. Facing the camera, he had no stage fright, and his natural expressions and movements amazed everyone present.

Even the most challenging crying scenes, Xiao Fangchao can easily control them. His performance made Director Xie Jin immediately decide to increase his role.

During the entire filming process, Fang Chao not only showed acting skills far beyond his age, but also won the love of the whole crew with his innocent and lively personality. Whenever the director shouted "card", he immediately returned to his innocent appearance, which made everyone laugh.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Ahh After the release of "Cradle", Fang Chao instantly became a favorite star of the national audience.

In the next few years, Fang Chao participated in a number of well-known works. In 1982, at the age of 6, he played the role of Zhu Shimao and Cong Shan's son "Qingqing" in "Wrangler" directed by Xie Jin.

Despite his young age, Fang Chao was able to complete the interaction with the horses with ease, and his innocent smile was skillfully integrated into the film by Xie Jin, adding a lot to the work that won the Excellent Film Award of the Ministry of Culture.

Fang Chao's outstanding performance not only won the love of the audience, but also was highly recognized by the industry. He is known as a "genius child star", and his status in the hearts of fans even surpasses that of some adult actors.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

The success of "Wrangler" opened a broader acting path for Fang Chao.

At the age of 14, Fang Chao played the role of a Japanese orphaned puppy baby in the movie "The Bell of Qingliang Temple", once again showing his mature acting skills beyond his age. Despite his lack of professional training, Fang Chao shines on the screen with his talent and love for acting.

He is more sensible than his peers, and he has impressed countless audiences with his sincere acting skills.

Fang Chao's success did not make him complacent. On the contrary, he has always maintained a humble and inquisitive attitude, studying hard in films starring many well-known actors, and constantly improving his acting skills.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Although it is only a cameo in these works, each appearance impresses the audience.

When Fang Chao was 15 years old, he was in his youth, and he should have continued to make great achievements in his acting career. However, a seemingly ordinary conversation completely changed the course of his life.

After the filming of "The Bells of Qingliang Temple", the highly respected director Xie Jin found Fang Chao's mother and suggested earnestly: "The child has grown up, if you want to develop in this industry for a long time, maybe you should go to a professional college to study systematically."

These words made Fang Chao and his mother fall into deep thought. Although Fang Chao performed well on the screen, they realized that without the support of professional training, the acting career would eventually be limited.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

After careful consideration, Fang Chao made a difficult decision: suspend all performing arts activities and devote himself to studying.

With a vision for the future, Fang Chao set his sights on the Beijing Film Academy. This top university, which has cultivated many film and television stars, has become a holy place in his heart.

However, Fang Chao, who has been busy filming for a long time, is significantly behind his peers in cultural classes. In order to make up for this gap, he has made unimaginable efforts. After studying hard day and night, and forgetting to sleep and eat, Fang Chao chased every discipline with extraordinary perseverance.

Finally, the day of the exam has arrived. With apprehension and excitement, Fang Chao walked into the examination room. When the results were announced, he was delighted to find that his cultural class had met the admission criteria.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

However, fate played a cruel joke on him. Although he passed the cultural class, Fang Chao was ruthlessly rejected by the college because his height was not up to standard. This unexpected result was undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Fang Chao, who was only 18 years old.

Unwilling, Fang Chao decided to challenge again. The following year, he turned his attention to the equally prestigious Shanghai Theater Academy. However, fate seems to be bent on playing tricks on this former child star.

Although the judges praised Fang Chao's talent, they eventually rejected him because of his height.

The blows of two failures made Fang Chao almost lose confidence in his acting career. He began to question himself, isn't the years of acting experience and hard work as important as a few centimeters tall? used to be a child star who was radiant on the screen, but now he is blocked from the door of his ideal because of external conditions.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

With confusion and loss, Fang Chao had to temporarily let go of his beloved acting dream. The "little star" who once made countless audiences fall in love with it, now has to face the cruel reality and start a life of an ordinary person.

This unexpected turning point has become the biggest regret in Fang Chao's life, and it has also become the starting point for his continuous self-examination and reflection in the future.

Fang Chao, who lost his dream of being an actor, had to face the cruel reality. In order to make a living, he made a difficult decision: drop out of school and work hard in the bustling city of Shanghai.

The once high-profile child star can now only work as a waiter in a small restaurant, and he has to deliver food part-time at night. Such a gap made it difficult for Fang Chao to adapt for a while.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Facing all kinds of guests every day, Fang Chao is often in a trance. He often thinks that if he had successfully entered the film school, would he have become an excellent director now? However, the reality is that no one recognizes this unknown waiter as the "little star" who once made the national audience fall in love with him.

During his days at the restaurant, Fang Chao experienced a frustration that he had never felt before. He watched his colleagues around him busy for their livelihoods, but he always unconsciously recalled the days he used to have on the set.

Those shining lights and enthusiastic applause have now become unattainable dreams.

However, just when Fang Chao thought that he would spend the rest of his life in the ordinary, the god of fate favored him again. One day, the famous actor Shao Feng came to the restaurant where Fang Chao worked for dinner.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

When Shao Feng saw the waiter who served him tea and poured water, he instantly recognized this child star who was once popular all over the country.

The two talked happily, and Shao Feng felt deeply sorry when he learned what happened to Fang Chao. He expressed his willingness to help Fang Chao return to the entertainment industry and give him a chance to start over.

This unexpected encounter rekindled Fang Chao's love for acting in his heart.

However, Fang Chao, who had experienced too many setbacks, did not immediately accept Shao Feng's kindness at first. Years of ups and downs have made him have an inexplicable fear of the entertainment industry.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

He began to wonder if he was still fit to return to the world that had been familiar and strange.

After a period of careful consideration, Fang Chao finally decided to give himself another chance. With Shao Feng's help, he stood in front of the camera again. However, the road back to showbiz has not been smooth.

Fang Chao, who has grown up, can no longer be as high-profile as he was in his childhood, and can only play some inconspicuous supporting roles.

Watching the peers around him not hesitate to lose weight and have plastic surgery for the role, Fang Chao felt both sad and helpless. He began to think, is acting really not as important as appearance? This question continues to haunt him, and it has also become an important opportunity for him to transform in the future.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Although the road back to the showbiz was full of hardships, Fang Chao did not give up. He began to re-examine his place and think about how to find his place in this familiar and strange world.

This experience became an important turning point in Fang Chao's life, and also laid the foundation for his future transformation.

After a period of struggle, Fang Chao made an important decision: behind the scenes. This choice stems from a deep reflection on his own situation. Although the road back to the entertainment industry was full of ups and downs, Fang Chao did not give up his love for the film and television industry.

He realized that although he may no longer be suitable to stand in front of the camera, his years of acting experience and passion for cinema can shine behind the scenes.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

With his unique insights into film and television production and the contacts accumulated over the years, Fang Chao began to try his hand at filmmaking. At first, he faced many challenges: an unfamiliar work environment, complex interpersonal relationships, and a tedious production process, and he had to relearn and adapt to each step.

But Fang Chao did not back down, he brought the tenacious character cultivated during his childhood star to the extreme.

Gradually, Fang Chao gained a firm foothold in the field of production. He has participated in the production of many film and television works, which have won a good reputation. Although there are no blockbuster hits, these works show good production standards and unique artistic pursuits.

Fang Chao found that working behind the scenes can also realize his dream of film, and even think about film and television creation from a more macro perspective.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Whenever he sees the works he participated in the production of being recognized by the audience, Fang Chao will feel sincerely relieved and proud. This sense of accomplishment is no less than the light that shined on the screen in his childhood.

Although he is no longer the much-anticipated child star, Fang Chao is still insisting on his love for movies in his own way.

This change not only allowed Fang Chao to find a new direction in life, but also made him re-examine his own value. He realized that true success is not about standing tall, but about being able to stick to his dreams and work tirelessly to achieve them.

Fang Chao's experience proves that as long as you have a dream in your heart, you will never be defeated by fate. Transformed into a behind-the-scenes worker, he is continuing to write his film and television life in another way.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

Looking back on Fang Chao's 47 years of life, what we see is not only the ups and downs of a child star, but also a moving story about pursuing dreams and facing setbacks. From becoming famous at the age of two to being rejected at the age of 18 due to his height, and then to still working silently in the film and television industry at the age of 47, Fang Chao's experience reflects some deep problems in the entertainment industry.

The industry pays too much attention to appearance, often ignoring the inner qualities and professional skills of actors. This phenomenon not only restricts the development space of many outstanding talents, but also affects the overall quality of film and television works to a certain extent.

Fang Chao's experience is the epitome of this unreasonable phenomenon.

However, Fang Chao's story also brings us positive inspiration. He proved with practical actions that even if he encounters setbacks, as long as he does not give up his dreams, he can always find his own stage.

Child star Fang Chao became famous at the age of 2, at the age of 18 he was too short to go to school, and he was still single at the age of 47

From a child star to a behind-the-scenes producer, Fang Chao has never left the film and television industry he loves. This kind of persistence is worth learning from each of us.

Fang Chao's experience tells us that true artistic pursuits should not be limited by height or age. Whether in front of the camera or behind the scenes, as long as you maintain your love and persistence for your dreams, you will definitely be able to shine on the stage of life.

His life illustrates a simple but profound truth: every ups and downs in life is the only way to success. As long as we can stick to our original intention and have the courage to break through the shackles, we will definitely be able to find our own world in the face of adversity.

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