
Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

author:Xiao Ning talks about sports

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Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

Text/Xiao Ning talks about sports

Editor/Xiao Ning talks about sports

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

Yu Minhong faces a choice: call the police or remain silent?

In the wave of the Internet, every tiny wave can set off a storm. The entanglement between Xiao Sun, the former CEO of New Oriental, and his allies has become the focus of attention.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

With the fermentation of the incident, Yu Minhong, the helmsman of New Oriental and Selection, was pushed to the forefront. In the face of the exposure of allies, the doubts of netizens and internal disputes, how should Yu Minhong choose? Do you choose to call the police to set the record straight, or stay silent and let time calm the turmoil?

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

The cause of the incident stemmed from Xiao Sun's close association with a black fan leader named "Lushan Yanyu". It is alleged that the black fan not only wrote a letter to Xiao Sun, but also received a cake specially presented by Xiao Sun. What's even more shocking is that this black fan leader once publicly admitted that he was Hei Dong Yuhui's sunspot, and revealed his dealings with Xiao Sun. This series of revelations undoubtedly dropped a bombshell within the selection.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

In the face of this sudden crisis, Yu Minhong's every move touched everyone's hearts. Some netizens called on Mr. Yu to call the police and protect the rights and interests of the company and individuals by legal means; There is also speculation that if Yu Minhong chooses not to call the police, does it mean that he acquiesces in the veracity of these allegations? Under such pressure of public opinion, Yu Minhong needs to be cautious at every step.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

However, the turmoil is not an isolated incident. What is reflected behind it is the deep-seated contradictions and problems within the selection. Some netizens questioned whether this was an infighting deliberately created by Yu Minhong in order to consolidate his position? Or is it really as rumored that Xiao Sun and others tried to overthrow Yu Minhong? Whatever the truth, this infighting has already done a lot of damage to the brand image of the selection.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

At the same time, Dong Yuhui's situation has also attracted widespread attention. As a member of the selection of generals, Dong Yuhui has made a lot of contributions to the company in the past time. However, in this turmoil, he became the target of attack. Some netizens were upset with Dong Yuhui, thinking that he had been treated unfairly. They called on Yu Minhong to stand up and correct Dong Yuhui's name, and also hoped that the police could intervene in the investigation and restore the truth.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

In addition to internal disputes, the business situation of the selection has also attracted the attention of the outside world. Lushan Yanyu mentioned in the revelation that the sales volume of the selection was as high as 740 million a month, and the profit of self-operated products was 10 times that of its peers. This data undoubtedly impresses the outside world with the profitability of selection. However, there are also concerns that the turmoil will have a negative impact on the selection of operations.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

In this turmoil, we also saw the complex relationship between streamers and fans. The two sides, who were supposed to support each other and grow together, are now caught in a cycle of attacking each other and backstabbing each other. This makes one wonder: how do we deal with such complex interpersonal relationships in the age of the Internet? And how to maintain the harmony and stability of the team while pursuing personal interests?

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

Back to Yu Minhong's choice, will he choose to call the police or remain silent? This decision is not only related to his personal reputation and interests, but also related to the future fate of the selection. If the police are called, it may trigger a wider range of public attention, and may even reveal more unknown secrets; If you choose to remain silent, it may cause the outside world to continue to ferment doubts about the selection, which in turn will affect the long-term development of the company.

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

In this turmoil, no one is the real winner. Xiao Sun, Yu Minhong, Dong Yuhui and the selection itself were all hurt to varying degrees. However, it also provides us with an opportunity to reflect: how should we balance individual interests with team interests in the Internet age? And how do you keep a clear head and stand firm in the complex online world?

Yu Minhong! Xiao Sun was exposed by his allies, and the majority of netizens are waiting for you to call the police!

Perhaps, this turmoil will eventually subside over time. But in this process, each of us should deeply reflect on our own actions and attitudes. Only in this way can we find our own place in the online world, and can we go further and more steadily on the road in the future.

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