
43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

author:Mr. Wen's Reading Club
43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple
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43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

One day in 2014, a pair of cute twin girls quietly came into the world, their existence is like a carefully guarded secret, little known.

It was only recently that the secret was unexpectedly revealed. In the wedding photos shared by Han Geng's wife Lu Jingshan, two little girls in white gauze skirts are like elves walking out of a fairy tale, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

These angelic twins are the hearts and souls of 43-year-old "national team" singer Tan Jing and her husband Deng Zhonghan, who is 9 years older. This unexpected appearance has made people full of curiosity and expectation about this star family that has always kept a low profile.

Under the careful guidance of her mother, Tan Jing's musical talent has sprung up and grown vigorously. With her infinite love for music, she was successfully admitted to the China Conservatory of Music, specializing in national vocal music.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

However, fate always likes to play a joke on geniuses. Tan Jing found that she would blink unconsciously when singing folk songs, and this small flaw made her feel troubled, and even fell into a whirlpool of self-doubt for a while.

But as the saying goes, if you lose your horse, you don't know if it's a blessing. During a chance performance, Tan Jing was pleasantly surprised to find that when she tried to sing a popular song, the annoying blinking problem disappeared.

This unexpected discovery was like a ray of light in the darkness, pointing out a new direction for Tan Jing. She began to make bold attempts, skillfully integrating popular singing and folk songs, creating a unique "Tan Jing cross-border singing method".

This unique singing method not only solves Tan Jing's personal problems, but also becomes her winning weapon to stand out in the music industry. In 2000, Tan Jing appeared on the stage of CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time, and her clear and moving singing voice instantly conquered the national audience.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

In the same year, she won the gold medal in popular singing in the Youth Song Competition, and this series of successes opened a bright door for her music career.

Since then, Tan Jing has become a frequent visitor to the Spring Festival Gala and has sung on this stage that has attracted national attention for 12 consecutive years. Her singing voice is like a spring breeze, warming the hearts of countless audiences.

Tan Jing's success is not only a display of talent, but also a brave conquest of difficulties. She used her own experience to interpret the true meaning of "I am born to be useful", and also inspired countless people with dreams to move forward.

Tan Jing's music journey, from the cradle of the family to the national stage, from the confused lost to the cross-border innovation, every step embodies her love and dedication to music.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

Her story tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams and have the courage to face challenges, we will definitely find our own unique stage.

Tan Jing's talent is like a dazzling light, which not only illuminates the domestic stage, but also shines in the international music palace. The Vienna Musikverein, the Royal Albert Hall, the Sydney Opera House, these world-renowned top music halls have left Tan Jing's footprints.

Her voice full of oriental charm is like a cultural bridge, conveying the charm of Chinese music to all corners of the world.

On these international stages, Tan Jing has held many "Voices of Harmony" concerts, interpreting classic Chinese folk songs with her unique cross-border singing style. Every performance is like a feast of cultural exchanges, Tan Jing uses her singing voice to tell the story of China and convey the emotions of the Chinese nation.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

Her singing is not only an interpretation of the song, but also the inheritance and development of culture.

Tan Jing's masterpieces such as "On the Top of Nadong Mountain", "Dragon Wen", "Family", etc., are all masterpieces that praise the motherland and inspire people. The deep emotions contained in these songs, through Tan Jing's pure and beautiful voice, hit the hearts of the listeners.

Her singing skills are perfect, whether it is pitch, timbre or breath control, they have reached a first-class level, allowing the audience to enjoy the beautiful melody while also deeply feeling the emotional and cultural connotation conveyed by the song.

In addition to live performances, Tan Jing also sang theme songs for nearly 100 TV series, and her voice has become the finishing touch of many high-quality film and television works. Each song is like a vivid picture, depicting the emotional world of the play, allowing the audience to feel the plot more deeply in the melodious melody and resonate with the characters.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

Tan Jing's success lies not only in her excellent singing skills, but also in her deep understanding and unique interpretation of music. Every time she sings, it is a pious exploration of art and a deep affection for culture.

Tan Jing used her singing voice to let the world hear the voice of China and feel the charm of Chinese culture. Her artistic achievements are not only personal glory, but also a vivid embodiment of the soft power of Chinese culture.

Through Tan Jing's singing, Eastern and Western cultures converge in the ocean of music and collide with brilliant sparks. Her international stage experience has not only enriched her artistic life, but also won more respect and praise for Chinese music on the world stage.

In 2009, a romantic story that straddled art and technology quietly unfolded. The combination of Tan Jing and Deng Zhonghan is like two bright stars meeting in the vast universe, colliding with amazing sparks.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

Deng Zhonghan, a man 9 years older than Tan Jing, has extraordinary achievements in the field of science and technology, he is the founder and chief scientist of Vimicro Group, a figure who dominates the high-tech stage.

In the same year they tied the knot, 41-year-old Deng Zhonghan ushered in another peak in his life - he was successfully elected as the youngest academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

This award is undoubtedly the highest tribute to his outstanding contributions in the field of science and technology, and it also adds a touch of color to the couple's marriage. Deng Zhonghan's achievements are contrasted with Tan Jing's brilliance in the music industry, and their combination seems to be a perfect fusion of technology and art.

Despite the age difference of 9 years, in the eyes of outsiders, the couple does not see the age gap at all. Perhaps it is because they all maintain their enthusiasm for their careers and a positive attitude towards life, so that their faces always glow with youthful brilliance.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

Their love, transcending age and industry, shows the unique romance and tacit understanding between intellectuals.

The combination of Tan Jing and Deng Zhonghan is not only the happiness of the two people, but also the well-being of the country. One is a shining pearl in the music industry, and the other is an outstanding talent in the field of science and technology, both of whom are the pillars of the motherland.

The couple has contributed to the development of the country in their own way, and their story has become an example that many people envy and aspire to.

In 2014, their love bore sweet fruits, and a pair of lovely twin daughters came to earth, bringing more joy and happiness to the family.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

The birth of this pair of little angels seems to be God's blessing for this cross-border marriage, and it also adds new colors and meanings to the lives of Tan Jing and Deng Zhonghan.

The story of Tan Jing and Deng Zhonghan is not only a romantic love, but also a dialogue between art and technology, and a collision of talent and talent. Their combination proves that excellence in different fields can find common ground and work together to compose a beautiful movement in life.

This cross-border marriage shows the unique attraction and tacit understanding between intellectuals, and also interprets the diverse possibilities of happiness in modern society.

Tan Jing, who shines in the spotlight, maintains a commendable low profile in private. Her marriage and family life are like treasures that she carefully hides in her heart, and they are rarely shown to the public.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

This low-key is not deliberate, but stems from her cherishing of ordinary life and the protection of her family's privacy.

Tan Jing's attitude towards her family is reflected in her careful care of her twin daughters. Before the daughters were 6 years old, the outside world almost never had the opportunity to see the true face of the little angels.

Tan Jing, like all ordinary mothers, hopes to give their children a childhood away from the hustle and bustle. She believes that true happiness lies not in the limelight, but in the little things in ordinary life.

This kind of care for the family shows Tan Jing's wisdom and gentleness as a mother.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

However, no matter how low-key a star is, it is difficult to escape the curious eyes of the public. When Tan Jing's twin daughters made their debut at Han Geng's wedding, they immediately became the center of attention.

The little girls in white gauze skirts are like little angels walking out of fairy tales, and their cute appearance instantly captured everyone's hearts. At this moment, people seem to see Tan Jing's pride and happiness as an ordinary mother.

Although this appearance was an unexpected move, Tan Jing still maintained the protection of her children's privacy and did not change her low-key lifestyle because of this.

Tan Jing's low-key is not only reflected in her protection of family life, but also in her attitude towards success. Despite her brilliant achievements, she has never been complacent because of it.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

On the contrary, she has always maintained her love for music and her pursuit of art. In her opinion, real success is not fame and applause, but being able to consistently hold on to one's dreams and find balance and meaning in life in the process.

Tan Jing and Deng Zhonghan's family life is like a harmonious duet. They shine in their respective fields and find balance in their ordinary lives.

Their stories tell us that success does not mean giving up the happiness of ordinary people, on the contrary, it is these ordinary happiness that is the driving force that supports them to keep moving forward.

In this fast-paced era, Tan Jing uses her way to interpret what is a truly happy life. Her story teaches us that no matter how successful we are, family is always the most important thing.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

She proved with her actions that a person can be both a star in the limelight, as well as a gentle and considerate wife and mother. This balance is not easy to achieve, it requires wisdom, perseverance, and more importantly, a love of life.

Tan Jing's artistic life is not only glamorous on the stage, but also a bit by bit in life. In her way, she composes a low-key and happy life movement.

This attitude to life has not only won the respect of the public, but also injected more vitality and appeal into her artistic career.

In Tan Jing's story, we see the other side of a successful artist - an ordinary person who cherishes ordinary life, loves his family, and always remains humble.

43-year-old "national team" Tan Jing: The twin daughters are beautiful and cute, and the background of her husband, who is 9 years older, is not simple

This balance may be the secret of her ability to go further and more steadily on the path of art. Tan Jing uses her life to explain what true success is - that is, to find the perfect balance between career and family, and to be able to stay true to yourself in the spotlight and in life.

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