
Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

author:Fei Ge Curiosity
Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!
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Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

Nie Haisheng, a leader in China's aerospace industry, is standing at the pinnacle of his career. As a candidate for astronauts for "Shenzhou 6", he is about to realize his dream of flying.

However, just as he was excited to share the good news with his wife, it was a bolt from the blue.

Not only did his wife not cheer for him, but instead made a request that caught Nie Haisheng off guard - divorce. This sudden change put this resolute astronaut in an unprecedented predicament.

He couldn't understand why the people closest to him would choose to leave at this critical moment.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

What exactly is causing this marital crisis? How did they cross the chasm? Let's walk into Nie Haisheng's inner world and uncover this heart-wrenching and heartwarming story.

Nie Haisheng's childhood was not as glorious as his later achievements. Born in a family of eight, he is the sixth in line, and he has known the hardships of life since he was a child. In this populous family, every day is a difficult survival challenge.

However, it was this environment that planted the seeds of tenacity and struggle in Nie Haisheng's young heart.

The turning point in his life occurred when Nie Haisheng was in the second year of junior high school. On an ordinary school day, the bad news suddenly came - my father was hospitalized due to illness. Nie Haisheng was so anxious that he rushed home, but he couldn't see his father for the last time.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

This blow was undoubtedly huge for the young Nie Haisheng. The death of his father not only took away the main source of income for the family, but also brought a heavy blow to this family, which was not wealthy.

Faced with this sudden change, Nie Haisheng, who was only a teenager, had to consider dropping out of school to help his mother shoulder the burden of the family. He knew that it would be difficult for his mother to support this huge family on her own.

As the eldest son in the family, he resolutely chose to give up his studies and prepare to return to his hometown to farm.

However, the god of fate did not completely abandon this hardworking teenager. When the new semester began, the school found that the student with excellent character and academic performance had not returned for a long time, and the principal and class teacher immediately launched an investigation.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

When they learned of Nie Haisheng's situation, they immediately took action. They personally visited Nie Haisheng and promised to waive all of Nie Haisheng's tuition fees and provide the necessary assistance.

The words of the principal and teachers are still in my ears: "Nie Haisheng, you are a rare good student, and you will definitely become a pillar of the country in the future." We can't let you just drop out of school.

Nie Haisheng was deeply moved by this warmth in the snow, and also made him determined to study harder and live up to the expectations of his teachers.

It was this small hobby that became the starting point for his future dedication to the aerospace industry. Nie Haisheng planted a seed of flying in his heart, and he began to dream of one day being able to land on the moon and set foot in the sky.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

This dream drove him to resolutely choose to apply for the Air Force Changchun Flight Academy after graduation, and started his dream journey.

Nie Haisheng's story tells us that even if you come from a bad background, as long as you have dreams and perseverance, and at the same time get help and support from others, you can change your destiny.

His upbringing not only shaped his tenacious character, but also planted the seeds for his future aerospace career. This experience has become a source of motivation for Nie Haisheng to never give up when facing challenges in the future.

With his love for aviation, Nie Haisheng, who graduated from high school, resolutely chose to apply for the Air Force Changchun Flight Academy. This decision marks his official journey to chase his dream of blue skies.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

With excellent grades and excellent physical fitness, Nie Haisheng successfully stepped into this long-awaited university.

In the flight academy, Nie Haisheng showed extraordinary talent and superhuman perseverance. He knows that passion is not enough to be a good pilot.

So, he threw himself into the hard work. Every morning, when the other students were still asleep, Nie Haisheng had already started physical training.

Flight simulation, theoretical learning, practical operation, he strives for perfection in every link.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

This effort has been rewarded with significant progress. Nie Haisheng not only achieved excellent results in various courses, but also performed well in actual flights. His flexible operation skills and calm judgment have won unanimous praise from the instructors.

After graduating, Nie Haisheng got his wish and became a glorious fighter pilot. During his days in the Air Force, he went through more grinding. High-intensity training, strict discipline requirements, and dangers that may be faced at any time are constantly tempering Nie Haisheng's will and skills.

However, for Nie Haisheng, becoming a fighter pilot is not the end, but a new beginning. His eyes had gone further – the vastness of space.

When the country began to select astronauts, Nie Haisheng did not hesitate to sign up.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

From fighter pilot to astronaut, it's been a difficult metamorphosis. But Nie Haisheng, with his own strength and determination, successfully completed this transformation.

However, the road has not been easy. In the selection of "Shenzhou 5", Nie Haisheng regretted not being selected. The blow was undoubtedly huge for him, but he did not give up.

On the contrary, this defeat inspired him to fight even more intensely.

Nie Haisheng began to demand himself more strictly and train harder. His efforts have finally paid off. In the selection of "Shenzhou VI", Nie Haisheng was successfully selected with his outstanding performance, and his name finally appeared on the list of pilots.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

Nie Haisheng's story tells us that dreams can be realized step by step, and the key lies in the determination to never give up and continuous efforts. From fighter pilots to astronauts, Nie Haisheng has interpreted what is the true spirit of chasing dreams with his actions.

Nie Haisheng's aerospace dream was not all smooth sailing. The defeat in the selection of the "Shenzhou 5" mission was a heavy blow to him. At that moment, he felt a sense of frustration that he had never felt before.

However, the strong-willed pilot was not knocked out by defeat. On the contrary, this setback inspired a stronger determination within him.

With the strength of not admitting defeat, Nie Haisheng devoted himself to training harder. He knows that only by putting in more sweat can he stand out when the next opportunity comes.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

This perseverance soon paid off. In the selection of "Shenzhou 6", Nie Haisheng was successfully selected with his outstanding performance.

When he learned the good news, Nie Haisheng was very excited. Years of dreaming are finally coming true, and he can't wait to share this joy with his wife.

However, the unexpected happened at this time.

When Nie Haisheng excitedly told his wife the news, his wife's reaction caught him off guard. Not only did she not rejoice for her husband, but instead filed for divorce. This sudden blow plunged Nie Haisheng into confusion and pain.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

He couldn't understand why, when he was about to achieve his dream, the people closest to him were leaving him.

This marital crisis has brought huge psychological pressure to Nie Haisheng. However, as a trained astronaut, he quickly calmed down and decided to communicate openly with his wife.

Through in-depth exchanges, Nie Haisheng understood his wife's worries. It turned out that she was afraid that her husband might be in danger and did not want to see her beloved take risks. The wife mentions a previous flight accident that resulted in the death of all pilots, which left her with lingering fears.

Nie Haisheng patiently explained to his wife the importance of the space mission and his love for the cause. He promised his wife that he would return safely. Eventually, the wife was moved by her husband's sincerity and regained her support for his decision.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

This experience not only made Nie Haisheng cherish the support of his family more, but also made him think more deeply about his career. He realized that as an astronaut, you must not only have courage and ability, but also have a sense of responsibility and mission.

Since then, Nie Haisheng has participated in the missions of "Shenzhou 10" and "Shenzhou 12", and each time it has been successfully completed. He proved his ability with practical actions, and also repaid the trust of his family and the country.

Nie Haisheng's aerospace career is not only the realization of his personal dream, but also a process of constantly breaking through himself and contributing to the country. His story tells us that we may encounter various difficulties and challenges on the road to pursuing our dreams, but as long as we persevere, we will definitely be able to overcome them and achieve our goals.

Nie Haisheng's success is not accidental, but stems from his hard training and unremitting efforts day after day. As an astronaut, the challenges he faced were far more daunting than most people might think.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

Every day, Nie Haisheng has to do hours of physical training. Running, swimming, and weightlifting are just the basics, but what is more challenging is a variety of special training that simulates the space environment.

In order to adapt to the weightless environment, Nie Haisheng needs to do a lot of handstand exercises. At the height of his training, he had to do a handstand a thousand times a day. This kind of training is not only a huge test for the body, but also extremely demanding for willpower.

In addition to physical training, Nie Haisheng also has to constantly learn new knowledge and skills. Aerospace technology is changing with each passing day, and he must always keep learning to adapt to new technologies and equipment.

Sometimes, he would spend the night immersed in various professional books and technical materials, just to master a new operating procedure.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

The most challenging part is the training that simulates life in space. Nie Haisheng had to live in a confined space for days or even weeks, simulating various situations that might be encountered in space.

This not only tests his professional skills, but also tests his psychological quality. In the process, he has to learn how to stay calm and rational in extreme environments, how to coordinate with his teammates, and how to deal with various unexpected situations.

These arduous trainings have shaped Nie Haisheng's indomitable character and laid a solid foundation for his outstanding performance in space. He has experienced thousands of simulated bumps and countless handstands, just to better adapt to the future life in space.

Nie Haisheng's story tells us that any success is not easy, and there is unimaginable dedication and persistence behind it. It is this kind of perseverance that enables Nie Haisheng to show outstanding performance at critical moments and become the pride of China's aerospace industry.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

Today, Nie Haisheng has become the first Chinese astronaut to enter space three times and won the honorary title of special astronaut. These brilliant achievements could have allowed him to retire peacefully and enjoy the second half of his life.

However, Nie Haisheng chose to continue to stick to the front line of the aerospace industry.

Even though he has entered the second half of his life, Nie Haisheng still maintains his enthusiasm and professionalism for the aerospace industry. Not only does he continue to participate in the preparation and execution of various space missions, but he is also committed to passing on the valuable experience he has accumulated over the years to the younger generation of astronauts.

In his view, the aerospace industry is a never-ending exploration that requires the efforts and persistence of generation after generation.

Nie Haisheng's wife: She proposed to divorce before her husband went to space, and finally the two reconciled!

Nie Haisheng used his actions to interpret what is the true aerospace spirit. His story teaches us that as long as there is a dream in the heart and action under the feet, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome.

Even after his impressive achievements, he still retains his love for his career and his desire to explore the unknown.

We look forward to the days to come, Nie Haisheng can continue to shine in the aerospace industry, make greater contributions to China's aerospace industry, and inspire more young people to devote themselves to this great cause.

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