
Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

author:Fei Ge Curiosity
Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life
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Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In 2016, a sudden bad news hit 48-year-old Wang Xiaoya. This "CCTV first sister", who once conquered countless viewers with her bright smile and witty answers, was diagnosed with severe kidney disease.

The illness ruthlessly pushed her from the shining spotlight to the background, forcing her to take a break from her beloved screen career.

Faced with the double blow of health and career, Wang Xiaoya struggled within. However, she was not crushed by the predicament. During her time in the hospital, she began to re-examine her life and think about the direction of the future.

After recovering, Wang Xiaoya made an unexpected decision: she chose a new path that few people knew about and started a new chapter in her life.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In 1986, Wang Xiaoya, who had a literary dream, suffered the first major setback in her life in the college entrance examination. Although she missed out on her favorite Chinese major, she followed her father's advice and resolutely chose the economics department of Sichuan University.

This seemingly deviated from her dream made a choice, but it laid the groundwork for her future career.

In college, Wang Xiaoya did not give up her love for words. She actively participated in various writing competitions, won many awards, and gradually built a reputation on campus. In her sophomore year, she began to publish articles in the school newspaper and dabbled in news interviews, laying a solid foundation for her future career.

After graduation, Wang Xiaoya joined the "Sichuan Reform Times" as a reporter. When she first entered the workplace, she did not flinch in the face of an unfamiliar economic field. She studied diligently, went deep into the grassroots interviews, and used simple and vivid language to explain complex economic theories, and quickly grew into an excellent economic reporter.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In 1996, by chance, Wang Xiaoya stepped into the door of CCTV. However, the transition from print to television was not an easy one. In the early days, she made frequent mistakes in the live broadcast, and even had an embarrassing cold scene.

But Wang Xiaoya was not discouraged, she humbly asked experienced colleagues for advice and studied hosting skills hard. Finally, in the "Golden Land" program, her talent was fully displayed.

After that, Wang Xiaoya was transferred to the Economic Channel to host "Economic Half Hour". In the face of this highly professional program, she gave full play to her background in economics and rich interview experience.

She skillfully translated obscure economic theories into plain language, making the show beloved by the audience. Thanks to her efforts, the ratings of the program have continued to rise, and she herself has won the crown in the National Economic Program Host Competition.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

Wang Xiaoya's growth process shows her perseverance and never-give-up spirit. From an economics student to a well-known CCTV host, she has proved her worth with her strength.

Every setback becomes her motivation to move forward, and every attempt brings her one step closer to her dream. Her experience tells us that as long as we have a dream in our hearts and work hard to achieve it, we will be able to create a wonderful life of our own.

Wang Xiaoya's story is not only the growth history of a host, but also an inspirational legend of ordinary people who realize their dreams through hard work. Her experience has inspired countless young people with dreams, telling them that even if they have an ordinary starting point, as long as they persevere, they will eventually reach the other side of success.

In 2000, Wang Xiaoya ushered in a turning point in her career - hosting "Happy Dictionary". This light-hearted game show provided her with a stage to show off her new self.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

"Are you ready?" This energetic opening sentence quickly became Wang Xiaoya's signature line and left a deep impression on the audience.

In "Happy Dictionary", Wang Xiaoya showed a completely different hosting style from the past. She is lively and generous, witty and humorous, and her interaction with the contestants and the audience is natural and smooth.

In the show, she can always say hilarious punchlines at the right time, and can give warm encouragement to the contestants at critical moments. Her infectious smile and amiable hosting style make the audience feel as if they are in the company of a close friend.

Wang Xiaoya's performance in "Happy Dictionary" can be described as easy. She skillfully controls the pace and perfectly combines serious quizzes with a relaxed atmosphere.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

Under her auspices, "Happy Dictionary" is not only a puzzle show, but also a source of joy for the audience after dinner. The ratings of the show continued to rise, and Wang Xiaoya's popularity soared, and she soon became one of CCTV's hottest hosts.

With the success of Happy Dictionary, Wang Xiaoya has won a number of important awards, including "China's Top 10 Economic Women of the Year" and "CCTV's Top 10 Program Hosts".

These honors are not only a recognition of her professional ability, but also a sign that she has become an indispensable and important figure of CCTV. Her influence even surpassed Zhou Tao and Dong Qing, and she became a well-deserved "CCTV first sister".

At the 2002 Spring Festival Gala, 39-year-old Wang Xiaoya ushered in another highlight moment. She partnered with the popular host Li Yong to host, and the tacit cooperation between the two became the focus of the audience.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

Wang Xiaoya's elegant and generous typhoon, combined with Li Yong's humorous and witty style, presented an audio-visual feast for the audience. This appearance once again confirmed Wang Xiaoya's outstanding hosting skills and pushed her career to a new peak.

Wang Xiaoya during the period of "Happy Dictionary" can be said to be radiant and charming. She used her intelligence and hard work to conquer the hearts of countless audiences. However, she did not feel satisfied, but continued to work hard, constantly break through herself, and move towards a higher goal.

Wang Xiaoya's success lies not only in her excellent hosting ability, but also in her always maintained a humble and enterprising attitude. Her story shows us that only by constantly learning and innovating can we maintain our long-lasting charm in a highly competitive field.

"Happy Dictionary" is not only the pinnacle of Wang Xiaoya's career, but also the perfect embodiment of her life value.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

Wang Xiaoya's marriage road is as full of twists and turns and challenges as her career. Her first marriage began when she was a student, when she met Lu Chenggong, who was a lecturer at the time.

At first, Wang Xiaoya did not have a special impression of this talented lecturer. However, as the contact deepened, she was gradually attracted by Lu Chenggong's knowledge and talent.

The two were like-minded, quickly fell in love, and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, life after marriage is not a fairy tale. In 1996, in order to chase the dream of entering CCTV, Wang Xiaoya resolutely went north to develop. At the same time, Lu Chenggong also chose to resign from his teaching position and devote himself to business.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

The two agreed to support each other, and whoever succeeds first will fully support each other's causes. This spirit of mutual support has allowed them to achieve success in both careers in just two years.

Unfortunately, the success of the career did not make up for the regret of gathering less and leaving more. The long-term separation of lifestyles has deepened the conflict between the couple. Although both hope that the other party can make a compromise and end their long-distance life, Wang Xiaoya can't give up his work at CCTV, and Lu Chenggong can't let go of his hard-working career.

Finally, in 2001, they peacefully ended their five-year-old marriage.

The divorce has dealt a big blow to Wang Xiaoya. At one point, she fell into self-doubt and reflected on whether she had made the wrong choice between career and family. After a year of adjustment and thinking, she regained her passion for her career and returned to the stage again.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In 2009, the god of fate favored Wang Xiaoya again. At the age of 43, she met her second husband, Cao Jianming, a law professor much older than her.

This marriage gave Wang Xiaoya a different life experience. After getting married, she began to consciously slow down the pace of work and devote more energy to family life. She learned how to balance her career and family and found a new place in life.

Wang Xiaoya's two marriages have witnessed her choice and growth between career and love. Although she did not have children as she wished, she still maintained a positive and optimistic attitude, interpreting the true meaning of happiness in her own way.

Her experience tells us that there will always be choices on the road of life, and the key is to listen to your inner voice and be brave enough to pursue the life you want.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In 2015, Wang Xiaoya's career seems to have ushered in a new turnaround. She took the plunge and hosted a unique food show that showed a whole new side.

However, fate is always full of drama. Just as she was ready to continue to expand her career, in 2016, a sudden serious illness pushed her to a crossroads in her life.

48-year-old Wang Xiaoya was diagnosed with severe kidney disease and had to leave the beloved CCTV stage for a while. In the face of this sudden blow, she did not give up easily.

During the long treatment process, Wang Xiaoya began to re-examine her life and think about the future direction.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

After recovery, Wang Xiaoya chose to set her sights on public welfare. She went deep into her hometown of Liangshan, Sichuan, and participated in poverty alleviation and poverty alleviation work. She used to be glamorous in front of the camera, but now she shuttles through the fields in the mountains, contributing to the improvement of the local education environment.

This change of role made Wang Xiaoya feel a different value of life.

In 2021, the opportunity came again. Wang Xiaoya was invited to host Guizhou Satellite TV's public welfare program "Luming Classroom". Although she has been away from CCTV for many years, she still shows her professional hosting skills, integrates her public welfare concept into the program, and infects more audiences.

In addition to participating in public welfare, Wang Xiaoya has also transformed her hobbies into a social responsibility. She is passionate about promoting the culture of reading and holds regular reading sharing sessions.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In these activities, she shared her reading experience and life insights with everyone, and encouraged more people to develop the habit of reading.

From the spotlight to the public welfare behind the scenes, Wang Xiaoya used practical actions to interpret what it means to "retire without resting". She continues to influence and help others in her own way, demonstrating the sense of social responsibility that a public figure should have.

Wang Xiaoya's transformation tells us that the value of life is not only in fame and fortune, but also in how to give back to the society and make one's life more meaningful.

Today, 55-year-old Wang Xiaoya rarely appears in the public eye. She has chosen a low-key and fulfilling lifestyle, away from the once familiar camera and hustle and bustle.

Wang Xiaoya, the former "first sister of CCTV", is now retired and lives a sweet and peaceful life

In this peaceful day, Wang Xiaoya found her own rhythm. She immersed herself in the sea of books, absorbing the nutrients of knowledge; She enjoys the warm time with her family and friends, and savors the beauty of life; She is still enthusiastic about public welfare and continues to pay attention to and give back to the society in her own way.

Although she left the stage of CCTV, Wang Xiaoya did not lose her love for life and concern for society. She used her own experience to explain that the value of life lies not only in the success of her career, but also in how to find her own happiness in ordinary days.

Wang Xiaoya's story will undoubtedly inspire more people to bravely face life's challenges and explore new possibilities in the face of adversity.

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