
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.

author:Wise Pencil S
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.
Persuasion: The kindness of parents is like the depth of the sea, and don't forget the kindness of parents in life.

In the early morning, the town is gently embraced by a light mist, as if the whole world is immersed in a sense of tranquility and peace. By the small river, the willows are gently blowing, the river is murmuring, and everything seems so harmonious and beautiful. In this tranquil landscape, Li Xiaozhi walked briskly and slowly walked towards the river, but his heart was surging with complex emotions.

Li Xiaozhi, an ordinary but extraordinary young man, his story, like the river in this town, is inconspicuous, but contains deep power. Today, it is he who decided to tell the world about that period of "parental kindness".

Since he was a child, Li Xiaozhi grew up in this small town, and his parents were ordinary workers, and with their hard-working hands, they supported the family for a while. In my memory, my father always left early and returned late, with a tired but determined smile on his face; His mother took care of him and his sister at home. Those days, although poor, were full of love and warmth.

However, as he grew older, Li Xiaozhi gradually felt the temptation and challenge of the outside world. He began to yearn for the prosperity and opportunities of the big city, and longed to change his fate and let his family live a better life through his own efforts. So, after graduating from college, he resolutely left the town and embarked on a journey to the big city.

The hustle and bustle of the city overwhelmed Li Xiaozhi, and he devoted himself to his work, working overtime, socializing, and pursuing higher positions and incomes...... Gradually, he went home less and less often, and his connection with his parents became less and less. It wasn't until one day that he received a call from his sister and learned that his father was hospitalized due to illness, and his heart trembled violently, as if he had been hit by something heavy.

Hurrying back to the town, Li Xiaozhi stood outside the ward, and saw his father's pale and weak face through the crack in the door, at that moment, all the achievements and glory seemed so small. He realized that no matter how far he went or how high he flew, his parents were always his most solid backing, and that kindness was deeper than the sea and higher than the sky.

After his father recovered from his illness, Li Xiaozhi made a decision - he wanted to return to the town, stay with his parents, and repay their nurturing kindness with practical actions. He quit his job in the big city and opened a small bookstore, although the income was not much, but it was enough for him to spend time with his family and enjoy the long-lost family affection and peace.

The riverside in the early morning has become Li Xiaozhi's favorite place. He often took his parents and sister to walk, chat, and share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows. Here, he seems to have regained the innocence and happiness of his childhood, and also deeply realized the true meaning of "the kindness of his parents is like the depth of the sea".

"Dad, Mom, I used to be too ignorant, always thinking about running out, ignoring your feelings." Li Xiaozhi held his parents' hands tightly, his eyes were slightly red, "Now, I understand, no matter where I go, you are the people I care about the most." I'm going to spend the rest of my life making up for those missed moments. ”

The parents looked at each other and smiled, their eyes glistening with tears and relief. They know that their sons have grown up and learned to be grateful and reciprocate. In this early morning, by the river in the town, the hearts of the family are closely connected, weaving a chapter of happiness that belongs to them.

Li Xiaozhi's story quietly spread in the town and became a good story. People sighed at his filial piety and courage, and began to re-examine the relationship between themselves and their parents. In this fast-paced era, perhaps we should all slow down, spend more time with our parents, and listen to their voices, because "the kindness of our parents is like the depth of the sea" is a debt that we cannot repay in our lifetime.