
What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

author:Listening to the wind brings longing
What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

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Listening to the wind brings longing

Listening|Listening to the wind brings thoughts

This son-in-law has floated after receiving the certificate

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

You can buy it or not, and you can't quarrel

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

I almost lost my daughter-in-law on the way to get the certificate, you are indeed big-hearted

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

It's thanks to your good eyes, otherwise it would have become a divorce certificate

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

The cabbage that has been raised for more than 20 years has been arched by pigs, can you be happy

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

It's hard not to be suspicious

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

It's not easy for you to get a marriage certificate

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

It didn't seem like it was a good day, and the last two of them lay in bed for three days

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

You can see the determination of both of you

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

What kind of tiger and wolf words are said in public

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Are you sure you're really oversleeping?

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Thanks to your wife, you don't know that your ex-girlfriend witnessed you getting the certificate

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Aren't you two acquainted?

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

He was afraid that you would regret it, so he went directly to his mother-in-law and told him

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

After receiving it, you will be certified to work and become a legal husband and wife

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Good guy, you don't bring your daughter-in-law to get the certificate

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

It's understandable, after all, it's a major life event

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Take a closer look at the picture below

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

I did it on the first day, and I lost it on the second day

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

If you hadn't gotten the certificate, you might have been kept in the dark

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

At this time, I had a nosebleed

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

He still wants to have a next time

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Colleagues from the Civil Affairs Bureau thought you had been kidnapped

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

This staff member understands yin and yang when he speaks

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

There was still no real feeling at that moment

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

It's a habit that can't be broken

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Those who don't know think you're forced

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

Your family is quite special, for marriage certificates

What interesting things happened on the day you got your license? Netizen: The front foot gets the certificate, and the back foot has to leave

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