
It's been exposed! Japan's Daikin Air Conditioning Company produces white phosphorus bombs, a banned weapon, and supplies them to the Japanese military

author:Meet the mountains and seas

Air conditioning is already a necessity for modern people. When the hot summer comes, the first thing that comes to mind is to turn on the air conditioner to cool down. As a leader in the air conditioning industry, Japan's Daikin Corporation is deeply loved by consumers around the world for its products. But behind Daikin's backs is a secret – it also produces a variety of weapons, including white phosphorus bombs.


This astonishing insider story was recently revealed by the Australian media, causing an immediate global uproar. A recent investigation by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation found that Australia's superannuation trust fund was involved in a Japanese company that made white phosphorus bombs. This company is Daikin, a well-known home appliance company in Japan.

It turns out that this air conditioner manufacturer, which has always been loved by consumers, also has a hidden department specializing in the production of weapons. Investigative reports revealed that over the past eight years, Daikin has supplied millions of dollars worth of white phosphorus bombs to Japan's Self-Defense Forces. White phosphorus bombs are a brutal incendiary weapon that can burn only bones.

It's been exposed! Japan's Daikin Air Conditioning Company produces white phosphorus bombs, a banned weapon, and supplies them to the Japanese military

When exposed to water, toxic gases will also be produced, and when it touches the human body, it will not only have high temperatures, but also corrosion, and it will be poisoned even if it is not burned to death. Because of its brutal lethality, white phosphorus bombs have been banned in many countries. Daikin was not only involved in the production of such non-humanitarian weapons, but also secretly supplied them to the Japanese military for a long time.

Faced with doubts from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Daikin initially denied producing white phosphorus bombs. But after further investigation by the journalists, Daikin finally admitted and justified the production of such cruel weapons. They claimed that the white phosphorus bombs were used only at the Self-Defense Forces training ground and would not cause harm to civilians.

It's been exposed! Japan's Daikin Air Conditioning Company produces white phosphorus bombs, a banned weapon, and supplies them to the Japanese military

The motives behind a company that is supposed to be committed to improving human life have become a war manufacturer. Under the pressure of public opinion, Daikin finally announced that it would stop producing white phosphorus bombs. But it did not say when it was discontinued, nor did it explain why.

There are all kinds of indications that Daikin only wants to get away with it, and it has not really reflected on its criminal responsibility for illegally producing murder weapons. It uses vague language to hide the severity of the problem, and this deception is intolerable. A company that seems to serve human life may also be doing terrible things behind the scenes.

It's been exposed! Japan's Daikin Air Conditioning Company produces white phosphorus bombs, a banned weapon, and supplies them to the Japanese military

When consumers buy products, they should not only look at the surface, but also look at the essence and discover the problems that may be hidden behind it. Only when everyone maintains a moral bottom line and a righteous judgment can we jointly create a peaceful and civilized world.

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