
Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

author:Sunshine Kan emotional
Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!


The Beijing subway was shocked by the "hegemonic" old man, and a farce about "respecting the elderly" instantly detonated the whole network. The crutches pointed at the young girl, and the old man's angry roar shocked the four seats: "I should have privileges when I am old!" The passengers were dumbfounded, but the police were indifferent. Netizen fryer: "This is the so-called respect for the elderly? Let's take a look at what is wrong with our society behind this farce!


1. Thrilling subway clashes

Beijing Metro Line 5 staged a suffocating power game. A gray-haired old man, as if wearing the armor of "respecting the elderly", launched an unreasonable attack on a young girl. "This is my seat! You young people should give up your seats! The old man's voice thundered, piercing the silence in the carriage.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

Not to be outdone, the girl argued: "Uncle, I've also been gone for a day, I'm very tired." You look pretty good, why can't you stand for a while? Her words revealed helplessness and confusion, and expressed the hearts of many young people. This conflict has become a microcosm of intergenerational contradictions.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

However, events quickly spiraled out of control. The old man's anger was completely ignited by this "rebellious" remark. He swung his cane and struck at the girl's leg. At this moment, the entire carriage seemed to be pressed the pause button, and the passengers watched the farce in amazement. Someone took out their mobile phone to take pictures, but no one dared to step forward to stop it.

Isn't there anyone to mediate, you may ask? Don't worry, the story is far from over. Who condones this behavior? And who is to blame?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

Second, public opinion exploded and the public was in an uproar

The video of the subway incident is like a bombshell, detonating a fierce public opinion war in the online world. The traditional Chinese virtue of "respecting the old and loving the young" instantly became the target of public criticism.

The voices of support for the elderly came like a tide: "The young and the old are orderly, and our traditions cannot be lost!" What's wrong with young people giving up seats? These people insist that respect for the elderly is the cornerstone of social harmony and that young people should be tolerant. However, have they considered that blind respect for elders may contribute to the privilege mentality of some people?

At the same time, the roar of the opponents is equally loud: "Where is the public morality? Why is the old man so domineering? They point out that everyone is equal in public places and should not be privileged because of age. This view, while radical, also speaks to the demand for equality in modern society.

In this war of words, some voices of reason try to balance the two poles: "Civility knows no age, and mutual respect is the key." This view calls on all sectors of society to re-examine the meaning of "respect for the elderly" and emphasize that respect should be mutual.

But the problem is far from being solved. As the debate escalates, a deeper social question emerges: Is our society undergoing a seismic shift in values? What kind of sparks will be created by the collision of tradition and modernity?

And the next turning point in this storm of public opinion will let you see the more shocking side of this incident. After the true identity of the old man is revealed, the whole incident will be pushed to a climax. Are you ready to learn this surprising truth?

3. Unexpected reversal

Just when the war of public opinion was in full swing, a blockbuster news was like a thunderbolt from the sky, pushing the subway incident to a dramatic climax. The true identity of this hegemonic old man has been revealed - he turned out to be a retired teacher!

The unexpected joy instantly ignited public outrage. People can't help but ask: How could a teacher who was once responsible for educating people behave so rudely? This reversal not only subverts people's stereotypes of teachers, but also triggers a deep rethinking of the education system.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

However, the story is not over yet. The old man's neighbors came forward one after another, revealing an even more shocking truth. It turned out that this old man was known for being arrogant and domineering on weekdays, and often clashed with his neighbors. This revelation is like adding another fire to the boiling pot of public opinion, and people begin to ask: How did such a person become a teacher? What kind of students will he teach?

The reaction of netizens can be imagined. "How can such a person teach and educate people?" "No wonder young people nowadays are becoming more and more unqualified!" Similar comments flew like snowflakes. This turmoil is no longer a simple subway conflict, but has evolved into a torture of the entire education system and social values.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

However, when we condemn this old man, should we also reflect: what kind of social environment has brought an educator to this point?

And just when people thought that this farce had reached its climax, the situation took a new turn. The reaction of the old man's family to the incident will add more drama to the story. Are you ready for the next amazing development?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

Fourth, the ugliness of the family is publicized, which makes it worse

Just when the storm of public opinion swept the whole network, the old man's daughter suddenly jumped out to "extinguish the fire", but unexpectedly added fuel to the fire. She exonerated her father with eloquence: "My dad is old, and it's normal to be ignorant. Young people should be considerate of the elderly! This remark was like a resounding slap in the face of the public.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

There was a public uproar. "This is a tutor?" People asked. A former educator was treated as an incapacitated old man by his daughter. This can't help but make people think: is the old man really "ignorant", or is it the connivance of his family that fuels his arrogance?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

The experts couldn't stand it anymore. Psychologists and sociologists have come forward to interpret that this kind of indulgence will only exacerbate the problem. They point out that using age as a shield for misconduct not only does not help solve problems, but instead exacerbates intergenerational conflicts and undermines social harmony.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

This series of reactions has forced us to face a cruel reality: certain family environments may be breeding "evil old age". When family members choose to cover up rather than correct them, and when society habitually writes off the faults of the elderly, are we creating the next "subway old man" with our own hands?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

The story doesn't end there. As events unfolded, the involvement of law enforcement added a new twist to the farce. Faced with such a situation, how will the law decide? How should society balance the interests of all parties? Let's wait and see what the final curtain of this farce will bring.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

5. Embarrassment for law enforcers

When the situation escalated, the performance of law enforcement officers was shocking. The video shows that when the clash occurred, the police chose to stand by and watch. The scene has sparked strong questions among the public: Are the enforcers incompetent or inactive? One wonders what is the point of the presence of police officers if they are unable to fulfill even the basic duty of maintaining public order.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

After the situation spiraled out of control, the police finally intervened. The result was unexpected: the elderly man was placed in administrative detention for disturbing public order. This decision is like a bombshell, detonating a new round of controversy on the Internet.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

Public opinion instantly split into two poles. One side believes that "the punishment is too severe", and they are worried that it will discourage the elderly from participating in society; The other side insists on "punishment should be due", emphasizing that everyone is equal before the law. This debate is essentially a collective reflection on the social dilemma of "how to balance respect for the elderly and the rule of law".

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

The dilemma of law enforcement exposed by this incident reflects a deeper social problem: how to find a balance between maintaining public order and good customs and respecting the elderly in an aging society? When traditional virtues collide with the modern rule of law, how do we choose?

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

However, the story doesn't end there. The social reflection triggered by this turmoil may have a more far-reaching impact. In the face of such a dilemma, does our social system need to keep pace with the times? Let's wait and see how this event will contribute to social progress.

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!


Much more than a simple conflict, this subway turmoil has revealed the deep-seated problems of our society. "Respect for the elderly" should not be an excuse for privilege, but a manifestation of mutual respect. Let us work together to reshape the modern connotation of "respecting the elderly and caring for the young", and work together to maintain public order and build a harmonious society. Change starts from everyone, young and old, who should lead by example and spread the positive energy of civilization. How would you respond to a situation like this? Let's discuss and contribute to the creation of a better society!

Follow-up to the subway turmoil: The old man's daughter refused to admit her mistake and said that my dad could do whatever he wanted!

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