
Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

author:Happiness Mountain Hill hN


Jia Ling's road to the Hundred Flowers Award

Jia Ling, the bright star of the comedy industry, once again shined at the 37th Hundred Flowers Awards with her dual identity as a director and actor. After "Hello, Lee Hwan Young", she was nominated for Best Actress again for her new work "Hot and Hot", and she was also nominated as a director.

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

This achievement not only demonstrates her deep skills in the film industry, but also proves her unique insight into comedy creation. "Hot and Hot" won the championship with a box office score of 3.46 billion during the Spring Festival in 2024, which is undoubtedly the best proof of Jia Ling's talent. Netizens expressed their support for Jia Ling on social media, and some joked: "Jia Ling will not only make people laugh, but also make people dig out their wallets!" ”

Jia Ling's slimming and beauty


Recently, Jia Ling's slimming results have become a hot topic of public discussion. Many viewers and fans are full of praise for her new image, believing that she has not only achieved great success in her film career, but also has a new personal image.

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

Some netizens even left a message in the comment area: "Jia Ling has lost weight, I feel that my world is bright!" This humorous and loving comment reflects the public's deep affection for Jia Ling. Jia Ling's change not only made her more radiant on the screen, but also made her gain more confidence and happiness in real life. This positive attitude towards life undoubtedly inspires her fans to pursue a better version of themselves.

Jia Ling's path to directing


As a director, Jia Ling's performance in "Hot and Hot" is also commendable. She not only successfully combines comedic elements with profound social issues, but also makes the audience feel the true meaning of life in laughter through delicate emotional portrayals. This unique directing style made her stand out in the list of nominees for the Hundred Flowers Award.

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

Netizens spoke highly of Jia Ling's directorial talent, and some commented: "Jia Ling's directorial works can always make people laugh and cry, this feeling is really great!" This kind of humorous and profound film language is the charm of Jia Ling's works.

Jia Ling's controversy and support


Despite Jia Ling's great success in the film industry, every time she appears and releases her works, there will always be some controversy. Some argue that her comedic style is too commercial and lacks depth; Some people also think that her slimming is to cater to the market and has lost her original affinity. However, these controversies did not affect Jia Ling's status in the hearts of fans.

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

Her supporters firmly believe that Jia Ling's every attempt is a courage to challenge herself, and her work always brings joy and thought. The comments of netizens are full of love and support for Jia Ling: "No matter what Jia Ling becomes, she is the queen of comedy in our hearts!" This kind of firm support is undoubtedly the greatest encouragement to Jia Ling.

Jia Ling's future prospects

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

With the success of "Hot and Hot", Jia Ling's future is full of infinite possibilities. She not only has a deep accumulation in the field of comedy, but also continues to explore and break through on the road of director and actor. Every time she attempts, people expect her to bring more wonderful works.

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

Netizens are full of expectations for Jia Ling's future, and some people left a message: "Jia Ling's next work, I can't wait to see it!" This expectation is not only a personal trust in Jia Ling, but also an infinite expectation for her future works. Jia Ling, the shining star of the comedy industry, is continuing to shine on the road of cinema in her unique way.

Jia Ling fights for the Hundred Flowers Award again, netizens: Is it hot or hot this time?

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