
Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Today's topic: Does a family with a sibling combination necessarily favor sons over daughters?

Text: Moyue North

Edited by Mo Yuebei

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

This article is long and is based on the personal experience of netizens, which will definitely shock you!!!

Do you have a sibling group around you?

What about their relationship?

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal?


Next, let's take a look at what other netizens have to say.

Indeed, this situation is really difficult to tell.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

The education of parents plays a very big role at this time.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Yes, there are many people who will guide the child in the family to say that this is a younger brother, hoping that the child can attract a boy to themselves.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Usually I can't see it so that you can be willing to pay them at a critical time.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

It's a family, but it acts like a family and someone else's child.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

The key is that their love is not very good.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Obviously it is a very developed area, and there are people with serious jobs, why are their thoughts still so pedantic?

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

It's useless to be anxious, you have to act.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

At least she didn't care about your bride price, if she wanted you to get married quickly and earn bride price money for her brother, then run away.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Maybe someone in the family usually taught her like this, otherwise she could say this kind of thing at such a young age, and she might have achieved a lot in the future.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

It's a good idea to give the money out and throw it at the bad reputation.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Can have two children, but can't eat two eggs in one meal?

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Only by being emotionally stable can you win more benefits for yourself.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Aren't the vast majority of the current bride price taken back to their own homes by young couples? Is there really a mother's family who wants money?

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

is obviously a child of the same age, but has been divided into two distinct classes by his parents.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

If the first child in the family is a boy, no one will say that they want to make up a good word.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

The last two are true, they don't want to give the girl property at all, so they will say that they don't want to fight if they have a daughter.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

There is also a family in our company with three sisters, and if there is something that they can't do every day, they find other people to do it, and they can't pretend all day long.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Parents will always feel that their children are still young and must not know what their actions represent, but how can today's children be so smart that they don't know?

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

No one in this family cared about this little girl anymore.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Maybe because she is a younger sister, there is already a son in this family, and she can have another girl, at least to prove that they are not patriarchal and will really love this child.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

It's not that daughters are intimate, it's just that all daughters are forced to accept reality.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

It's just a hemp ball, it doesn't cost much, but it reflects the different love of parents.

Does a sibling family have to be patriarchal? Netizen: Dragon and phoenix fetus, forcibly let my sister be born first

Write at the end:

Have you ever heard of such a thing?

Let us know in the comments section.

There is a certain inauthenticity in the content of the above pictures! Ladies and gentlemen, don't take it seriously.

If you have different experiences or opinions, please leave a message in the comment area to discuss! The younger brother must be humbly taught.

Finally, remember to pay attention to "Mo Beiyue", don't forget to like and follow, I'm waiting for you in the comment area!


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