
The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

author:Zhai Xiaohan

The South China Sea, this vast ocean.

But beneath the sparkling sea, there is a conspiracy instigated by Western countries for more than 70 years.

These islands and reefs are not only an inalienable part of China's territory.

It is also the core focus of the South China Sea dispute.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

For the sake of these islands and reefs, some countries in the South China Sea can be described as "deliberate".

The mainland's claim to sovereignty in the South China Sea has always adhered to the concept of "shelving disputes and joint development".

Friends who have made a fortune together, China welcomes you with open arms.

But those who have evil intentions,

Take the Philippines, for example, the "broken ship" that has been beached on Ren'ai Jiao on the mainland for a long time.

Probably, the patience of the hot continent has also begun to "expand and contract".

Not long ago, the way for the Philippines to deliver supplies to the "broken ship" was directly cut off.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

Come and go, our "fishermen".

accidentally plucked off eight fingers of the Philippine crew.

Now the monkeys are screaming all over the mountains, and Marcos Jr. is clamoring to re-introduce the "South China Sea Arbitration Case".

Moreover, once again questioned the legal status of the mainland's "nine-dash line".

In this vast sea,

They are shaped like U.

The separation of China's territory in the South China Sea from countries such as Vietnam, Brunei, the Philippines, and Indonesia forms an intricate map.


The sea is boundless

The South China Sea, like a brilliant sapphire set in the southeast coast of China, has a vast sea area.

In our mind, it may be an abstract concept composed of a string of numbers and units.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

But in fact, the South China Sea is vast.

The coastline stretches from Guangdong and Fujian to as far away as Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, and from east to west across the Philippine Islands and the Sino-Indian Peninsula.

In this vast sea.

There are hundreds of islands and reefs, each of which bears an immortal mark.

When the sun shines on the sparkling sea.

The islands and reefs of the Spratly Islands, the Paracel Islands and the Zhongsha Islands are dotted like pearls, forming a beautiful picture.

The "nine-dash line" is a term that is frequently mentioned in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

This line is by no means groundless, but is based on China's long-standing historical rights to Nanhai Zhudao, and is a reasonable definition of China's traditional maritime areas.

From the long river of history, we can trace back to the Han Dynasty.

At that time, China had already begun to administer and develop Nanhai Zhudao.

Through the inheritance and development of many dynasties, China's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao has been gradually consolidated.

However, since modern times.

Due to complex historical and practical reasons, the South China Sea issue has gradually become prominent.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

In order to defend national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.

In its long-term practice, China has gradually formed the scope of the "nine-dash line" over Nanhai Zhudao.

The nine-dash line of the South China Sea appeared as early as 1914 on a privately drawn map.

Initially, it is presented as a long arc.

Then it surrounds the entire South China Sea, embracing this blue sea like an arm.

It continues northward, crossing the Taiwan Strait and across the East China Sea.

until they reach the Yellow Sea, where they finally meet the land on the border with North Korea.

In 1947, the mainland approved the names of 172 islands in the South China Sea.

This change is like a subtle operation on the map of the South China Sea, making its outline clearer and more in line with the mainland's actual control of the South China Sea.

This nine-dash line is the one we are familiar with today.

The mainland's statement on this nine-dash line has been widely recognized by the international community.

Wheels within wheels

Specifically, each line of the "nine-dash line" represents China's historic rights to Nanhai Zhudao and its adjacent waters.

Through the "nine-dash line".

But this move has caused some Xiaoxiao to be dissatisfied with us.

The complexity of the South China Sea issue lies in the fact that it involves conflicting interests between multiple countries.

In addition to China,

These countries and China have certain sovereignty disputes and maritime delimitation disputes over the South China Sea.

The situation in the South China Sea is becoming more and more complicated.

In fact, over the years, not only the Philippines.

"Some" countries have illegally occupied some of the islands and reefs.

Or they can allow their people to engage in activities such as fishing or exploiting marine resources on islands and reefs, ignoring the sovereignty of the mainland.

These actions have not only undermined peace and stability in the South China Sea.

It has also exacerbated tensions between countries.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

Despite the South China Sea issue, it is full of controversies and challenges.

However, it is gratifying that the "nine-dash line", as the boundary of China's traditional maritime areas, is still widely recognized by the international community.


This recognition is not accidental, but is based on a number of reasons.

First of all, historical factors play an important role in this.

China's sovereignty over Nanhai Zhudao has an unquestionable historical foundation, and this consistent inheritance has been inherited.

The international community generally respects the historic rights of all countries, and therefore naturally understands and accepts the demarcation of the "nine-dash line".

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

After all, the history of some countries still needs to be corroborated by the history books of the mainland, and it is really like a chicken and a duck to tell the history that they are required to respect the objective laws of history.

Under international law, States have sovereign rights over their territory.

This includes the territorial sea, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf, among others.

China, through a long-term peaceful approach,

The acquisition of such rights and interests does not infringe upon the sovereignty and interests of other countries.

Therefore, the "nine-dash line", as a reasonable way to divide rights and interests, conforms to the spirit and principles of international law.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

Finally, it needs to be emphasized.

The "nine-dash line" is not set in stone.

With the changes in the international situation and the development of the South China Sea, all parties are actively seeking to resolve disputes through dialogue and consultation.

In this process, the "nine-dash line" serves as an important reference and negotiation basis, providing a platform for communication and consultation among countries.

Through continuous efforts and consultations, all parties can gradually narrow their differences and expand consensus.

Promote the settlement of the South China Sea issue in a more just, reasonable and sustainable direction.

In recent years, China has strengthened communication and cooperation with relevant countries through bilateral and multilateral mechanisms.

We will work together to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is so big, who designed the "nine-dash line", which almost reached the door of neighboring countries?

These practices have fully proved the positive role of the "nine-dash line" in promoting the settlement of the South China Sea issue and has been widely recognized by the international community.

It serves as the line of China's claim to jurisdiction over Nanhai Zhudao.

It not only embodies China's historic rights and legitimate rights and interests, but also conforms to the principles and spirit of international law.

In the future development, we would like to see a "calm" South China Sea.

Rather than in this blessed land given by nature, full of ugly ambition and planning.

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