
Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

author:Zhai Xiaohan

Huaxia relied on my children, and Hu Mayan dared to return it.

In 2020, there are 5 names like this, which makes the Chinese people unable to let go of their feelings for a long time.

They are Qi Fabao, Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan, and Wang Zhuoran.

The head of the regiment, Qi Fabao, was seriously injured and was treated.

They are soldiers stationed at the border, relatives whom the Chinese people have never met, and it is they who protect them with their lives that can bring peace to the mainland's border defense.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

Why would the warriors sacrifice their lives rather than allow their people to cross the valley?

The river has been flowing for centuries, and the story of the world is happening by the river.

Water is a resource that human beings rely on for survival.

Human development is inseparable from water.

As mentioned above, the story of the human world takes place by the river, because the history of mankind begins at the water's edge.

The name of the Galwan Valley is derived from the river Galwan.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

And the story about this river starts from this river valley.

Special geographical location

The Galwan Valley, located at the junction of the Galwan River and the Shyok River.

Aksai Chin is the intersection of Xinjiang and Tibet on the mainland.

Here, it is the embrace of the plateau, the lord of the bitter cold.

With an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters, every step is like stepping on the clouds, and every breath is like talking to the sky.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

The slope here is frighteningly steep.

But here, it's the everyday.

There is almost no vegetation on the ground, it is bare.

Like nature, the green brushstrokes are deliberately omitted here.

Stone, sand, and ice make up the main colors here.

The air becomes thinner here, and oxygen seems to be precious.

Every deep breath is like pushing the limits of your body.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

Note that although this national highway is the most dangerous passage into Tibet, it is an important strategic passage on the mainland.

The Depsang Plain is also a disputed area.

Taking advantage of our inattention, India has made this plain its own territory.

The Indian side believes that this position is occupied.

It can briefly summarize the Aksai Chin region of the mainland, after all, the two places are too close to each other.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

As everyone knows, this place has also become an important area that chokes India's neck.

To the west of the Depsang Plain is the main vein of the Karakoram Mountains, which is difficult to cross.

To the east, there is the Aksai Chin region of the mainland.

As far as the Indian army is stationed in the Depusang Plain, I am afraid that they will not dare to rashly enter the territory of the mainland.

This put India on the plain of Depsan.

Once the Galwan Valley is controlled by our army, there is no need to say much about this Indian-controlled area.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

It is no wonder that when India was about to occupy the Depsang Plain, our army did not make much movement.

The Galwan Valley leads south to Pangong Lake

The importance of Pangong Lake will not be repeated here.

As mentioned above, India is perennially bouncing like a grasshopper on the border of Pangong Lake.

Of course, there is a more important point.

The Galwan Valley connects the rivers, the Shyok River,

The birthplace of the Shyok River, in the Aksai Chin region of the mainland.

The length is more than 550 km.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

From the mainland, it flows through India and then to Pakistan.

On one occasion, India was in a hurry with Pakistan and threatened to cut off the Shiyok River and make Pakistan short of water.

It is not difficult to see from here the importance of the Shyok River to India.

First, if the mainland were to do something about the Shiyok River through the Galwan Valley, it would be hard to say whether India's threats to Pakistan would have happened.

Second, if war breaks out between the mainland and India, then our army can follow the river from the Shiyok River all the way to attack the interior of India, which is the most convenient and fastest way.


Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

It can be seen that the Galwan Valley is not only important for India, but also for the mainland.

So, this piece of land in the Galwan Valley.

Since ancient times, it has been a battleground between the two countries, and neither will let anyone take advantage of the other.

It is precisely because of this that the conflicts in the Galwan Valley region in the past have been petty fights, and India still knows the strength of the mainland no matter how good it is.

A country that can never be trusted

In June 2020, India blatantly violated its conventional "peace pact".

In the Galwan Valley, a clash was waged against the border guards of the mainland.

Our soldiers respected the agreement and tolerated step by step.

The result was that the Indian side had gained an inch.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

Back in April 2020, India cheekily broke the "peace".

A series of facilities such as bridges, roads, camps, military airfields, etc., were built in the Galwan Valley.

Since 1962, after the mainland regained Galwan.

The mainland and India have become conventional.

In order to show sincerity, our side even took the initiative to retreat from the mouth of the large river in the Galwan valley to the mouth of the small river.

In order to have a frontal conflict with different Indian armies, in order to ease the border contradictions between the two countries.

In the past, there were only petty verbal fights between the two armies.

This time, no one expected that the Indian army would be stationed at the mouth of the river in earnest.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

You must know that our army only retreated to Xiaohekou in order to show its sincerity in moderation, but this does not mean that the mainland has given up its territorial rights to Dahekou.

The Great River Estuary has always been the claim line of the mainland.

Although there is no clear demarcation between the two countries, the Line of Actual Control and the Claim Line.

This time, the Indian army has repeatedly tested the bottom line of our army.

On June 15, Indian troops were stationed on the banks of the Shyok River and set up barracks.

Immediately afterwards, the Indian army erected a high bridge over the Shyok River.

Across the Shyok River, into the continental realm.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

In the face of this sudden situation, the head of our army, Qi Fabao, did not hesitate to lead more than a dozen brave soldiers to the Indian army garrison for negotiations.

However, what they did not expect was that the Indian army would respond on such a large scale.

In the course of the negotiations,

In that tense moment.

Although our army is inferior in numbers, it relies on a deep understanding of the terrain and skillful use.

Successfully held the narrow part of the lower reaches of the Galwan River and the mountain wall.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

This geographical advantage allowed our troops to lay out a formation in the narrow passage, forming an impenetrable line of defense.

Captain Qi Fabao stood at the forefront without hesitation.

What they held in their hands was a stick stab that was longer and more powerful than the Indian army's steel pipe.

In the duel of cold weapons, the advantage of length often determines the victory or defeat of the battle.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

On the side of our army, four heroic PLA officers and soldiers died heroically in this conflict.

Their names are Chen Hongjun, Chen Xiangrong, Xiao Siyuan, and Wang Zhuoran.

The regiment commander, Qi Fabao, served as the commander in the conflict.

He was also seriously injured in the clashes, and the news is heartbreaking.

This conflict, although short-lived, has far-reaching consequences.

It has made us more aware of the preciousness of peace and the cruelty of war.

Every conflict is an injury to civilization, and every sacrifice is a ruthless deprivation of life.

This is not the first time that India has violated the Peace Pact in the continental border area.

There have been many confrontations in the Pangong Lake area, another important border fortress.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

India's reversal is world-famous.

Regarding this, Xiaomi, which has invested billions of dollars, may have a deep understanding.

After all, India, even the United States, a world power, can pit.

Sighing again, I hope that the two astronauts will return home smoothly, as for when, it is unknown.

At that time, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who had just been re-elected.

In order to divert domestic contradictions, they deliberately attacked the mainland.

And the one that can provoke the most trouble and heat is the Galwan Valley.

The conflict quickly helped the Modi government divert the perspective of internal contradictions.

But it was also this conflict that made the Modi government deeply experienced.

The strength of the mainland is not like theirs, it is blown out.

Why, China must hold the Galwan Valley?

The mainland fighters have never been afraid, but we have always maintained a belief that every inch of mine cannot be missing, and if it is not mine, we will not want an inch.

I have time to take care of my more than 30 million gods and Buddhas, and the water of the Ganges River smells worse than the stinky ditch.

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