
It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

author:Jiang said bluntly
It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

Xiao Zhang's mother had been dizzy for several days, but there were no other uncomfortable symptoms other than a headache.

Until one day, Xiao Zhang's mother swiped the previous news on the Internet, saying that a tourist returning from abroad was tested for excessive nuclear radiation.

The items on the tourist's body were searched, and it turned out to be a health stone containing a large amount of nuclear radiation.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

Seeing this, she was stunned, and carefully compared the health care stone bracelet on her hand with the stone on TV, and found that it was very similar.

Half a month after throwing away the health care stone, she had an inexplicable headache, so she began to clean up the so-called health care products at home.

Later, Xiao Zhang's mother was not worried and went to the hospital for an examination, but there was nothing abnormal in the examination. After consulting a doctor, I learned that there are some things that are equivalent to nearly 100 chest X-rays a day, and there are five things that should not be worn, what is it?

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

1. A scam approaching the 100 billion market

Stones that contain nuclear radiation are the so-called health stones, and unscrupulous traders claim that such stones have a variety of energies that are beneficial to the body, and are more effective if worn for a long time.

In recent years, the national customs has repeatedly intercepted such so-called energy stones.

This is a scam approaching a 100 billion market, packaging a so-called stone into a health care stone containing a lot of energy, and the price has changed from a worthless stone to a curative medicine of thousands or even tens of thousands.

It is the use of the concept of health care that has multiplied profits hundreds or thousands of times.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

These health stones are usually of unknown origin and are sold without any information, but they can be packaged as energy substances using physical knowledge.

In fact, the so-called energy is the strong radiation contained in the stone.

Generally, the stone is packaged into pendants, belts, bracelets and other shapes with beautiful meanings, and various words are packaged into mysterious items that affect the judgment of buyers.

But these kinds of things contain radioactive materials, such as barium metal, thorium metal, radium metal, and so on.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

These radioactive materials have been classified as carcinogenic by WHO, and some are Group 1 carcinogens.

Even so, the unscrupulous merchants are still surviving in the market, and the title of health care stone can no longer be sold, so they claim that it is a feng shui stone to keep peace.

Use words such as the Five Elements, Feng Shui, and Proton to adapt it into something lofty.

Many people who believe in Feng Shui will buy it or even wear it on their body as if it were a treasure, which is completely spending money to buy sin.

There have been many cases where irradiant stones can cause serious harm to the body.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

2. Spending money to buy sin

According to the news in 2020, Dalian Airport found a stone with nuclear radiation during a tourist on a flight from Japan, and under the detection of professional instruments, the radiation of this stone has reached 115 microsieverts per hour.

You must know that the radiation in the environment is only 0.2 microsieverts per hour, which is hundreds of times more than the environment.

Chest x-rays are known to have radiation, and doctors have strictly ordered others to stay away from machinery and radiation areas.

With such fanfare, radiation is harmful, and taking a chest X-ray is 20 microsieverts, which has already caused harm to the body.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

However, the energy stone bracelet already has 115 microsieverts, and if the bracelet is worn for a whole day, it is equivalent to the human body absorbing 2760 microsieverts.

This means that wearing this bracelet is equivalent to taking 138 chest X-rays a day.

The most terrifying thing is that this stone also has a radiation range, and the radiation radius is about half a meter.

If someone is within this range, they will be affected by radiation and attack indiscriminately. One person wears a radiation bracelet, and the family suffers and is forced to be exposed to radiation.

The experienced staff immediately looked at the tourist's face and found that he was pale and had no energy to speak of.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

And the tourist also said that since bringing the radiant stone, he has either dizziness or nosebleeds.

If there is such a phenomenon, it is likely that it has seriously endangered the health of the body, and even has an impact on the organs.

Realizing this, the tourists packed up and went to the hospital for medical observation and began a three-month observation treatment.

At first, the tourists didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just a stone bought in Japan.

It wasn't until I saw the customs staff nervously bringing a professional lead box to store the radiant stone that I realized that all this was true.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

Three, throw it away

According to experts, there are not a few radiant stones on the market, and most people believe that they can change their own energy, but in fact they can cause damage to body cells.

The only thing that is useful to the human body is the radiation used in medicine, which uses the high energy of radiation to destroy the originally harmful cells.

If someone says that if someone buys a random stone to become healthy or even change their life against the sky, then throw him away quickly, after all, Qin Shi Huang has not found a way to live forever.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

The average human body can only withstand 1,000 microsieverts of radiation in a year, and in a short period of time, the body can withstand more than 100 microsieverts. The radiation then enters the body to compete with healthy organs.

In a short period of time, the radiation dose of 100 to 500 microsieverts will cause a large decrease in white blood cells in the blood, 500 to 2000 microsieverts will damage the hair follicles of the body, vomiting and fatigue, etc., if it is higher, there is a high probability of cell cancer.

Again, take the example of a tourist's gemstone, which produces 115 microsieverts per hour. Wearing it for more than 5 hours can cause headaches, and there is a high risk of nosebleeds after 20 hours.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

For such a high amount of radiation, you should stop wearing it as soon as you notice it, and alleviate the adverse symptoms of the body.

Fourth, the other five have to be thrown as well

In addition to the stones that produce radiation, there are also five pieces of jewelry that should be avoided as much as possible. Because these accessories will have more or less bad effects on the body.

1. Inferior bracelets

It is also a common cheap jewelry on the market, and the low cost determines the inferior quality of its materials.

According to statistics, most plastic bracelets are made of polyvinyl chloride, which will release harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures.

However, high temperatures are everywhere in life, heating elements, hot tea, hot rice, high-temperature water vapor and so on.

As long as the plastic bracelet comes into contact with it, it will produce toxic gases, which will release it into the air and pollute this piece of air. Breathing in this area naturally inhales toxic gases into the body.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

2. Jewelry of various alloys

There are many kinds of imitation gold and silver jewelry circulating on the market, and the cost is very cheap, and it is often bought by many people to play.

However, most of these simulated jewelry are made of alloys, and they are also plated for good looks.

But most of these alloys are cheap alloys such as lead and zinc, and heavy metals are added to them.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

3. Hen bead jewelry

Some merchants will sell a bracelet called acacia beans, but the strings are not red beans, but very toxic chicken beads.

Chicken beads contain a toxic protein, if the human body is stained with a little bit, it will cause poisoning, which is very life-threatening.

And the toxin protein can lead to fatal consequences when it reaches 3 micrograms in the human body.

Although intact hen beads are harmless, they are inevitably bumped and bumped in life, and once the beads are destroyed, it will be harmful to health.

If you have it at home, try to dispose of it so that children don't come into contact with it or eat it by mistake.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

4. Unnatural dyed agate

In order to reduce costs, many merchants will buy cheap and inferior agate, which is generally off-white and has no appearance at all. Then, through various dyeing, the off-white agate is changed into brightly colored agate jewelry to attract customers' eyes and increase the sales rate.

However, there are good and bad dyes, if you use a good dye will not be harmful to the body, if you use a bad dye will contain a variety of toxic substances. The most common are heavy metals and toxic chemicals.

Long-term wear can cause these substances to be absorbed by the body, which in turn can cause harm to the body.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

5. Walnut bracelets

Walnut play is the choice of many people, and it is half of the cultural and entertainment industry, from the elderly to the young people who have just come out of society.

But walnuts are plants after all, if you don't have enough experience to maintain walnuts, then the walnuts in your hand are a petri dish for bacteria, and holding them in your hand is equivalent to playing with bacteria.

Among them, walnuts produce the most bacteria and the most harmful is Aspergillus flavus, which will be produced as long as the plant mutates.

In addition, Aspergillus flavus is easy to spread in the air, and picking up a walnut that has not been well preserved and putting it on the nose to smell it will inhale a large amount of Aspergillus flavus, which is harmful to the body.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

5. Radiation in life

Although radiation is very harmful to the body, and the radiation dose of radiatite is very large, the radiation dose in the sparse days is negligible to the body.

The amount of radiation in the natural world is as low as 0.13 microsieverts, which does not cause harm to the body at all.

When using various electronic devices, the electromagnetic radiation produced is also insignificant.

It is not like the public often says, playing with mobile phones and computers, using microwave ovens, etc. will have an impact on the body. In fact, the effects of these anthropogenic radiation on the body are also very small.

For ordinary people, the so-called radiation damage to the body is only produced under certain circumstances, such as a small amount of hospital films, but this still does not threaten physical health.

In addition, the hospital also provides wearable devices that can effectively block radiation from entering the body.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

Even for workers who are regularly exposed to radiation, as long as they are protected, the radiation will stay away from the body.

In addition, radiation workers have more equipment and small methods to deal with radiation, and will also do regular checks to check the radiation level in the body, so they will be more careful to ensure good health.

Nowadays, the most powerful radiation that normal people can be exposed to is ultraviolet rays from the sun, but the public has become aware of sun protection.

Even if it receives radiation from ultraviolet rays, it is not very harmful to the body, far less harmful than power stones.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?


The so-called "power stones" are nothing more than the synthesis of various radioactive substances, which are combined with metaphysics by merchants in order to make black money, so as to deceive consumers.

As long as you are careful, you can easily identify the scam of these power stones.

Radiation is very harmful and even has the ability to change the deterioration of healthy cells, but the public should not be too alarmed. After all, radiation in life is insignificant and has almost no effect on the body.

For friends who have purchased radioactive materials, they should stop the harm of radiation to their bodies as soon as possible and do a check-up to ensure their health.

It is recommended to stop wearing this thing, the radiation is super strong, and wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays?

Source: 2023-10-30——The amount of radiation of this "stone" in a day is equivalent to nearly 100 chest X-rays! Don't take it home!

CCTV News Client 2020-01-05——The woman wears a "power stone" The radiation dose is equivalent to nearly 100 chest X-rays a day

DrX's Medical Jianghu 2023-11-22——Stop wearing this thing immediately, wearing it a day is equivalent to doing nearly 100 chest X-rays