
James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

author:Wisboo knows the ball


Paul will play for three different teams, the Suns, Warriors and Spurs, over the course of three years. Paul's salary for next season is $30 million, but it's not guaranteed. 保罗在2023年6月份通过交易加盟勇士,目前‬保罗与马刺签下一份1年1100万的合同。 好消息‬是文班亚‬马‬的‬天赋‬无疑是‬历史‬级别‬的,有了‬保罗,文班‬‬很有可能‬大幅度‬提升‬,能‬得到‬更好‬的培养‬。 坏消息‬是保罗‬职业‬生涯基本‬无缘‬总冠军‬。

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

记得‬保罗‬当时加入青年雷霆,大家‬都觉得是摆烂去了,没想到进了季后赛,即带了亚历山大‬又有了战绩。 次年被交易到太阳,太阳‬一路杀进总决赛,而且‬保罗对球队的影响力不只是球场上! He can bring a lot of discipline to the team, and Spurs earn it! Of course, Popovich contributed a lot to the introduction of Paul!

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

The Clippers Big 4 are officially dissolved

‬哈登续约快船! Joe and Wei leave the team!

George signed with 76ers with a maximum salary of 212 million in four years. George's departure has long been in the information, and in an interview, George publicly bombarded management, believing that the Clippers management may have made the wrong decision to trade Harden this season. 对管理层不满,当然导火索还是因为自己的续约问题,所以目前来看离队基本‬已成‬定局‬,保罗乔治大致 ‬意思‬就是,

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

并且‬保罗乔治‬来到‬快船‬5年‬,对‬伦纳德4次季后赛报销‬非常‬失望‬,他们‬常规赛的合作战绩为124胜57负,胜率68.5%。 但‬季后赛‬,二人仅打26场。

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛


2020: The 3-1 lead in the second round was reversed by the Nuggets


2022: Eliminated by the Pelicans in the play-offs

2023: Eliminated by the Suns 1-4 in the first round

2024: Eliminated by the Mavericks 2-4 in the first round

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

Wei Shao joins the Nuggets! The gas in the tank may have bottomed out, and this year is likely to be Willbrook's last season in the league, the latest news: Jokic has actually been pushing behind the scenes to bring Westbrook to Denver, and he wants to play with him. 而且‬这不是约基奇‬第一次想和威少‬一起打球。 并且‬目前快船正在探索交易威少的方案,就算不是被直接交易去掘金,但大概率他最终还是会在掘金落脚

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

Harden renews his contract with the Clippers for 2 years and 7000w. 鲍尔默认为伦纳德‬、哈登为核心的这套阵容完全是争冠级别球队! And Harden's performance in this year's playoffs is very good, Harden played an average of 40.3 minutes per game in this round of the series, averaging 21.2 points and 8 assists per game, and his average playing time, points, and assists per game are the highest on the Clippers team. 并且‬根据数据统计,哈登季后赛命中率44.9%为生涯第四高! The three-point shooting rate of 38.3% is the second highest in the playoffs in his career! 此外‬,快船对‬锋线‬进行‬补强‬,‬3年‬3000万‬签约‬小‬琼斯‬,2年‬960万‬签‬回‬巴图姆‬,2年‬底薪‬签约‬小‬波特‬!

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛


When Klay rejected the Warriors' offer of $45 million over two years, the Warriors were ready to let Klay go. This past season, Klay played in 77 regular season games for the Warriors, averaging 17.9 points, 3.3 rebounds and 2.3 assists per game, shooting only 43.2% from the field, and almost all of them set his worst record in the past decade. 附加赛那场10中0,都‬认为‬克莱打没了自己的身价。

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

但‬湖人愿意为克莱-汤普森提供一份四年8000万美元的合同。 而‬克莱‬选择‬与‬独行侠‬签约‬一份‬3年5000万美元的合同,给出‬不加盟‬湖人的原因‬:值得‬一提‬的‬是‬:克莱场均17.9分3.3篮板,投篮命中率43.2%。

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

Lao Zhan cut his salary, and the Lakers ushered in a big change!

This year, the Lakers are eighth in the West with a 47-35 record and entered the playoffs by beating the Pelicans in the playoffs. Unfortunately, the first round was again against the defending champion Nuggets, and it ended in a sloppy 1-4...... Although James averaged 27.8 points, 6.8 rebounds, 8.8 assists and 2.4 steals per game, shooting 56.6% from the field, 38.5% from three-point range, and 63.7% from the field. Davis averaged 27.8 points, 15.6 rebounds, 4 assists and 1.6 blocks per game while shooting 63.4% from the field and 66.5% from the field. 但‬这支湖人队始终让人看不到任何希望,新赛季管理层终于下本,湖人即将迎来一波换血!

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

James took a pay cut of about $16 million. 前提‬是必须是一名能够带来实质性提升的球员,一名球星级别的球员。 并且‬点名‬哈登‬、克莱‬。 此外‬湖人‬还‬有意‬勇士‬保罗‬、鹈鹕‬瓦兰‬。 这次‬湖人‬明显‬想要‬大换血‬,老詹都愿意降薪再冲击总冠军,佩林卡再不出手确实有点说不过去…… Currently, Russell, Hachimura, Vincent, and Vanderbilt are currently in trade talks. 但‬糟糕‬的是,湖人‬开出‬丰厚‬的筹码‬,哈登‬、保罗‬、克莱‬、瓦兰‬等等‬一众‬球星‬都‬不愿‬加盟‬湖人‬,目前‬湖人‬正与‬德罗赞‬进行‬商讨‬!

James was completely panicked! 保罗终身‬无冠,哈登7000w留队,克莱加盟小牛

湖人‬真是‬尴尬‬啊‬,谁都‬不愿意‬来‬,而且‬湖人‬经理‬佩琳卡是真的‬离谱,4年‬3200万‬续约‬克里斯蒂,他‬只是‬是22年35号新秀,却是大合同续约第一人。 他还没证明自己有能力进轮换阵容,却拿着‬800万均薪。 克里斯蒂‬除了‬长‬像‬科比‬,好像‬没有‬太多‬优势‬。 4年3200元续约分别是:717+774+836+900,明年薪资将在22年所有新秀里排第六,高过马瑟林、夏普、杰伦威廉姆斯等一众准全明星级别‬球员‬!