
Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

author:Teacher Weng gossiped

Photo/Teacher Weng gossip

Editor/Teacher Weng gossip

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease


Liu Lili has two marriages and a daughter, and as a mother, she shows a tenacious side. As an actress, she is filled with boundless love for her career. Today, Liu Lili, who is 65 years old, has a successful career and can enjoy her old age in peace. However, it is her daughter who worries her the most, and today we will talk about her story.

From a dancer to a drama actor

In March 1956, Beijing ushered in Liu Lili, a future dance master. Her mother is a veteran of the Chinese dance industry, and her father is the backbone of the Railway Art Troupe. The artistic cell has been with her since she was a child, but the dance art is hidden deep in her heart.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

Although she was born with a talent for dancing, she was unusually shy in front of people and did not dare to show her talent. Even her mother later discovered that her daughter was good at dancing. In order to overcome this "shyness of seeing people", Liu Lili's mother came up with a solution: let her take the bus to school alone, hoping to improve her courage by socializing more. However, time slowly changed everything, and Liu Lili's courage grew.

Liu Lili's love for dance may be innate, and coupled with the artistic atmosphere of her family environment, she is inevitably attracted to dance. However, it was not easy to make a living from dancing in those days, and many people went to the countryside or went to the mountains. After graduating from high school in 1975, she directly joined the 66th Army Art Troupe and became a dancer.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

Liu Lili has always dreamed of achieving success in the field of dance, but a sudden accident changed the trajectory of her life. It was a difficult dance rehearsal, and she was so engrossed in it that she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her knee, as if a sharp blade had pierced it, and then she saw blood flowing. After an emergency diagnosis by a doctor, it was confirmed that she had a permanent torn ligament.

For a professional dancer, this is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue. Liu Lili's inner persistence and unwillingness made it difficult for her to accept this reality, she watched her companions shine on the stage, while she was trapped behind the scenes, unable to appear on her beloved stage again. In desperation, she followed her teacher's advice.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

applied for the Central Academy of Drama and changed careers to become a drama actor. The nervousness and rustiness of the interview were unavoidable, but her talent eventually won the approval of the examiners, giving her the opportunity to change her career path. Although Liu Lili said goodbye to the stage she loved, she was determined to work harder in her future career, and she was full of expectations and yearning for the future.

A bumpy emotional experience

When Liu Lili started her acting career, although she often appeared in front of the audience, her career did not develop as expected. It wasn't until after the filming of "The Fence Woman and the Dog" started that she was finally recognized for playing the role of "Qiaogu". With the growth of fame, the number of suitors around Liu Lili has gradually increased. However, before that, she had a marriage. There wasn't that much romance in this marriage.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

Both parents agreed, and there were not many objections to each other, so they got married. After marriage, Liu Lili's career is on the rise, and she often needs to travel around the country because of work. However, after a long absence, this separated life began to leave a rift between the two.

In the end, they broke up peacefully, and Liu Lili devoted herself to her career. "Little Women", "Love in Kuala Lumpur" and "Paying Debts" became her outstanding works of the period. Despite experiencing a failed relationship, Liu Lili still longs to find happiness in her marriage. Perhaps by fate, it wasn't long before she met a man who caught her heart.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

This man works in the IT industry in the United States, and he is full of praise for Liu Lili's acting work and has deep admiration for her talent and charisma. Knowing that Liu Lili was single, he resolutely launched a pursuit. This man is talented, has a successful career, and has a delicate personality, which is completely in line with Liu Lili's expectations for her partner.

In addition, Liu Lili was 34 years old at the time, and felt that the time was ripe and decided to accept his feelings. In 1993, Liu Lili remarried the man, and then she quit the Kongzheng Drama Troupe and moved to the United States with her husband. In 1994, Liu Lili gave birth to her daughter Julia in the United States. Although many directors contacted her to appear in film and television dramas, she refused because she was taking care of her young daughter. In the next four years, Liu Lili fully devoted herself to the role of a full-time mother and did not take on any drama productions.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

In 1997, when her daughter was three years old, Liu Lili had the idea of returning to the entertainment industry. With the support of their husbands, they decided to return to China together. Ms. Liu's husband set up a technology computer company in Beijing and ventured into real estate. In the busiest year, Liu Lili took over nine film and television dramas, and the time to reunite with her family was less than a month. As she grew older, she began to play more roles as mothers-in-law and became one of the representatives of "professional mothers".

Now her daughter is proud and sick

In the 2010 suspense drama "Deep in a Hundred Flowers", she portrayed the protagonist of a mansion, which contrasted with her usual suave image and showed her multi-faceted talent as an actress. Liu Lili is both a mother and a daughter. She bought a property in Beijing many years ago, brought her parents and daughter with her, and took care of them herself. She took extra care of her elderly parents and went out of her way to take care of them. The parenting style of the daughter is more open, allowing her to develop independently.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

Her daughter was eventually admitted to Brown University in the United States, where she became one of her pride. Liu Lili is also a strong woman in the entertainment industry, showing her career achievements and the balance of family responsibilities. Now, she has reached the age of understanding the true meaning of life. Like most parents, she cares about her daughter's life.

She is now 65 years old, but under the love of her husband, she is still radiant and happy. Many actors struggle to balance career and family after getting married, but she seems to avoid this problem. Back then, many people didn't understand why she chose her family at the peak of her career. It now seems that she made a wise choice, and she made the best choice at the right time.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

She was able to give up her brilliant career for the sake of her family, and she was able to find the right time to return to her passion. She does not deliberately pursue the glory of the past, but calmly accepts the traces of time and is willing to play those mother roles. Her calmness and tenacity have made her leave her own unique mark in the entertainment industry. Now, her only concern is her older daughter, who wants her to start a family sooner rather than later, despite her excellent qualities.


Liu Lili, a well-known actor who has experienced a second marriage, chose to marry a rich man, which has aroused widespread public attention. At the age of 65 in her life, she inevitably fell into the turmoil of the world in the face of all kinds of discussions and eyes from the outside world. However, her daughter became the pride of her life and a sick stone in her heart.

Liu Lili: Married to a rich man for the second time, she became a professional mother in her later years, and her daughter is her pride and heart disease

In the process, her daughter became a bright spot in her life. As a mother, Liu Lili knows that her daughter is not only her pride, but also a sick stone in her heart. The emotional interweaving between mother and daughter makes her still maintain a firm heart in the turmoil. Therefore, Liu Lili's story is not only an actor's second marriage legend, but also a microcosm of a woman's constant search for balance and truth in life.

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