
Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

author:Kangtu Sports
Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

The Chinese women's basketball team began a multi-week training session in Europe on June 17, during which they competed against four strong teams: Turkey, Spain, Belgium and Serbia. Although the record is only one win and three losses, each game is a vivid experiment in competitive form and tactical drills.

In this pull, the performance of several players was particularly eye-catching. After Wang Siyu's return to Han Xu, her defensive efficiency has improved significantly and she has become an important pillar of the team's defense. Netizens have been discussing the change on social media.

"Wang Siyu's performance this time is really stable, I feel like she is blocking the opponent's attack like a wall!" Netizen "Basketball Fan 233" wrote on the forum, "Her reaction speed and marking ability have improved a lot, and she doesn't give the other party a chance to breathe at all." ”

At the same time, Han Xu's comeback has also become a hot topic. Although she is still a little lacking on the defensive end, her offensive ability is a great weapon for the team. "Seeing Han Xu's performance, I feel that there is a real threat to our interior attack." Netizen "Basketball Maniac 88" commented, "Her height and feel are indeed valuable resources for our team. ”

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

The comments of these netizens reflect the fans' appreciation and expectations for Wang Siyu and Han Xu's performance on the field. They hope that this good form can continue to the next games, especially in the Olympic Games, which can bring more victories to the Chinese women's basketball team.

In addition to Wang Siyu and Han Xu, the performance of other players also has their own highlights. Sun Mengran won a lot of applause for his high-intensity defense and all-round offensive ability. "Sun Mengran is really in full play this time, and she has a strong sense of presence on the field!" Netizen "Basketball Hero 99" commented, "Whether it is defensive or offensive, she can cause trouble for opponents. ”

"Sun Mengran's defense is really too stable! She is able to effectively limit her opponent's ability to score. Netizen "Basketball Fanatic 123" commented on social media, "Her shot choices are also very smart, and hopefully she can continue to do so in future games." ”

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

"Yang Liwei's performance this time is very good! Her passing and shooting are accurate and she is a great weapon for the team. Netizen "Basketball Master 888" left a message in the discussion forum, "Her basketball intelligence and ability to control the game are impressive. ”

As a substitute, Luo Xinyu showed excellent balance on both the offensive and defensive ends, showing her reliability on the court.

"Luo Xinyu's performance is really good, she can give the team energy in time when she comes off the bench." Netizen "Basketball Talent 007" commented, "Whether it is defense or offense, she can contribute, which is very important for the team." ”

Huang Sijing still showed her rebounding and three-point shooting ability after returning from injury, which brought a lot of advantages to the team.

"Huang Sijing's three-point shot is really stable! She has a high hit percentage and opponents simply can't defend. Netizen "Basketball lover 999" shared his views on Weibo, "Her rebounding ability is also excellent, contributing to the team's interior stability. ”

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

In this training, there were indeed a few players who were a little disappointed. Yang's instability shows the technical and psychological fluctuations that are common in young players.

"Yang Shuyu's performance this time has been a bit up and down, and she needs more game experience to improve her consistency." Basketball viewer "Basketball Fan 567" on social platforms commented, "But her potential is undoubtedly great, and I hope she can find her rhythm in future games." ”

Pan Zhenqi still needs to improve in defense and attack, and she is struggling against the big European teams.

"Pan Zhenqi needs to be more active on the defensive end and not give the opponent too many offensive opportunities." Netizen "Basketball Spectator 999" expressed his opinion, "Her offense still needs more training and self-confidence." ”

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

Li Yuan's performance in breaking and attacking under the basket has declined, and she has not been able to score as easily as she has in domestic competitions.

"Li Yuan's breakthrough ability looks to be somewhat limited, and she needs to make adjustments in terms of quick decision-making and attacking tempo." Basketball enthusiast "Basketball Fan 123" left a message on the forum, "I hope she can adapt to the competitive pressure of the international arena as soon as possible." ”

Zhang Ru's performance on both the defensive and offensive sides has declined, and her impact in the game does not seem to be as prominent as before.

"Zhang Ru's defensive reaction was a bit sluggish, and she didn't play positively enough in this game." Netizen "Basketball Observer 456" analyzed, "I hope she can recover through more training." ”

Tang Ziting, Tang Yu, Wu Tongtong and Jin Weina withdrew from the national team list due to poor performance, which reflects the fierce competition in the selection criteria of the national team and the requirements for improving the overall strength.

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

After the Chinese women's basketball team training in Europe, Tang Ziting, Tang Yu, Wu Tongtong and Jin Weina withdrew from the national team list due to poor performance, which caused widespread discussion and repercussions in the basketball circle. Netizens have different opinions on the matter, from doubts about the team's selection criteria to expectations for the future.

On social platforms, "Basketball Fan 567" expressed his opinion: "The departure of Tang Ziting and Tang Yu is a bit unexpected, I think they still have a lot of potential on the court." Perhaps they need more time and opportunities to prove themselves. The remarks struck a chord with many fans, who believed that the two players had performed well in domestic competitions, and that they could have failed to perform well in European training due to tactical or form issues.

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

On the other hand, "Basketball Maniac 88" is more optimistic: "Although Wu Tongtong and Jin Weina have withdrawn from the list, this is also a reflection of the national team's selection criteria. After all, our women's basketball team is constantly improving, and every player has to go through a rigorous selection process. Hopefully they can continue to work hard and be ready for future competitions. These remarks reflect the understanding and support for the national team selection system, and believe that the fierce competition in the selection is an inevitable process to improve the overall strength.

"Basketball Talent 007" put forward some opinions on Jin Weina's performance: "Jin Weina's stability on the court is indeed poor, and her offensive and defensive abilities are a little lacking in European games. She may need to gain more experience in the domestic league to improve her ability to cope with high-level competitions. "This analysis demonstrates an in-depth look at the skills and adaptability of individual players, pointing to the challenges and possible directions for improvement on the international stage.

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

At the same time, "Basketball Observer 456" raised its own questions about Wu Tongtong's withdrawal: "Wu Tongtong has performed well in the domestic arena, but he is unable to face the top opponents in Europe. Perhaps she needs more tweaking and training in her offensive rhythm and defensive strategy. This view reflects the discussion of Wu's potential and future direction, as well as her expectations and suggestions for her performance in the international arena.

This European training provided valuable competitive experience and tactical training opportunities for the Chinese women's basketball team. In the confrontation with the world's top teams, the players not only showed their individual strength and potential, but also provided an important reference and adjustment direction for future competitions and Olympic preparations. Teams need to further optimize their defensive and offensive coordination, improving their overall game rhythm and reflexes in order to achieve even better results in the coming season.

Chinese women's basketball European training summary! Han Xu is not the best, and the four generals are about to be out!

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