
Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

author:Recipes to relieve worries

Summer, this season is full of enthusiasm and vitality, it is the golden period for body care, especially for male friends, it is an ideal "golden period for kidney nourishment". In TCM theory, the kidney is regarded as the body's "reservoir of vitality", which is not only related to the health of the reproductive system, but also affects the vitality and endurance of the entire body. If men have poor kidney function, the consequences are not only as simple as feeling a decrease in physical strength, but also may be accompanied by a series of problems such as decreased sexual function, lack of energy, and decreased sleep quality. In the long term, these problems can have a serious impact on quality of life, even interpersonal and professional performance.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

However, when many people think of kidney nourishment, the first thing that comes to mind is expensive supplements and health supplements. While these products do help, don't forget that the more natural and economical way to nourish your kidneys is to take care of your body through your daily diet. Summer is the best time to use diet to nourish the kidneys, because at this time, the body's metabolism is vigorous and it is easier to absorb the nutrients in food.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Today, I would like to recommend four affordable and effective vegetables for you, which are all good helpers for kidney nourishment. Not only are these vegetables delicious, but they're also easy to get and can help you add kidney-nourishing elements to your daily diet. Each vegetable is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which can not only help you cool off the heat in the summer, but also effectively nourish and improve your kidney function.

1. Leeks (minced meat, leeks, tofu)

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Leeks are not only a good choice to add a little greenery to dishes, but their nutritional value should not be underestimated. This vegetable is rich in vitamin C, potassium, iron, as well as dietary fiber, especially its unique sulfide, which helps to improve the body's ability to fight diseases. Leeks are also considered to be foods that enhance sexual and kidney function as it helps to boost sperm quality and motility in the body, which is especially beneficial for men's health.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Eating leeks in summer, especially in this golden season to nourish the kidneys, can help strengthen the body and improve the body's ability to resist fatigue. Imagine a plate of garlic leeks or scrambled eggs with leeks on a hot summer day, which can not only enjoy the joy of food, but also bring full vitality and protection to your body, which is indeed a double win.

2. Oysters (oysters fried egg)

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Oysters, the "zinc" treasure of the sea, are known as natural aphrodisiacs. It is rich in zinc, a mineral that is essential for maintaining normal levels of male hormones. In addition, oysters are also rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can effectively improve the function of the immune system and help the body fight diseases.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Summer is one of the best times to enjoy oysters as they are fuller and tastier. Whether it's grilled oysters or steamed oysters with garlic, it's an unforgettable experience. Eating oysters regularly will not only nourish your body, but also keep you energized this summer to face every challenge in life.

3. Lamb (fried lamb with green onions)

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

When it comes to nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the yang, how can there be no strong player such as mutton? Lamb is rich in protein, B vitamins and minerals such as iron and zinc, which are all key factors in improving good health. In the view of traditional Chinese medicine, mutton also has the effect of warming and nourishing the body, especially suitable for people with weak constitution.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

In the hot summer months, eating mutton in moderation can boost physical strength and immunity, and help drive away the cold in the body. A bowl of hot lamb soup or a plate of spicy lamb skewers is undoubtedly a highlight on the summer table. Make lamb a regular on your summer table and add to your health regimen.

4. Fish (braised catfish)

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Fish is an ideal source of high-quality protein and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health. In addition, fish meat is also rich in vitamin D and selenium, which are important elements to protect cells from oxidative damage and improve immunity.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Eating fish regularly in summer can help reduce fatigue and enhance memory and concentration. Whether it's steamed fish, grilled fish or fish soup, it's a delicious and healthy choice. Especially in this kidney-nourishing season, increasing the intake of fish and meat appropriately can not only meet the daily nutritional needs, but also make you more energetic.

Summer is the "golden period for kidney nourishment", and men should often eat these 4 kinds of vegetables to strengthen the spleen and kidneys, and be energetic

Each of these four cuisines has its own unique nutritional value and health benefits. In summer, let's use these ingredients to fully nourish the kidneys and spleen, so that every day is full of vitality!

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