
Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

author:Hedong, Tianjin

In order to carry forward the great spirit of party building, review the glorious history of the party, further stimulate the vitality of grassroots party organizations, and enhance the sense of glory and mission of the majority of party members, all departments in Hedong District actively carried out a series of activities to celebrate the "July 1st" and celebrated the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with full enthusiasm.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The Hedong Branch of the Public Security Bureau held a commendation meeting for "the party will always follow the party in my heart" to celebrate July 1st and "two excellent and one first". At the meeting, outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced party organizations were commended, and the good spiritual outlook of the Hedong public security team was vividly demonstrated in the form of scene telling, deeds telling, recitation, and songs.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The District State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission organized party members and cadres of the district state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises system to come to Shijia Compound to carry out the party day activities with the theme of "welcoming July 1st, strengthening party spirit and practicing the original intention", and reviewed the party's struggle and glorious history by taking an oath under the party flag and visiting the clean government warning education exhibition, so as to jointly celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and express unlimited loyalty and love for the party.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Committee and the District Veterans Affairs Bureau organized party members to visit the "Military Glory" red exhibition hall of the Hedong District Veterans Affairs Bureau. Party members looked at the photos, drew the power of example from the vivid stories, and intuitively felt the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary ancestors.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The Party School of the District Party Committee, the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the District Justice Bureau issued political birthday cards to all party members respectively, and by reviewing the oath of joining the party and celebrating the collective "political birthday", they looked back at the way they came, revisited the oath, and started a new journey. Everyone said that the small card carries a special meaning, which not only strengthens the identity of political identity, but also inspires every party member to practice the original mission with practical actions.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The District Government Affairs Service Office organized party members to go to the Zhongshanmen Workers' New Village Museum and the Lushandao Street Integrity Culture Exhibition Hall to carry out the party day activities with the theme of "Welcoming July 1st, Remembering the Original Heart, and Strengthening Party Spirit". After the visit and study, everyone said that as party members and cadres in the window service department, they should further build a strong ideological defense line against corruption and degeneration, keep a clear head at all times, strictly abide by the party constitution and party discipline, adhere to the party spirit, inherit the red gene, earnestly perform their duties and missions, and wholeheartedly solve problems and do practical things for the masses of enterprises.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The Hedong District Health Commission held a grand commendation meeting to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the "July 1st" art show. With the theme of "Party Building Pilots the Sail and Forge Ahead to Start a New Journey", the party members, cadres and workers of the health system eulogized the glorious history and great achievements of the party through a variety of performances, showing their love and loyalty to the party.

Present the glorious years and celebrate the party's birthday

The Youth League District Committee organized and carried out the party day activity with the theme of "Forge ahead with the party on a new journey and make contributions to the youth in a new era". The youth representatives visited the three exhibition areas of the Party Building Training Center of the State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Party School: the History Hall, the Police Inspection Hall, and the Integrity Advocate Hall. Through vivid explanations and interactive experiences, everyone further understood the glorious history and great struggle of the Communist Party of China.

Source: Jinyun Hedong WeChat public account